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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 84

Hua Wumian only smiled shaking her head, this man what was she going to do with him.

"Alright..eat your food, you're still recuperating.."

Su liangxiao smiled, an idea popping up in his head..why eat himself when his wife could feed him.

"Feed me..."

Hua Wumian paused dropping her spoon, her gaze was long and hard, like she was trying to peep into his soul.

"You don't want to eat..."

She lowered her gaze, sipping the soup quietly, she had a grin on her face. As she bent her head trying to hide it.

"I don't like eating with this hand..and the other one..."

Hua Wumian sighed..she was raising big baby..hopefully their son wouldn't be like this right...?


Hua Wumian sighed..hopefully there son wouldn't be like this..she blew on the soup softly..stirring it slightly before giving some to Su liangxiao.

Su liangxiao happily swallowed it, who didn't enjoy being taken care of by the love of their lives.

"You're such a man baby..."

Hua Wumian sighed...smiling, she wouldn't sell him, who would want a man baby.

"I'm you're baby , you're handsome,cute baby..."


There wasn't cute..in Su liangxiao personality, Cute..she wished.

"You're not cute..you're annoying!.."

Hua Wumian chuckled that was the word, for him, annoying, overbearing, narcissistic, thankfully he wasn't a machos too.

Su liangxiao snorted annoying his foot, wasn't she the annoying one here.. calling him overbearing, he was clearly calm and poise.

"You know..I'm cute, don't lie to yourself.Now continue feeding me, I'm still hungry...."

Hua Wumian raised her brow, as she sat down back in her chair, arms crossed. Telling her what to do? Was she his maid.

"Woman..your husband is in pain, why are you not feeding him...."

Hua Wumian chuckled, as she carried her empty bowl to the kitchen. Leaving Su liangxiao to eat by himself.

Grumbling...Su liangxiao continued eating, while Hua Wumian chuckled from the kitchen watching him eat.

She was about to walk out when she received a call Xia mingling.

{Mingling what's the matter....}

Xia Mingling began telling spilling the beans to Hua Wumian.

{Boss your sister...Sued ZENA for plagiarism and arrested Fu Gongzi.."


Hua Wumian eyes turned frosty as she gripped the phone tightly, she did not expect Hua Doukuo to make her moves to early, and how did she know she was the owner of ZENA.

Hua Wumian stroked her chin, what if she didn't know she was the owner and thought Fu Gongzi was the one who opened ZENA to get back at her.

This possibility was ninety percent accurate, if its so..then she had a counterattack for this little attack.

{Don't panic, I know how to handle this. Just call He mingyu and Luo Chen for me.."

Hua Wumian chuckled slightly, this attack she was going to make Hua Doukuo regret it.

Walking out of the kitchen Hua Wumian has a stoic expression on her face, she needed to handed this situation quickly or else..Fu Gongzi may go to prison.

Su liangxiao looked at Hua Wumian calmly, she walked into the kitchen smiling and came out looking explosive.

What exactly did she hear in that call..Hua Wumian quickly went to get her mom's laptop.

She needed to act fast, and also she needed to call Ji Juan..wasn't he her company's lawyer.

Carrying the laptop in one hand, Hua Wumian quickly called Ji Juan.

"I need your help..and it must be done quickly, or else the enemy might go scot free..."

Ji Juan sighed..his plate was already full what he needed now wasn't Su Liangxiao's wife, bringing an extra spoon.

"I'm sorry, I'm stacked to the brim. I have three cases this afternoon and another and around five to six in the evening...."

Hua Wumian wanted to speak when Su liangxiao cut her off, taking the phone from her hand.

"Help her..with whatever she needs, that's why you're here. Isn't it?.."

Ji Juan nostrils flared as he bit his lips driving down the urge to punch Su liangxiao, couldn't he see that he was already packed, sigh..why did he become a lawyer, his life wouldn't have been better as a farmer.

All he had to go was sit in his farm and have his workers do the work for him, he would go crazy if he took up another case.

"Fine...but i have only two hours to spare,after that I'm gone.."

Hua Wumian eyes brightened, as her fingers curled into a fist, two hours was more than enough to get this done.

Su Liangxiao frowned, he was sitting right there why didn't she ask for help, he knew she liked to do her things on her own but he was here..standing right in front of her.

"I was planning on asking you...isn't it just the two of us..."

Su Liangxiao eyes turned cold as he glared at Hua Wumian, she didn't tell him her problems right from the beginning, yet she was saying she was planning on telling.

"Why do you do this, I'm here..why didn't you tell me in the first place. why I'm i your husband if you solve all your problems yourself. I'm supposed to be the shoulder you lean on but you won't give me that chances...."

Hua Wumian bent her head, she thought she could solve it herself, and yet again he was injured, her mind was occupied so she didn't really notice Su liangxiao.

"I'm sorry....I was in a hurrying and i didn't notice my intelligent husband and darling husband..who helps me solve my problems..."

Hua Wumian coaxed as she kissed his chin, making him sigh..she was his weakness, damn the beauty trap.

Su liangxiao had given up on himself, he was already trapped in her beauty trap, there was no saving him.

Sitting on the couch, Hua Wumian discussed the situation with Su liangxiao first, so he could have an idea of what was going on.

Su liangxiao chuckled..it was a minor issue, they didn't even need to bring out a laptop.

"Just tell them to bring the design drafts from five years ago....and the ones of this year and compare.