
Chapter 35 Little Girl, haven't you ever been beaten by a capitalist's iron fist?

The rising sun rises in the east.

The entire sky was filled with dazzling radiance, surrounded by magnificent morning clouds and shrouded in light clouds, as the sun slowly rose.

On board the ship.

Bai Ye is scrolling news with his phone.

At this moment, Mary Jane buried her head under the blanket.


Bai Ye softly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air.

Andy released a earnings report for yesterday's "A Sheep": $2.01 million.

He didn't even wait to finish reading carefully.

The phone is ringing.

"Andy, what's up?"

"There's something going on at AIM and we need you to come over."


Bai Ye suddenly felt a slight pain. It was likely that Mary Jane heard Andy's voice and her emotions fluctuated slightly, unable to control the intensity.

"What's wrong?"

Andy wondered.

"Cough." Bai Yeqing coughed and said, "It's okay. Didn't we just inject $200 million into AIM before? What's going on?"

"It's about the difficulties of conducting experiments on the human body with the desperate virus... Anyway, it's unclear over the phone, so it's better for you to come in person."

"Okay, I'll be right over."

Speaking of the desperate virus, Bai Ye immediately took it seriously.

Mary Jane emerged from the blanket and asked with a hint of melancholy:

"Yes, was it your girlfriend who called you?"

"Where are you going?" Bai Ye chuckled lightly and rubbed her head, saying, "It's a partner, the CEO of the company. If you want to talk about a girlfriend, then you're the only one right now, Mary Jane."

Mary Jane blushed slightly.

Just thinking about it, I just heard from Bai Ye that the export is only 200 million US dollars, so it should still be a big deal.

"Alright, let's hurry up. You heard me, I have something urgent to deal with."

Bai Ye grabbed Mary Jane's willow waist and let her sit on her.

Stir fry cheese.

After one hour.

Bai Ye hurriedly left.

Go to AIM's office building.

"What's going on, the Endless Virus Project? What's the problem?"

Bai Ye arrived at the company.

"The problem is very big." Andy saw Maya Hansen's face look bad, so he took the initiative to stand up and said, "Didn't the Endangered Virus pass the IRB review before? We have started conducting human experiments, but the Endangered Virus is too unstable. Several experimental subjects exploded and died, with great power."

"Fortunately, I had previously conducted experiments on plants and animals and learned that the virus in a desperate situation is unstable and can easily cause the host to explode. Therefore, I have taken safety measures, otherwise the entire laboratory may have to be blown up."

Bai Ye frowned and said, "How can we solve the problem?"

What is the reason why he ran out to earn so much money?

It's not just for the project of a desperate virus to be developed as soon as possible.

He doesn't want to hear how difficult it is, he just wants to hear how to solve this difficulty.

"If it's unstable, why don't we make it stable?" Kirian, who was standing on the side, said calmly. "The difference between our previous experimental data on plants and animals and the human body is too great. So, as long as we can collect enough data through a large number of human experiments, the problem of unstable viruses in desperate situations can definitely be solved."

"Kirian, how could you think that?" Maya Hansen said angrily, "We study science for the benefit of humanity, not to harm, and to pile up projects with a large number of lives... wouldn't you feel guilty?"

"Conscience?" Gillian chuckled and said, "How much is conscience worth?" He was too lazy to look at Maya Hansen, but turned to White Night and said, "Boss, what do you think?"

Upon seeing this, Andy immediately added:

"In the United States, under the review of the IRB, we cannot use human life to fill in the success rate of experiments."

"Then let's establish laboratories in Hengsan and Africa." Bai Ye pondered for a while and said, "I'll tell you what you did wrong before. Where could you jump directly from a white mouse to a human experiment? Rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees are also very important for the experimental stage!"

Coincidentally, a large sum of money was made from the Roxen Group and the upcoming Hammer Group, and the establishment of laboratories in Hengsan and Africa was just a sprinkle of water, which could be fully supported by day and night.

"Boss wise!"

Kirian sent a compliment inside.

He had been wanting to control an independent laboratory for a long time, but Maya Hansen, a woman of great kindness, interfered with many ways that helped him advance the experimental progress.


Andy's sharp gaze from that woman also made him unable to bear it.

"Boss, we can't do this!"

Maya Hansen became anxious:

"We are scientists, not executioners who slaughter humanity!"

Bai Ye turned her head and looked coldly at Maya Hansen, causing her momentum to gradually shift from excitement to guilt.

"I don't care about not being the executioner, all I know is that before that, I had already invested $500 million in the project of the Endangered Virus." Bai Ye said calmly, "Recently, I invested another $200 million, but so far, I haven't seen any results from the Endangered Virus."

"Ms. Maya Hansen, are you trying to float my $700 million?"

"That's it!" Kirian sneered and mocked, "When conducting legal experiments in Hengsan and Africa, their governments have not opposed it. Do you really take yourself seriously?"

He has been displeased with Maya Hansen, the Holy Mother Bitch, for a long time. However, due to Bai Ye and Andy's trust in her, he dare not reveal it. This time, Maya Hansen clearly angered Bai Ye, and even if he didn't fall into trouble, he would be sorry for his vengeful personality.

"If that's the case..." Maya Hansen said after a moment of silence, "Boss, I choose to resign."

"Do you want to resign? Of course!" Bai Ye grinned and said, "However, I need to trouble you to stay at the mental hospital under the Osborne brand for a period of time. Don't worry, except for not being able to enter and exit freely, you can do anything else you want. Even if we find about ten handsome male models for you every day, they will all be paid for by the Osborne family foundation. Until the Endless Virus Project is developed!"

The desperate virus has burned down $500 million in White Night and has seen the dawn of hope. At this time, White Night naturally cannot let Maya Hansen, the lead researcher, withdraw just by saying so.

If someone becomes interested in the desperate virus and finds Maya Hansen to collaborate with... to put it bluntly, it's a bunch of muscular black guys surrounding Maya Hansen and asking her to help with research and development. Can she really refuse?

So Maya Hansen thought that if she resigned, she could leave AIM in a big way. Bai Ye could only tell her that you were overthinking.

Little girl, haven't you ever been beaten by a capitalist's iron fist?

Let's take a look at the mud truck

Maya Hansen was stared at by the night, and behind that false smile, there was something hidden that made her feel a bit timid.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Maya Hansen felt that deep in Bai Ye's eyes, there seemed to be a faint flicker of red light, as if magma was surging.