
Mother deserves best!

"Cresslia?" .... "Speak, child... was it not you who sought me out?" .... "My mother's fallen ill," a reincarnated young boy sets out to save his ill mother from a never-ending nightmare (quick disclaimer, I am somewhat new to this whole writing thing, and I'm still learning, so some criticism would be much appreciated)

Nuttela · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

"Thankfully, Karp. Ah, my Magikarp came to my rescue and made it take off, after that... Well, you all know what happened." I explained,

The large, rough-looking man, wearing a black shirt, along with an orange vest and a belt that carried not only all of his Pokeballs but also a golden rope for some reason, wrote all of it down on his notepad.

He was sitting beside a frazzled nurse Joy and Chansey, both looking like they just woke up and looked quite uneasy, sending the ranger glances, making me nervous by proxy, Karp twisted and turned a bit in my lap, his weird sleeping habits were a good distraction for what had just happened merely 3 hours ago.

The ranger closed his notebook, putting both it and his pen in his breast pocket, "Thank you, for being so cooperative and I am truly sorry for what happened," he said, taking off his hat and placing it on his chest. "What happened to you should have never happened. Unfortunately, two of our newbies were... slacking off." He said, hesitating on the last bit. 

Nurse Joy Somehow went from nervous to confident in mere seconds, as she let out a snort in amusement. "Slacking off? Is that what we're calling it now a days?"

Oh. Huh... so I almost died because some idiots decided to have intercourse while at work... this is why you don't mix work with pleasure people!

Ignoring the nurses comment, he continued, "we've already taken care of them, and both are in probation right now," he explained "we at the ranger corps deeply apologize for this incident and we are willing to send some compensation if that's what you feel like you need to move on from this incident." he declared.

Compensation, huh? I've completely forgotten about that, I mean, it makes sense. If the two idiots had done their jobs, then they would have likely noticed the aura of a wild ghost type on one of the machines in the ranger watchtower.

Ghost dark and fairy types were... fickle, to say the least, it's hard to predict what someone from those typings is capable of, but they all have one thing in common. They're all usually pretty dangerous 

Fairy types were mostly harmless, but that's where a quote from my last life comes into play: "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." They could, and will obliterate you if you try anything against them.

Ghost and dark types are cut mostly from the same cloth. Most from that typing are natural pranksters and value independent freedom the most. But of course, just like fairy types They're still extremely dangerous. Because what they see as an innocent prank, we see a life-threatening situation.

While rare, ghost and dark type pokemon have on occasion killed their trainers, mostly by accidentally taking a prank too far. It's why people are usually wary of . and dark type specialists. 

A frown formed on my face. 

"Why did misdreavus act like that?" I questioned, ignoring the phantom sensation on my neck. "misdreavus feed on fear, yes, but they usually just do some harmless pranks, I've never heard of one going... so far," 

The ranger hummed at the question, putting his cap back on. He answered. "It was likely her first feeding," he said with a sigh. "It's not something that's usually known by most people, but a misdreavus that's just been... born usually needs an absurd amount of fear to compensate for all of the used up energy." He said, scratching his rugged bread.

"It likely lost control of itself, and in its hunger chose the nearest person to feed on." He said. "Honestly, you're pretty lucky to have survived at all. Most misdreavus's usually accidently kill in their first or second feeding." He explained without batting an eye.

I shivered at the thought, and the phantom sensation on my neck grew a little stronger. Nurse Joy, having been quite all this time, frowned, "Alright, I think that's enough talk for the day," she said, her tone laced with the authority of a nurse "my patient needs his rest so sho! sho!" She gestured with her hands.

The ranger took no offense and simply stood up, letting out a hearty chuckle, "Alright, Alright, I'll leave, already got and said what needed to," he shrugged "hey kid my names Cole if you need any ranger help or need some ideas on what you want for compensation just give call me," he said, handing me a piece of ripped out paper with a number on it.

"Kenny, and thank you, I will." I replied grateful. He had been the one to find me when I passed out trying to get back to town

Cole chuckled and left the room, leaving me alone with nurse Joy and chansey. Two seconds had not even passed before I was embraced by a pink blob. 

"Cha! Chansey! Sey!" Chansey wailed out, making me awkwardly hug her back in an attempt to calm her down. All this movement woke up karp from his nap, 

"There there," I said, my tone stiff, awkwardly patting her back, and did nothing but make her wail even louder for some reason.

Now, don't get it twisted, I loved chansey, I've known her for all my "life," but I'm sorry, I just can't comfort people at all! So please stop crying!

I dont know if my pleads were heard, but her wailing did turn into sniffles. Nurse Joy watched all of this with an amused smile, probably making fun of me for how incompetent I am in comforting!

Seeing that I had enough, nurse Joy coughed, "Alright, chansey, let's leave them for the night... you can pester them some more tomorrow." She said, 

Chansey looked at her with a frown, probably annoyed at being accused of "pestering," but nonetheless agreed, 

"Wait!" I yelled, making the fish in my lap, and the two nurses flinch in surprise."My Mom! I haven't changed her water or food bags!" Pulling off the covers, I almost leaped out of the bed if it wasn't for the incoming increase in gravity.

"Cha..." chansey chastised, her eyes glowing blue. The move gravity was promptly used, making me and karp go slack on one of the pokemon centers' free beds.

"What chansey here is saying," Nurse Joy gestured to her pokemon. " Is that you don't need to worry about that, Johanna already has that covered," she explained.

"Oh," was all I said as chansey turned off gravity.

Nurse Joy smiled "Anyways we'll talk more tomorrow for now. Get some rest,"

And with that, both left, leaving just me and karp alone in the room. 

"Hey, karp."


"I don't know if I've already said this, but thank you for saving me."


Nothing more was said that night, as both me and karp fell asleep like newborn babies, a pair of blood-red eyes observed once more.


 [Journal: 1 log: 4]

its been a while since I've last touched this dusty journal, I had honestly completely forgotten about it. Luckily enough, I had karp here. Remember it for me. Thank you, karp.

Anyways, it's been 4 months since the incident with misdreavus, and honestly, life's been going pretty good since karps has been taking training with even more vigor than before, and that's saying somthing, I also took up some training of my own.

It's mostly just endurance training. a trainer's biggest enemy is usually wild pokemon, so training for strength or speed is kinda useless... well, I mean, I guess speed could help, but endurance is still the more viable option 

My lessons with nurse Joy have also been going pretty well, chanseys has been teaching me with new vigor ever since the incident, and nurse joys also in the same boat.

Now back onto karp.

He's grown strong... for a magikarp, I've had him sparing with some of the wild pokemon in route 201. They win? They get berries if they lose? I'll send em to a pokemon Center to get themselves healed up. Honestly, a win-win for all, nurse Joy and chansey get to finally do what they trained to do. The wild pokemon gets either some combat experience and some berries, or just combat experience. And karp and I get to have experience working together. 

Like I said, win-win for all.

Honestly, at this point, karp is absolutely crushing them. 

His splashs used to be just that, Splashs. But now? they're freaking bonces, honestly, it can't even be called splash anymore with how mobile it makes him, his tackles have also gotten astonishly more powerful, and with the help of a smug cat, we successfully taught him how to better use his tackles.

Karps even got strong enough to finally be able to use his last learnable move until he evolved, flail.

It's a weird move. In the games, it works off of missing hp. The lower you're health the more damage it does, and it does the same here.

Unfortunately, karp has been hitting a plateau. No fault of his, of course. There are just not any opponents that could push us to be better around here-


My hand pauses. As what I was about to write finally set in, I looked deep within myself to ask. Why? Why are you so fucking dumb!?

"Agh!" I grunt out as I close the journal shut, standing up from my bed I take a quick glance at the mirror, feeling a sigh bubbling in my throat.

The person before me was cute, long black hair that was set into a ponytail, along with bright blue eyes. Their face looked adorable, it had a roundness to it with a cute button nose, and and effeminate features. It looked like the face of an adorable young girl.

I let out a sigh. I loved my mother to death, I really do, but do I have to resemble her that badly? I don't even look like a guy at this point!

Ignoring the stinging pride in my manly heart, I grab my blue piplup jacket... what? It was on sale

And walk out towards our backyard, floating on the pool was karp, his body flopped around enjoying the large free space compared to the trash inflatable pool I gave him before.

Using the favor of the rangers, I had them built a large pool in the backyard for karp, the hero of the day. Maybe I could have used it more responsibly, but... karp looked happy with it and that's what matters.

"Hey, karp buddy!" I yelled out to the dozing pokemon, "Come on, we gotta go!"

He opened one of his dopey eyes, looking annoyed at being woken up, 

Ignoring his displeasure, I continue. "I think I've found the perfect training partner for you!" With that his displeasure is gone, jumping out of the pool with a big splash, landing perfectly in my arms.

Smiling, I pet his scales, "Don't get too exited, she's gotta agree first," 

With that we were off, a pair of red-blooded eyes gleeful watched from the shadows.


"Hey julia," a lanky man said, his white coat fluttering in the wind as he walked,

Julia looked up from the computer, showing data and charts she had been studying she reminded herself to get a haircut soon, as she pushed aside the bangs covering up her eyes, "What's up?" She asked, almost flinching at how scratchy her voice sounded.

The man sighed, "I'm... worried, you've been working nonstop all week, I urge you to go home and take a break" he said.

Julia thought about it ... home 

"I refuse,"

 the man flinched at the harsh tone. Sensing that he wasn't going to be able to change her mind He sighed dejectedly and let his shoulders slump. as he walked away, and Julia watched, feeling a little guilty for being so harsh. But squashed that feeling as she thought about it.

About home

She turned her screen back to the computer to continue her research... research... research... that's what she did all day every day, ever since she turned 18. She wanted to do nothing but research... this was her life her passion her... escape...research... 

She made another tab, with skillful and experienced fingers she quickly wrote down everything she knew about fairy types... they fascinated her, a discovered type, yet not much is known about them so much knowledge so much potential... they had only just reached the tip of the iceberg

She wanted to change that.

No! She would change that! She would!

If she failed? failure failure, no! She wouldn't fail! She has her whole life ahead of her! She has time.

3 days later, Julia Hansen would be found dead in route 203. A wild pokemon encounter gone wrong, nothing out of the usual, and so Julia Hansen disappeared from everyone's mind within a week.
