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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

The starline cruise (1)

Hua Wumian stretched and began unpacking…placing their clothes in the wardrobe, she placed them one on top of the other, as she barely noticed Su liangxiao in the room.

He wrapped his hands around her waist, kissing her neck softly, his whispered.

"You're so organized… I love that about you…"

Hua Wumian rolled her eyes, how was she "so organized…" she was just unpacking their things…it couldn't stay in the suitcase right…

"Liangxiao it's ticklish…."

Hua Wumian squirmed…So liangxiao warm breath on her neck…made it itchy and hot.

"Just say you're getting aroused…and I'll gladly satisfy my little hedgehog…"

Hua Wumian pursed her lips, as she continued placing the clothes in the wardrobe, ignoring him completely, he lost her when he said little hedgehog.

"He-he…come, let's eat something…"

Before Hua Wumian could protest, Su liangxiao has already lifted her up and carried her outside the room.

They went to the living room, and saw the stack of cards and drinks on the table, seems like they were getting ready for a game.

"Mian mian do you know how to play poker…"

Hua Wumian still ignore him, first he called her a hedgehog, then he disturbed her unpacking process, now he's asking whether she knows how to play poker…poker his face there.

"I don't know how to play poker...."

She made "humphing." Sounds as she spoke, snorting loudly after.

Su liangxiao chuckled he could tell she was annoyed, he patted her back softly...drawing her into his embrace.

"Alright I'm sorry...I couldn't have disturbed your unpacking..."

Hua Wumian eyes twitched that was all, what about that stupid nickname, calling her a rat with spikes...tsk

"And calling you a hedgehog...even though I find the name quite charming.."

Hua Wumian sighed..she shouldn't be pushy, she could tell Su liangxiao liked the name and he liked calling her that, as so why he liked calling her little hedgehog she didn't know.

Hua wrapped her hands around his waist, mumbled her grievances in his chest, since he liked the name so much she would let him call her that, and not get annoyed when he did.

"I love you....."

"I love you..."

Su liangxiao bent his head, his lips capturing Hua Wumian lips gently, they barely noticed the footsteps that entered..as they kept kissing and hugging each other.

Mu Zhao pursed his lips.."no decency at all..we're they trying to feed all of them dog food.."

He looked at Ru Renshu who shook his head exaggeratedly, one should expect the unexpected from Su liangxiao.

"Geez....seriously get a room..."

Li Bingbing sighed..who knew she would walk into this scene, the moment she left her room.

Hua Wumian blushed, breaking the kiss... she had forgotten that it wasn't just them in the apartment.

Su liangxiao frowned he had forgotten they were other souls in this apartment, he cast an annoying glare at Li bingbing, who quietly walked away.

They we're here openly feeding them dog food, and they expected no one to react.

"Liangxiao let's play poker..."

Su liangxiao pursed his lips, glaring at Mu Zhao and Ru Renshu...poker their face, after disturbing him and his Mian mian.

"Then you'll have to raise the stakes..."

Su liangxiao smirked...since they disturbed him then they'd have to suffer for it, right?

"How high do you want the stakes to be...."

Mu Zhao said cautiously..he wouldn't hesitate to leave the game once he heard Su Liangxiao's stakes, the man was brutal when it came to this.

"Till I say it can't go higher...."

Ru Renshu finger froze slightly he was having a bad premonition about this seemingly normal game of cards.

"Let's begin...."

Hua Wumian sat down next to Su liangxiao, Li bingbing, Liu Rouxi and Zhang Ziyi...sitting down opposite them, Li bingbing wasn't even watching the game as she was preoccupied with a her at the moment, Liu Rouxi sat next to Mu Zhao while..Zhang Ziyi sat close to Li bingbing.

The game ended as soon as it started...Su liangxiao winning the round, this was within Mu Zhao speculation, after all Su liangxiao was a very petty person.

"Now for our little stakes.."

Hua Wumian eyes twitched slightly, she left pity for Ru Renshu and Mu Zhao, didn't they know Su liangxiao was a petty person..he always got his paybacks.

"I want you to go over to Liu Rouxi and give her a kiss....."

Su liangxiao leaned whispering into Mu Zhao ears....who froze completely...he shook his head instantly...he preferred to jump off the boat than to kiss Liu Rouxi...

Wait he said a kiss maybe he could just give her a kiss on her cheek instead...

"On the lips.."

Su liangxiao mouthed..shattering Mu Zhao's hope for escaping, he looked at Liu Rouxi and then Su liangxiao was leaned back...smiling at Hua Wumian.

"What horrible thing did you tell him to do..."

Hua Wumian asked her voice a little loud as everyone focused their attention on Mu Zhao, even Ru Renshu's eyes were on him..judging by Mu Zhao's expression he didn't like it one bit.

"Oh you'll see..Mu Zhao isn't one to back out from a bet...."

Mu Zhao gulped his Adam apple bobbled as he did so, he stared at Liu Rouxi..at least she was beautiful...but what if she fell in lie with him after the kiss, after all he still was an handsome man.

Liu Rouxi raised her head, the eyes on her were too much now, didn't they give someone a dare..why were they looking at her instead.

"I'm sorry..."

Was all she heard..as a warm lip crash straight into hers, and then leaving as soon as it came.

Her face flushed...before turning into anger, she looked at the dared and darer...they dare use her as a stake...

"I'm sorry..I..."

Liu Rouxi raised her hand..stopping Mu Zhao from apologizing, she stood up and walked back to her room, closing the door with a bang!

"She didn't freak out..that's a first.."

Zhang Ziyi said exaggeratedly, Liu Rouxi hated being taken advantage off, especially by men..or someone she knew...

"She acted much more calmer than I expected.."