
Mother deserves best!

"Cresslia?" .... "Speak, child... was it not you who sought me out?" .... "My mother's fallen ill," a reincarnated young boy sets out to save his ill mother from a never-ending nightmare (quick disclaimer, I am somewhat new to this whole writing thing, and I'm still learning, so some criticism would be much appreciated)

Nuttela · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 2

Pokemarts were mostly in the same boat as Pokecenter, in that they both looked like they were ripped straight out of the anime and games.

Although they're a lot more realistic.

Pokemarts didn't just sell Pokeball's potions and TM's. They also sold anything involving Pokemons' daily needs and comfort.

This is why I'm here, specifically in the water type section, although...

[Small inflatable pool] = 59.99 pokedollars

Recommend for small and young water types to enjoy and play. (Disclaimer: keep away from fire rock and steel types)

[Turn to read instructions]

I almost dropped my shopping bag in shock at the ridiculous price, I distinctly remember this being a whole lot cheaper.

Glaring at the picture of a baby Marill in a pool, a young kid playing alongside it, I made up my choice 

I felt the small, money-grubbing greedy side of me shrivel up a bit inside as I put the inflatable pool in my shopping bag, I was. However, unprepared for the shocking price of my next purchase.

[Water type, grooming kit for scales] = 99.99

Grooming kit for fish-type water Pokemon with scales, give you're Pokemon the treatment they deserve

Lasting 24 hours 

[Turn to read instructions]

"Okay, this is some tauroscrap!" 

"Language!" The man running the place yelled from the counter, his rotund figure shaking as he did.

"Sorry... but come on, Mark! Why is everything so damn expensive? I remember this shit" Ignoring his mutters about language I continued to rant."It was like... 50?.. 40 pokedollars last week give or take"

The other customers were staring at me scandalized as if I had just violently started bad-mouthing their parents or something along the lines of that.

Mark let out a sigh, "I'm assuming you haven't been keeping up with the news. Have you?" Shaking my head, he continued. "It's those team galactic dudes. They've been going around stealing from all types of different pokemarts and centers, " he explained, scratching his balding head while doing so.

I frowned, I hadn't thought of them in a long time now, I would go as far as to say that I had completely forgotten their existence.

A small crowd gathered around me, staring at Mark in shock. Apparently, I wasn't the only one not keeping up with the news.

Sighing, I reluctantly put the inflatable pool and the grooming kit on the counter, "Just... ring me up," I muttered, wanting to get it over with quickly.

Mark shrugged and did as asked.


I spent the rest of the day completing odd jobs here and there for around roughly 25 pokedollars. In total, all in all, it's pretty good money for a nine-year-old.

Of course, this also had the side effect of increasing my reputation, as the cute kid who would help all around town.

I don't quite know how I'm supposed to feel after being called "cute" and "adorable" by the grannies and moms of the town. I was a grown teenager, before I died, ya know?!

Suddenly, I was accosted from behind, a pair of sharp Claws dug their way into my clothes, and a wet tongue that felt like sandpaper assaulted my cheek,

Surprised, I let out a yelp and fell face-first onto the paved concrete, "Argh! Who has the ner...oh it's you!" I yelled, throwing the cat-like Pokemon off my back, and standing up

"Gla..." glameows blue eyes took in a shine of amusement at my suffering, a smug smile was plastered on her face, her coiled tail calmly swaying side to side, acting as if she hadn't just assaulted my back.

Nursing my bruised nose with my hand, I thank Arceus for making humans in this world so much more durable than my own.

Glameows simply licked her wrist and turned around before walking off. After a couple of meters, she glanced at me over her shoulder and gestured for me to follow before running off

Surprised, I openly gaped at her moving figure for a couple of seconds before running after the feline, I felt my heart pounding in excitement as I could already guess as to why she wanted me to follow.

Seeing that I was following closely behind, she slowed down to run with me, side by side. Giving me a side eye, she growled playful,

She knew what she meant. And I did, too.

Giving her a feral grin, I accepted her stupid challenge, no matter how unfair. "Fine, you overgrown cat!... You're on!" I huffed out between breaths.

Her response? Two words. Quick... attack.

Wisps of normal aura brushed my face as she sped off at what would be considered impossible speeds back at Earth, A huge dust trail was created as her silhouette vanished from my view

"Hey!" I yelled out, stopping to cough out all the dust I had just accidentally inhaled. "Cheater!!" I yelled out as loudly as I could.

Glameows' sensitive ears should probably have heard it. Despite the huge lead she had gained, letting out a sigh, I slowed my pace to a jog, accepting my loss.

Reaching my destination after a couple of minutes, I bend over, my hands on my knees for balance, my heart ringing in my ears not only in exhaustion 

But also, in excitement and anxiousness.

Done catching my breath, I walk up to the front porch and press the doorbell. A pleasant-sounding vulpix yip is heard from inside of the house.

With nothing to do for a couple of seconds, I idly read out the last name carved onto the door.


A couple more seconds pass before the sounds of footsteps grow near, opening the door. A beautiful middle-aged woman answered, her smug glameow idly resting on her shoulder.

Johanna Berlitz was a beautiful middle-aged woman. Her short blue hair, red hair clip, and blue eyes really gave her a unique appearance, plus she just had that kind but stern mother vibe to her.

Honestly, it's still kinda surreal seeing people over here with hair colors like this, and not be.. ya know, dyed.

"Ken!" she said, almost making me blush at the motherly tone. "Glad you could come! Come inside! I'm sure you've been dying for them to arrive!"

Taking off my shoes slowly and calmly, I burst into full gear once they were discarded. I earned myself a yelp from the kind woman and a growl from the Cheater.

"H-hey! No running in the house!" She yelled. She was, of course, ignored in my excitement. 

Reaching the living room, I finally see it. 

A pokeball. 

I've lived in this world for 9 years now. Pokeballs have become common for me, yet I was still so fascinated with it.

Because in it a potential lifelong partner is there, someone who would help me with my goal, 


Shaking my head to rid myself of those thoughts, I tenderly grab the ball, my hands shaking in excitement 

Mrs. Berlitz arrives, watching me with a tender smile, completely forgetting about my earlier "disrespect"

"S-sorry about that Mrs Berlitz" I let out a shaking breath. "Just a bit -"

"Excited?" She finishes. A chuckle graces her lips. "Don't worry, I get it. Little Dawn was the same when she first got her Piplup." She smiles, her eyes turning a bit cloudy, reminiscing about the day I imagine.

I had met the older girl plenty of times before, before my mom's... condition came to pass. me and I would visit Dawn and Johanna almost every single day.

Johanna and Mom were apparently "besties" if Dawn's words are to be believed.

She's the reason why I've even been allowed to live alone like this. Her words and promises as a top-tier coordinator have a lot of weight, apparently even if she is retired. 

So her promising to take care of me? They mean a lot! So the league thankfully never sent me to some foster care system or orphanage.

Not only that, she's even nice enough to pay the monthly rent. She's surprisingly pretty loaded, but considering her success, it shouldn't be all that surprising.

But still, I'm definitely going to find some way to pay her back!

Taking in a deep breath, I glance at the retired coordinator, silently pleading for any advice. She simply gestures for me to continue. Her glameow gives me a surprisingly encouraging look.

Almost pressing the release button, I luckily stopped myself, "Wait, not here," I mutter

"Why not?... Oh! Water type?" Mrs berlitz asks 

"Yeah, he or she would survive, but... I think it would be best if they're comfortable for our first meeting," I explain.

Giving me a beaming smile She nods her head in agreement and gestures to her backyard pond, 

Reaching the pond, I, with a nervous gulp, release the Pokemon. The Pokeball opens, and a small red figure suddenly hits the pond with a splash, making my feet a little wet.

The Pokemon stayed submerged in said pond for a couple of seconds before emerging to meet me in the eyes. Its dopey dot-like eyes narrowed as it evaluated me.

Fully emerging from the waters, I finally see its size. Well, for one, it's a dude, and second, can Magikarp even get that small?

Looking closely at the colors of his scales, I retract my previous statement, he's not tiny, just young, I was given a baby Magikarp for some reason.

But meh magikarps grow incredibly fast and reach their adult forms in 1-2 years, and considering I have a whole year before I go on my journey, well, him being young is no problem.

"A Magikarp?" I heard Mrs. Berlitz mutter, glameow uttering a purr in agreement.

"Hey, little guy," I kneel on one knee to meet the Pokemon eyes a little better.

He doesn't respond, opting to just stare at me before diving into the water again, leaving me hanging with my mouth open.

Was my introduction that bad? I barely said anything!

Luckily enough, my fears were unwarranted, as Magikarp's eyes poked out of the water, looking at me with a shy gaze.

Ah. He was just nervous! Thank God... or Arceus, I guess. 

"Nervous?" He responds with a "Garp," which I'm assuming is yes."Yeah, I get that. I also had the jitters," I chuckle at the thought of being nervous about this little cutie.

"Garp?" Magikarp questioned, feeling a bit more comfortable. Since he decided to emerge a bit from the safe and comforting waters hiding him from view.

Taking a quick second to try and decipher what he was questioning, I answered with the best guess I had. "Yes, really, but despite how nervous I was, I was also quite excited at the prospect of meeting you!" I said, straining myself to put on a fake cherry tone.

I wasn't some anime protagonist who could somehow use the "talk no jutsu" as easily as they breathed. Honestly, I remember not even being able to do a damn classroom presentation because of how nervous I was!

I cringed at the memory, "Anyways, my name is Kenny Forloun," I introduced myself, "and I'm going to be your new trainer. My goals? To find a certain legendary Pokemon and cure my mom!" While I may not have eyes at the back of my head, I could still feel the gazes of both Mrs. Berlitz and Glanmeow bore into me.

Magikarp stared at me with his dot-like eyes narrowed and surprised somehow before introducing himself as well. "Ma! Arp! Magi! Karp!" 

While I couldn't quite understand his words, I could still feel his intent. "Well, Magikarp, it's nice to meet you!" He gurgles out what I assume to be a "Nice to meet you too!"

"Well?" Mrs. Berlitz says, "Aren't you going to introduce us as well?" She gestures to herself and the surprisingly wistful-looking glameow.

"Right, right!" I said, scratching my head sheepishly."So Magikarp, meet Mrs Berlitz she's nice plus her food's a ten out of ten!" The mentioned woman blushed and demurely chuckled into her hand.

Continuing, I gestured to the now less wistful cat, "And this is glameow, avoid her at all costs, I'm pretty sure she'd eat you if you gave her the chance." Said cat, didn't even try to deny it and simply smiled menacingly, showing her sharp fangs and teeth.

Magikarp shivered and quickly dove back down to the bottom of the pawn with fearful haste, Mrs. Berlitz gave Glameow a stern glare, making her whimper and lower her head

"Momma's girl..." I muttered, trying to annoy her, which of course worked if the glare she was giving me was any indication.

Ignoring her, I check up on Magikarp...

Yep, he's still scared shitless. This is probably going to take a while.


"You have nothing to worry about, Kenny. Your magikarp is perfectly healthy." Nurse Joy said cheerful, chansey handed me his ball from over the counter.

"Thank you, nurse Joy! Chansey!" I said, still trying to get over the high of having my first Pokemon his Pokeball shock a bit seemingly asking to be let out.

I complied with his request and let the fish Pokemon out, his body hit the clean floor with an unflattering *splatter* sound, and he flopped around a bit before looking at me silently pleading.

Smiling, I pick up the dopey fish and hold him in my arms, ignoring the water seeping into my shirt through contact.

"Now, while he may be healthy, I would recommend that you go easy on the training," Nurse Joy warned. "He's still quite young, so any intense training should be off the table! Lest you accidentally hurt him." She said, putting her hands on her hips in an attempt to create a stern image.

While I had to try not to laugh at how cute and non-threatening she looked. "I'll make sure that our training is light, but how long would you say until we can begin more intense training?" I asked, petting the magikarp curiously taking in the pokecenter.

She takes a second to think. "Around... 2 months, he should be ready for harsh training by then." She answers.

Nodding my head in acknowledgment, I thank both nurse Joy and Chansey for their time and start walking out.

"Oh, right!" I suddenly exclaimed, startling Magikarp who was getting pretty comfortable in my arms, "Before I forget to ask, would you mind teaching me about nutrition?" I ask the surprised nurse.

She shrugs, "eh. Isn't it like I have anything better to do, so sure." She says, accepting my request.

Giving her a wide toothy grin, I walk out of the center, excited for the future, and grateful for whoever sent to me here.

Hmm, I should probably stop looking at those cute baby Shinx videos and actually look up some training methods for Magikarp. Wonder how he'd react to computers?

Now that! Sounds fun!