
Chapter 27 Smiles Will Not Disappear, They Just Shift

The next day, the sky was clear for thousands of miles, and the morning glow filled the sky.

Tianmei Studio.

The Maybach 62S in the white night stopped below the building.

The car door opens.

Bai Ye helped Andy get off the car.

"Hey, are you really okay? Actually, you can take a day off." Bai Ye couldn't help but laugh, "Anyway, there's nothing important about life or death."

"Do you think I'm like you, so I don't have a sense of responsibility?"

Andy gave Bai Ye a fierce glare.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." Bai Ye shrugged and said, "But remember, if there's any problem, call me promptly."

"You better get out of here!"

Andy picked up his bag and threw it at Bai Ye.

Seeing him makes me angry.

"If I get in touch with you, I'll have to live at least ten years less!"

Andy entered the company building with a dark face, ready to go to work.

But she walks with a limp.

Facing the curious gaze of the employees, Andy also felt a sense of hardship in his heart.

I can only say that bastard Bai Ye, if he can do some human affairs, he wouldn't be able to do nothing at all.

Continue to devote oneself to work.

Thanks to mold, sugar, and the help of big V players such as Tony, "A Sheep" gained its first wave of traffic, and subsequent channel partners saw profits, so they quickly followed suit and started actively promoting it.

After all, channel merchants have seven layers of revenue.

First day earnings settlement: 780000 US dollars.

Andy took a deep breath after reading it and sighed in horror.

Because this game was handmade by her, due to its simplicity, the total cost was $80000.

Just on the first day of operation, it earned 1000% profit.

And this game, obviously, has become a hit, and the subsequent daily income will only be more, not less.

"Unfortunately, this game can only make a quick profit and can only last for half a month at most," Andy shook his head.

On second thought.

"You can't be too greedy, at least you can make a profit of over 10 million dollars, which is already even more impressive than the annual profits of many listed companies."

"It's really surprising that Bai Ye really knows how to design games."

Andy is very surprised.

Queens, Midtown High School.

Early morning.

The gentle sunshine sprinkled on the campus, as if adding a layer of golden border to it.

Students full of youthful vitality enter the campus in groups.

A bulletproof modified Audi R8 parked at the school gate, and a handsome young man walked down from it.


A boy wearing black framed glasses called out.

Harry turned around and looked.

He is his best friend, Peter Parker.

"Why are your circles so dark?" Peter Parker looked at Harry curiously and asked, "Did you stay up late playing games again last night?"

"No, it's not." Harry yawned and shook his head, saying, "I don't know who it was last night. He sent me a game link, and I clicked on it. I played all night but still couldn't pass the level."

He was full of resentment and said, "I don't know which bastard designed this anti human game. It's impossible to pass it!"


Harry was immediately hit by a brainache, and when he looked back angrily, he found... a smiling white night.

"You kid, you stay up late playing games and slandering other game developers. What do you mean by that?"

Well, it's another day of daily persecution against Oudoudou.

In the moment he saw the white night, Harry forgot the pain in his head and instinctively protected his pocket.

"Big brother, I lent you all my pocket money. I really don't have any money left."

Even a shrewd woman like mold has been deceived by Bai Ye into having all her wealth, let alone Harry, who is his own younger brother.

Harry's savings from a young age were not only deceived, but even his monthly pocket money had to be taken away.

What, no?

Do you want to try the iron fist that my brother loves?

"Who said I came to borrow money from you?"

Bai Ye smiled.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Harry wondered.

"Can't I come and care for my younger brother?"

"Big brother, don't do this, I'm afraid."

"Haha, forget it, I won't tease you anymore."

Bai Ye wrote a check to Harry.

"What is this?"

"I lent you the money, and I even paid you back the principal and interest. Don't talk about me bullying you again in the future."

"Thank you, big brother."

Harry hurriedly put the check into his pocket, afraid that Bai Ye would turn back. It was always him who lent money to Bai Ye in these years, and it was the first time he had seen the money returned.

Peter Parker next to him accidentally glanced at the number on the check.

Enlarged pupils in both eyes.

Shocked beyond measure.

30 million US dollars.

Aunt Mei's annual income at home is only $45000.

This is enough for Aunt Mei to earn 666 years.

White Night has been deceiving Harry over the years, taking out over 20 million dollars and returning 30 million dollars, which is truly a case of even carrying profits.

"Big brother, where did you get so much money? You won't do anything bad, will you?"

After collecting the money, Harry seemed to have just thought of something and looked at Bai Ye with a frightened expression.

"Don't worry about adults' affairs, children."

Bai Ye glanced sideways at Harry, then turned to Peter Parker and smiled, saying:

"Parker, long time no see, haven't you forgotten me?"

"How could that be? Are you Brother Bai Ye?"

Peter Parker replied shyly.

Well, Harry and Parker have been playing very well since childhood, they are close friends, and Bai Ye and Parker are also quite familiar with each other. However, in the past two years, Bai Ye has been busy with his career, which is rare.

I talked for a while.

Naturally, I became familiar with it.

However, Harry and Parker quickly discovered something was wrong.

When Bai Ye talks to them, his eyes are always slanting.

Two people look over.

I saw their classmate Nate bidding farewell to his mother.

And Nate's mother

She is a charming beauty!

"Big brother..."

Harry lowered his head in shame and couldn't help but tug at Bai Ye's hem:

"Can you not go too far? You are a notorious scumbag in the circle."


Bai Ye patted Harry's shoulder and said earnestly:

"Brother, this is not scumbag, but wanting to give every girl in the world a home."

During the conversation, Nate entered the school while his mother remained in place, looking at the child's back with a sense of melancholy.

Bai Ye immediately left Harry and Parker behind and walked over.

"Hey beauty, could you give me your contact information?"

"Get lost."

"Good luck."

The white night ran back in a gloomy manner.


Harry couldn't help but burst out laughing, with a very indulgent smile:

"Haha... haha!"


Bai Ye calmly withdrew his fist.

Harry's face, which was laughing profusely, immediately put on a pain mask and bounced around with his head in his arms.

Now, it's Bai Ye's turn to smile.

Sure enough.

The smile won't disappear, it just shifts.