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Little_North_Star · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 69

Hua Wumian looked at the plain dressed man quietly, his dressing was plain but his face excluded rich handsomeness.

"Sit...sorry for keeping you waiting.."

Fu Gongzi shook his head and sat down, if it was for her he didn't mind waiting.

"So why do you want to see me.."

Hua Wumian asked as she looked at the small notebook placed in her front.


Hua Wumian was speechless..each of the designs here were absolutely stunning, it had a calm and rich aura, just like the designer.

"I want to apply as your personal designer..."

Hua Wumian was a little stunned, she never expected that the designer she was looking for would appear on her doorstep.

"Are you sure..."

Fu Gongzi nodded if he worked with her, he would grow exponentially.

"Alright but..tell you what you won't work here but in another company.."

Fu Gongzi shook his head he only wanted to work for her.

"Don't worry you're also working for me..I'm opening a design studio.."

Hua Wumian said slowly as she relaxed in her chair...

Opening a design studio was always one of her dreams, and now that she had a designer she felt it was time to open it.

"Boss I won't let you down, I promise.."

Hua Wumian smiled slightly, she had already bought the studio already but it was not opened to the public yet.

The studio was a gift from Bai Zhi for Hua Wumian twenty third birthday, she recently had it cleaned and refurbished.

"Should we head down there...to see the place, you can tell me more about yourself on the way.."

Fu Gongzi nodded and stood up opening the door for hua Wumian before closing the door behind him.

The secretaries immediately straightened their backs when they saw Hua Wumian coming, they didn't want to get punished.

Hua Wumian met He mingyu and Luo Chen on the way.

"Boss this is.."

Honestly Fu Gongzi face was eye catching but his appearance was rather too plain.

"Our newest addition to the team..his name is Fu Gongzi.."

Luo Chen as usual smiled cheerful and nodded..

"Gong gong..you don't mind if I call you that right.."

Fu Gongzi lips twitched was he destined to sound like a goof in this life.

"Boss can we follow you guys..."

Luo chen showed his biggest and brightest smile making it impossible for Hua Wumian to say no.

"Alright....lets go.."

They got into the car, the studios was a bit far from the company so the took a while to get there.

"Gongzi tell us more about yourself..."

Fu Gomgzi nodded and smiled a little.

"I was born and raised here in country M, did most of my schooling here, I spent about two years in country V for research. It was there I met Gu Sichuan, that dirty bastard we used to be friends, then he stole my designs and ran off to go join vintage...."

Vintage! Wasn't that Hua Doukuo clothing brand.

No wonder they were so good...they were using stolen goods, but did Hua doukuo know that it was stolen or she wanted it to be stolen.

"Well now you have the opportunity to show them who the real designer is..."

Fu GongZi nodded smiling coldly..this was just the beginning for him and Gu Sichuan.

They arrived at the studios steadily, the tarps hadn't been removed yet, so the public didn't k so what was there.

"Everyone put on your sunglasses, this is a busy area.."

Bai Zhi choose the most strategic place ever, one year ago it wasn't as busy as it is now.

The studio was big and spacious, it had that new car smell.

"Wow...the interior of this place is just wow... this is definitely boss's work...right?."

Hua Wumian nodded she had this mind blowing sense of art that made every thing look lavish and luxury.

"The official name of this studio is ZENA and GongZi is our head designer...there's also a assistant designer but you'll get to see her later..."

The other designer was Li Bingbing, but she wouldn't tell them that.

"Boss look who is outside..."

He Mingyu frowned slightly, he didn't like this Zhou Chen one day ever since he found out that he had ditch Hua Wumian five years ago.

"Just ignore him..."

He Mingyu nodded he looked at Zhou Chen for a while before turning his face away.

Hua Wumian stared at Zhou Chen for a while, was it possible that he had saw them when they got down from the car.

Ever since Hua Wumian saw that provocative photo, she had been itching to tear both Zhou Chen and Wen XuXu ever since.

"Boss someone looking for you.."

Hua Wumian nodded slightly, her face was cold and rigid, you could sense the extreme disgust and hate toward the person.

Zhou Chen paced about the pavement, he clearly saw Hua Wumian, why wasn't she coming to greet him.

He breath a sigh of relieve when he saw her coming out of the door.

"What do you want..."

Zhou Chen smiled brightly compared to Hua Wumian cold face, his was much brighter.

"I've you thought about it, I told you he was not good for you.."

Hua Wumian chuckled, soon it turned into a low laugh, she had heard the funniest joke today.

"What are you trying to do Zhou Chen, are you trying to break my marriage. You know I abhor and loathe home breakers right?."

Zhou Chen smile fell a little, he also didn't want to be a home breaker, he had his own principles too.

"Why didn't you wait for me..."

Hua Wumian was get angrier by the minute, what sort of nonsense was he sprouting out from his mouth.

"You're sick...I waited for you, for five years and you're asking me why I didn't wait for you..."

Zhou Chen refused to believe it and make himself believe that hua Wumian had other boyfriends before she married Su liangxiao.

"Let's go back to the way we were before, you don't even love him..."

Hua Wumian waved her hand, and she laughed Sarcastically.

"Listen..I love Su liangxiao more than my life, I love him so much that I'm looking for more love to give to him. And nothing will break us up, not you just Wen XuXu, not even the Hua family or Hua Doukuo. Because now matter matter we will always prevail as long as we have each other.

Those petty tricks you and Wen XuXu pull off won't work on me, don't even waste your time, because I will NeVer go back to you..."

With that Hua Wumian eyed Zhou Chen one last time and walked away, they want to separate her and Su liangxiao, they should try she would stop them every time.