


I look at Chikumbutso as she walks away, surprised that she would talk to her own mother like that. What an ungrateful child she is, I swear auntie Thandose

deserves a better child than Chikumbutso. This woman is the kindest, most loving person I've ever known. She has worked for our family for as long as I can remember, she has been more of a mother to my sister and I than our own mother and I totally adore her.

My twin sister Yamiko is a bit like Chikumbutso, she is disrespectful towards elders and treats auntie Thandose like crap. Our parents don't even do much to correct her-

"By now you should understand that's how your sister is," my mother always says when I complain about Yamiko. Yamiko and I are so different that sometimes it doesn't seem like we are twins at all.

Looking up at auntie Thandose, I notice there is an expression of sorrow on her

face. I can see the glitter of her eyes full of tears-tears that would not fall.

"I am so sorry she spoke to you like that auntie T, that was disrespectful of her."

She forces a smile and blinks hard," That's Chikumbutso for you."

"Why does she treat you like that though?" I ask as we head towards ShopRite.

Auntie T is here to get some groceries for the house and I decided to tag along so

I could get some fresh air. I didn't go to school today because I had a pounding headache in the morning. I feel better now. Auntie T made me a huge bowl of

potato soup.

"Chikumbutso has always been ambitious, she hates that we are poor and can't afford to get certain things.

She tells me every time she will get rich some

day and leave our "filthy" neighborhood as she calls it. And you know I have no doubt she will be successful

Chikumbutso is very smart at school and she works very hard, I am just scared she might get herself entangled in the wrong things to get rich."

"So she wishes she had a rich mother?"

"Yes, she is ashamed of me, she says I dress poorly and I look dirty. She hates that I work for you guys but where else can I work? I dropped out of school in grade 7, this is the only job that I can do."

"That's really sad, I am sorry she treats you like that, I hope she gets her senses back someday, you are a great mother auntie T, you work so hard to provide for her, the least she can do is be grateful."

"Maybe I shouldn't have allowed her to attend this school that she goes to because

her attitude has become worse ever since she started attending this school, she

thinks she is a rich kid as well."

"I hope she realizes soon how lucky she is to have you as a mother. I would do

anything to have a mother like you. I love my mother a lot and I respect and

appreciate everything she does for Yamiko and I. I just wish she could be as

involved in my life as you are."

She holds my hand and squeezes it, "your mother is a busy woman. And you should understand everything she does is for you guys." I smile and nod my head as we walk into ShopRite.

"Do you have a list of everything we need to get from here?" I ask.

"Yes I do," she hands it to me and I take a quick look at it before pulling out a trolley and start walking down the aisles.We spend a good hour picking and choosing the items on the list.

When we are done, we pay for our items and I push the trolley out to the car and we load everything into the boot of the car.

"Are you done?" Sammy our driver asks.

"We are done with the food and groceries. I just need to get a dress I will wear for my friend's party over the weekend and some ice cream too."

"Alright child, be quick. I need to drop you guys off so I can go and pick your sister from school."

"Sure Sammy, will be back."

I grab auntie T's hand and lead her to Fashion World where I get a few dresses not only for me but for auntie T as well.

"You know you shouldn't have gotten me these? They are too expensive and.."

"Take these as an early birthday present auntie T. You do so much for everyone, allow me to spoil you."She looks at me hard but I pull her hand and we head cream land to get us some ice cream. Afterwards we walk back to the car.

"Ready to go?" Sammy asks.



Once we fnish our lunch, we order chocolate cake for dessert. We eat our cake while joking and talking about random stuff. This is the kind of life I deserve, I am

too beautiful to be wallowing in poverty. Someday I will make it, I will become very rich.

When we fnish dessert, Anita pays the bill and we stand up and head out.

Anita usually comes to school with a lot of money, she is the richest amongst us

and she always makes sure to prove that point every time we are out.

"Thank you for Lunch Nita. Lunch is on me, next weekend," I say excitedly. I make a

mental note to think of the lies I will tell my mother to give me money before the

end of the week.

"Alright girl, we shall show up like we usually do. What time is your mother picking

you up or maybe we should give you a lift."

"No don't bother, she will be here soon, you guys can go I will wait."

"Are you sure?"

I nod and smile,"Yes. You know how strict mum is, if she fnds I have left she will cause havoc and I don't want to be in her bad books."

"Okay, see you tomorrow in school."

"Sure, take care of youselves girls."

"You too babes."

They get into the car and I wave at them as the as pulls out of the parking lot.

When they leave, I do some window shopping for a couple of minutes before I decide to head to the station so I can catch a bus back home.

The buses here are congested; I always hate to move by bus. The frst thing I will

buy when I get rich is a car, I will get a personal driver too so he can move me from place to another.