
Chapter 38: Brother's Happiness, You Can't Imagine It, Do You Know It?

"The fart of Sugar cane juice, who would want that? I don't want it. You forced it down on me. Now you are still talking nonsense here!"

Andy's face turned red with anger:

"You just need to be smooth tongued, I can't say anything about you anyway."

She snorted lightly and said:

"Samuel Stern has taken over, what do you plan to do next?"

Don't want to continue to tangle with Bai Ye on the topic of Sugar cane juice. Anyway, she is the one who suffers.

"I'm planning to have Samuel Stern run the Hengsan Laboratory and Kirian run the Africa Laboratory," Bai Ye said. "The two laboratories are relatively independent, but they share the same data. It depends on which one of them will first overcome the last hurdle of the desperate virus."

"Samuel Stern is just that, no matter how smart he is, he is just a scientific oddity, and Kirian... do you really trust him to run a laboratory alone?"

Andy hesitated and said:

"Far away in Africa, if something unexpected happens, it's hard for us to control."

"Not afraid." Bai Ye grinned and said, "It's just that Kirian is in charge of the laboratory. The security personnel inside the base must all be using the hired team under the Osborne Family Foundation to monitor from all angles, making several defense lines both inside and outside. Kirian can't make any big waves."

Of course, these are all illusions. The real guarantee is that even if something unexpected happens, at the speed of day and night, it is enough to cross the Atlantic from New York to Africa in ten minutes and solve all the objections.

After Super Brain LV3, White Night has gradually completed Super Power LV3 and Super Speed LV3.

So, distance no longer holds much significance for the white night.

If Kirian dares to play any tricks in Africa, then White Night will soon show him what it means to be a divine weapon descending from the sky!

Motherland warning.

"You have the best idea in your heart," Andy nodded and said again, "What about Maya Hansen? I don't know what she thinks. Despite making a fuss about resigning yesterday, she still hasn't completed the handover procedures, and even went to work in the laboratory today. What should she do?"

Andy also has a headache. Perhaps before, she could still be considered a superficial friend of Maya Hansen, but since yesterday, she has completely lost touch with Maya Hansen's pulse.

"Perhaps she doesn't want to stay at the mental hospital under Osborne's banner," Bai Ye smiled and said, "Since she didn't want to resign and leave, let her work here and continue to lead the research on the desperate virus. What if she can fill it without relying on her life and achieve a breakthrough on her own?"

"That would be great, we are all delighted."

Andy smiled bitterly and said:

"But no matter how I think about it, it can't be that simple!"

Maya Hansen is a good biological scientist, but that's all. She can't be called a groundbreaking top biological scientist at all.

If she can continue to make breakthroughs in the desperate virus, why bother with Bai Ye?

"I think so too, but it's better than nothing. There's always a contingency, right?" Bai Ye said. "And I feel that Maya Hansen's current lull is only temporary. She'll have to come up with big news sooner or later."

"Instead of letting her mess around outside, it's better to keep her under our noses for better surveillance."

He gave Maya Hansen a chance, and if she doesn't know how to cherish it... then don't blame me!

Bai Ye has long had a profound understanding of creatures like the Virgin Mary, and it is impossible to easily change their thoughts.

Therefore, everyone often says, in times of chaos, kill the Virgin Mary first!


Coming out of AIM company.

It's already evening.

Bai Ye yawned and stretched lazily as she faced the last bit of sunset.

"Go home."

Arrived home.

As soon as Bai Ye entered the house, he felt a gust of wind behind him.


He grabbed the person's arm without hesitation and gave an over shoulder throw.

"Ah ah!"

Harry was hit by a butt.

"You little brat, you still want to ambush me?" Bai Ye sneered, "Let's practice for a few more years."

Harry was frantically rubbing his buttocks.

It hurts so much!

"Damn it, why are you doing this to Mary Jane?" Harry got up from the ground and glared angrily at White Night. "Playing with someone else's emotions is so happy for you?"

"Believe me, brother's happiness is beyond your imagination, do you know?"

Bai Ye smiled faintly, sat on the sofa, opened his hands, and calmly:

"This is a matter between me and Mary Jane. I didn't say anything, Mary Jane didn't say anything, it's up to you, an outsider, to gossip?"

"Brother, listen to my brother's advice. There is nowhere to be found in the world, why not look around? The quantity is not large, let alone the quality is not good!"

"Do you really think that Mary Jane is your true love, and only by being with you can we achieve happiness?"

"I don't think so!" Harry said stubbornly, "As long as she can get happiness, it doesn't really matter what I do, but if she follows you, she will definitely not get happiness. You are a big scumbag, and you will definitely scum her!"

"She is lucky or not. It is not you who decide whether she is happy, but her own the final say! Why don't you go and ask her whether she is happy or not?" White Night held a stand and said: "Please, it's just love, not marriage. How can we be happy? I'm happy with her now, just you have a lot of shit!"

Harry certainly dares not ask, because he must know the answer.

Just the words spoken by Mary Jane herself could easily trigger a breakdown in his heart.

"I see that you have reached the age of 'Fa Chun', but you don't even know how to chase after girls. Even if you like them, you dare not go after them. You only dare to silently watch from a distance, watching them sneak around with their boyfriends. It's really embarrassing for us rich second-generation!"

Bai Ye waved and said:

"Come here, I'll show you something nice."


Harry looked at Bai Ye with suspicion.

"The standard 'Rich Second Generation Chasing Girlfriends' secret."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Hehe." Bai Ye smiled slightly and handed Harry his phone. "Just take a look and you'll know."

Harry took a look.

Then there was silence.

Inside the phone, there is a video of the entire process of Bai Ye capturing Mary Jane, edited short films, and of course, there are no parts that are not suitable for children.

Harry just couldn't believe it. Mary Jane is such a gentle and kind girl, why was she so easily taken down by White Night?

Why exactly is it?

"Do you still think that Mary Jane, who was taken down by me like this, is really your indispensable true love? Don't tease me, brother!" Bai Ye patted Harry's shoulder and said, "Mary Jane is really not suitable for you. If you urgently need a girlfriend now, I can help you buy one online."

Harry remained silent for a long time and said, "Forget it, I still like realistic girlfriends!"