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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

The starline cruise (3)

"You're not going to answer me, that's fine..."

Li Bingbing just sat on the bed, staring at Liu Rouxi till she cracked.

"Oh why did he have to kiss me..."

Li Bingbing's eyes twitched, because he was dared, he wouldn't kiss you if he wasn't dared or would he, she thought to herself..

"Because he was dared...."

Liu Rouxi threw the book away, as she slumped on the bed, she hadn't kissed anyone..since her last break up five years ago.

Li Bingbing knew that, and she did not blame her for reacting the way she did, she knew how much Liu Rouxi loved him and how much it hurt her to see him leave her.

"The kiss doesn't mean anything unless you want it too..."

Liu Rouxi shook her head, she didn't feel anything, except today she finally realized that she had forgotten the feeling of being kissed.

"I didn't feel anything, I only realized that I've forgotten the feeling of being loved..."

Liu Rouxi turned her face to the left, staring at whatever her eyes fell on, should she get a boyfriend just for the sake of it, but she wasn't feeling it, she just didn't feel like getting into a relationship with anyone right now.

"Xiao Xi...don't bother yourself about this...in fact Wumian was talking about a tour let's go outside and meet them..."

Liu Rouxi nodded she didn't want to stay here sulking like everyone was out there sulking.

Meanwhile...Su liangxiao kept smiling as he looked at Ru Renshu dauntingly, he found this funny, Ru Renshu thinking of how to ask a girl on a date but who could blame him the girls came to him previously now he was the one going to meet her.

"Just tell her, aren't you going to tell her..."

Su liangxiao sighed impatiently,he had been standing here for almost half a minute when he should be on his date with Hua Wumian.

Ru Renshu sighed and finally knocked the door, Zhang Ziyi who was also planning on coming out opened the door to see Ru Renshu.

"Can I help you...."

Zhang Ziyi asked calmly, Ru Renshu was much taller than her so she had to strain her neck a bit to meet his hairs.

"I was wondering if you'd want to follow me on a tour around the ship..."

Ru Renshu said carefully maybe he'd use this opportunity to tell her, that he's the reason why she's on this ship.

"Like a date....."

Su liangxiao chuckled, he found their conversations like a waste of time, left for him, he would have told you how he felt sooner and not waste time dillydallying.

"That's if you consider it as one..."

Su liangxiao laughed silently, "That's if you consider it as one.." he mimicked, wasn't he the one who thought of it as a date. This friend was of his getting dumber by the minute.

"Okay...let me grab my purse..."

Ru Renshu smiled and nodded, seeing Zhang Ziyi retrieve her purse, and close the door softly behind her.

"Alright..let's go..."

Su liangxiao gave Ru Renshu an okay sign and left to find Hua Wumian.

He found her coming out of the room, wearing the exact clothes he was wearing but in a different format, Su Liangxiao's pants were her tops and his shirt her skirt.

"How do I look...."


Hua Wumian pursed her lips, was she chow mein how could he say she looked tantalizing.

"Do I look like chow mein in your eyes.."

"No but you're the only one who makes me full.."

Su liangxiao snaked his hands around her waists, and kissed her..she just looked so beautiful, that he didn't want anyone to see the beauty in his arms.

"You just always seem to have the right words in your mouth..."

Su liangxiao chuckled...didn't she like it, he took her hands and lead her out of the apartment.

Leaving only Mu Zhao, Li bingbing and Liu Rouxi there, who came out to meet an almost empty apartment.

"Where are the others..."

"Went on dates...."

"Then why aren't you on one..."

Mu Zhao scoffed..going on a date consist of two people, did they see anyone next to him.

"Going on a date needs a woman, did you see anyone here..."


Li Bingbing muttered as she grabbed Liu Rouxi hands, who stood there quietly.

"Xiao Xi lets go on our own tour too since there's nothing to do here..."

Liu Rouxi nodded and began following Li Bingbing towards the door, when Mu Zhao spoke up.

"What happened... earlier I really did not mean it, especially when it's your first kiss..."

Mu Zhao thought Liu Rouxi was annoyed because he had stolen her first kiss. This made Liu Rouxi frown in annoyance, he thought this was her first kiss, was she really that behind.

"This is not my first kiss..."

Mu Zhao brows furrowed what did he say, he felt she was even more annoyed than she was previously.

With that she walked out the door, Li Bingbing giving him that I don't know why she's around expression before leaving.

"I'll never understand the mood swings of a woman.."

Guys get ready, the drama will start from the next chapter...please vote, and comment your thoughts..Thank you >•<

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