
Mother Of All Systems!!

So basically our MC is an unlucky fellow his whole life is a mess. Orphan at the age of 3 when his parents got involve in some accidents. Growing up with no friends. Grades are so-so Don't even mention a girlfriend Well basically everything he does nothing comes good. And then he start watching animes reading novels and Mangas he really got addicted and decided to commit suicide in letting himself got rekt by truck-kun. After he saw a truck in the distance he started walking slowly to the center of the road but little did he know there's an open manhole near just infront of him. The last second he remember is the feeling of falling. Follow the disastrous life of Clay's adventure on obtaining different SYSTEMS!!! ________________ Cover not mine.... CTTO

Crixzivion · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Birth Of A Masterpiece!

Clay is looking at his creation right now.

"Im really satisfied with my creation. First of all I reduce her height to 5 feet and 7 inches then I changed her skin into snow white color I change the texture of her skin into as soft as a feather then I adjust her body proportion and now she has a nice curvy body, a nice thigh, and a nice butt so her physical fitness is top notch, also I refined her skin until she has a jade like skin. About her eyes I make it a golden yellow color, she has a well adjusted nose and a tiny rosy colored lips. Also about her chest i make it just slightly smaller than Rias gremory in High school DXD as for her horns that looks like that of a unicorn, I change it into a horn just like Albedo in Overlord. Her hair is a shining white silver color now and last her one pair of wings before is now in a pair of 3, just by putting another 4 wings it almost consume half of my mana, also even though I completely changed her appearance, her strength will be just like as before. So now she has a really sexy and small figure that contains explosive strength. Overall, her appearance is just amazing!"Clay said in a clearly satisfied tone.

[ Confirming Creation! { Y/N )]

"Yes" Clay said.

Then the previous body was instantly covered in a ball of blue light enveloping every inch of her body. Then it floats in the air after it reaches about a hundred meters on air it stops, it was at this moment that an unknown phenomenon has occurred. The ball of light shoots a huge ray of light in the sky, causing all of the clouds in a several kilometer radius to disperse. Then all of the mana particles of the entire continent is rapidly rushing forth towards the balls direction, a pure concentration of mana in one place as the ball is quickly gathering all tha mana in a very fast pace and devouring it at the same time, while clay is just dumbfounded with this magnificent show. In that instant about 10% of the continent's mana particles dissappear without no trace. Then a few moments later all the clouds is going in the ball's direction then the sky started to go really dark, the howl of wind can be heard, a hurricane bring forth piercing winds! then it rains following by a loud sounds of thunder, Savage purple lightnings is now all over the sky with each second more or less 50 lightnings are being unleashed. While clay is just standing below using his wind barrier to defend from flying rocks, fortunately for some reason the lightning is not hitting him, its just, all of it are being devoured by the ball the moment of released and only the wind and flying rocks can threaten him.

"I will not last long! Just when will this ball of light gonna stop? When I finished modeling I only have about 7% of mana already. By using a wind barrier to its full extent I will have about 5 meters of wind barrier, even though, I occasionally get hit by some rocks thanks to my physique its nothing fatal. But I can only put this up, on at most 5 minutes with my remaining mana" clay thought and feeling worried.


Somewhere in the demon's Continent.

In a castle, there's a man with a red skin and a 3 horns in his forehead. seating on a throne and he said to the girl beside him. "Quickly gather all of the 7 pillars we will have an emergency meeting!"

" Yes! your majesty, then please I excuse myself and will gather them." The girl said then bow and goes outside of the throne room.

He muttered. "A calamity is going to happen soon."

"Chordeva!" The man said. Then a figure suddenly appeared near him.

"What is it? You will tell me to investigate that right?" A gorgeous woman with a tail that looks like of a serpent.

"Yes!" the man said. Then the woman Disappeared without a trace.

* Bang *

Someone kick open the throne doors, and a silhouette of a man can be seen.

"Yo Demon king! Long time no see! What's the situation?" he said.


Somewhere in the Elven's Continent.

A woman with a long blonde hair and a long pointy ears sitting on a throne, She said. " Gather all of the available elites of Great Order we will have an Assembly."

"Yes your highness" the girl said beside him.

"Fanny!" the woman said. Then a gale of wind sorround the place, small whirl of green leafs form in front of the woman. Then a girl emerges.

" Tell our spies in the Human Continent to collect as much information as they can!" the woman in the throne said.

"Yes! Sovereign Queen!" the girl said then with a gust of wind she dissappears


Somewhere in the Human Continent

A man with a brown skin and a vigorous muscles and broad shoulders, sitting on a throne, He said. "Notice all the members of the Council Generals we will have a meeting!"

"Then please let me take care of that! And it will be my pleasure to obey the Great one!."He said then goes outside.

The man in the throne stands. Walks a little bit, and knock to a room.

He said." My princess! I will be gone for a while! Please wait for me! Just behave like how a good girl you are! "

And a child's voice inside of the room replied."Daddy! Don't treat me like a kid! Im already 6 years old! Im already attending the academy! Go away I am sleeping!"

"Look at my cute little girl acting like grown up hahaha!" He said while laughing.

"Where are you going anyway?"The child's voice on the other side of the door said.

"Im going to the Tower Of Infinite Wisdom!"He said.

"I've heard of it! Also don't forget to buy me my Favorite candy! And buy also some toys! Now go away!" She said.

"Ok! Then I will go now! Is there no kiss to your daddy or hug before I go?" He said chuckling a bit.

"Eww No! You stinks! I will sleep now don't bother me! If you don't go I will tell mom that you are secretly eating her midnight snack when she sleeps!"She said.

" This kid! How did you know! Ok i will go now just don't let your mom know it!"He said. Then he starts to walk away.

When he is about ten steps away from the door, he hear the shout of the girl." I will not tell mom if you buy me some clothes too!"

"Ok! You win!" He said then thought ' Its really hard to raise a smart kid.'


Back to Clay.

After almost 5 minutes of disaster, Clay just barely survived.

Then the ball of light disperse Showing a person inside.

Then Clay witness the descend of a godly being.

A fallen angel that has a beauty that can toppled an entire Empire with her shining silvery white hair that glows even more in direct contact of the sunlight paired with her yellowish gold eyes that gives radiance and can illuminate your night and a Six dark wings that gives an invisible and domineering aura, it feels like her wings can envelope the entire world with darkness. She is clearly an incarnation of a Goddess in fallen angel form or perhaps a Fallen Demon Goddess?

Flapping Her Wings and imposing a noble and splendid aura shs lands right in front of Clay.

"Im Seraphina. I will follow you until the end of my breath, I will only obey you and only you, My absolute loyalty only belongs to you, My soul belongs to you, My body and flesh belongs to you, and everything I have belongs to only you, as you are my CREATOR!"

[ Showing Seraphina's Status!]

~ Seraphina's Status ~

Name: ( Seraphina )

Gender: ( Female )

Title: ( Sealed )

Age: ( 18 )

Level: 99 (?)

Race: ( Fallen Angel )

Species: ( Grand Fallen Djinn )

Affinities: ( Water, Earth, Fire, Air )

Skills: ( Sealed )

Origin: ( After a 1000 years of intensive Magic research, Reading ancient stone tablets and exploring forgotten ruins, Supreme Magus Clay, With his unparalleled knowledge he created a being, using different types of genetic mutations and with the help of the Philosopher's Stone he has created his Masterpiece Creation.)

Clay, "...."

I have nothing to say!

Happy reading!

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