
Mother-in-law, Stepmother and Stepdaughter

Stephen gets married after Seventeen years of mourning for his first death. His friend Mark is genuinely happy for him. Stephen really looks forward for happiness after marriage. His married life would be filled with drama from his mother, wife and his daughter from the first wife, will he find happiness that he desires?

Lm02Mathu · Urban
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37 Chs

Pauline's visit

Stephen already knew that he was in trouble when Stephanie called to tell him that she was on her way to his parents house , Stephanie wasn't aware that she had unknowningly created trouble for her father .

When Stephen received his father's call he was already awake and was about to have his breakfast,(he doesn't go to office early on weekends), when he heard that his mother was on her way to visit him ,he decided to eat up before she arrived ,he was aware of the fact that he couldn't be able to eat after her mother was done with him.

Pauline arrived in her son's house and she was about to die because of anger ,she found the family of four in the dinning room having their breakfast,she was very angry but she wasn't going to show it in front of Beatrice and John, they were also her grandchildren.

"Mother ,you are here , Why don't you join us for breakfast?"Stephen said ,he was very sure that his mother wouldn't start trouble in front of kids ,so she decided to try to appease her,"thank you but no ,I have already had my breakfast before coming here,"Pauline replied.

Stephen knew that his mother was lying , his father had told him when he called that she had left before having her breakfast but Stephen wasn't about to say this ,it would be best that he played along.

Pauline noticed how her son was staring at her and guessed that her husband has already called to tell him that she was on her way here , she swore to teach him a lesson once she goes back home.

Beatrice and John were both going to visit their maternal auntie , after breakfast the both of them left, Pauline stood up and walked to the dinning table before Cloe and Stephen stood up ,she looked at them for several hours until Cloe got uncomfortable.

"What's wrong why are you staring at us like that ,or are you admiring the dishes we had for breakfast ?"Cloe asked Pauline,"that's how you talk to my granddaughter to the extent that she decides to leave the house so early when it's still dark and your beloved husband does nothing about it?"Pauline said with disgust ,she didn't know if she was supposed to regret for ever pressuring her son to remarry.

"No one asked her to leave ,she left on her own will,"Cloe said,"she left on her will or it's your pressuring that made her decide to leave ?"Pauline asked her ,she was yelling at the top of her voice,"mother we can talk about this calmly,"Stephen advised.

"You are really something Stephen ,you still have the guts to tell me that we can talk about this calmly , your daughter is suffering and the person making her suffer is still with you ,go ahead and tell me what you have done about it ,"Pauline asked,if she was yelling early then she was going to wake the ancestors up with the way she was shouting.

Stephen regretted why he said that ,"why are you queit suddenly , aren't you going to talk to me anymore Stephen ?"Pauline asked her son,"no one caused Stephanie to suffer , it's her who is stubborn,"Cloe replied,"who are you talking to , keep your mouth shut , don't talk until you are talking to,am talking to my son,do you understand?"Pauline shouted with all her might.

Stephen was helpless ,what was he supposed to do at such a situation,"Cloe you should go ahead and leave ,I will talk to mother first,"Stephen said , he decided that the best way to settle things was to let one of them leave first.

"Am not going anywhere, this is my house , what is that that the two of you want to talk in private , for your information am not moving an inch from here ,if the both of you can't talk while am here ,you should leave and talk elsewhere,"Cloe also shouted ,if Pauline thought that she was the only one who knew how to shout she was in for a suprise.

"Who are you to tell me to leave?"Cloe asked looking at Pauline,"are you mad or is something wrong with your brain , when did I ask you to leave ?"Pauline asked back ,"I wasn't talking to you ,"Cloe went ahead and replied.

"Don't you try to pretend , you were definitely talking to me because you focus while you were talking was directed to me,"Pauline said , Stephen throw his phone away ,he was sure that if he continued holding it he could definitely call the fire extinguishers to come to his house and extinguish the fire that had broke into his house and was threatening to consume everything.

"Who told you that I was looking at you ,what do you think you have that will make me look at you ?"Cloe asked , Pauline saw no see in arguing with Cloe ,she decided to warn her and leave.

"Listen to me Cloe , listen and listen very careful because I won't repeat myself , Stephanie is my child ,her mother left seconds afternoon giving birth to her ,I had raised her till now , I won't stand and watch as you try to make her life a living hell,"Pauline said ,she stopped and looked at Cloe ,she was making sure that she was listening to her.

She continued when she noticed that Cloe was paying attention ,"I will make you life a living hell before you does that to her ,if Stephen is comfortable with the way you are treating her then am not , don't you provake me ,am not that very good,"Pauline said ,she turned around and left but Stephen stopped her when she was almost at the door.

"Mother ,"Stephen called ,"don't you dare mother me , why don't you go and ask that good for nothing wife of yours to be your mother ?"Pauline asked , turned around and left , Stephen didn't dare go after her again.