
CH8: (Ryuko, Satsuki, Nui, and Ragyo)

Kill la Kill


Ragyo Kiryuin, CEO of the Revocs Coproation, and mother of Satsuki Kiryuin smiled as she read the report that detailed her daughter's attack on other schools during the class trip.

"I would expect nothing less from my daughter." replied Ragyo with a smile.

The door to her office opened to reveal her right hand assistant Rei. "Ragyo-sama, the scientists have discovered something you may want to see." replied Rei handing her mistress an info sheet.

"Oh? And what is it?" asked Ragyo scanning over the paper.

"The papers reveal something shocking about the Kamui wearer, Ryuko Matoi..." Began Rei in a surprisingly nervous tone as Ragyo thought of Isshin Matoi's daughter, who by some reason was familiar with her.

"What is it?" Ragyo asked before she saw something about the paper that shocked her. "T-that's-?!"

"Indeed Ragyo-Sama," Rei said, before dropping the bomb; "We found out that your DNA matches that of Ryuko's, making her your second daughter."

Ragyo's eyes widened as she let go of the paper and stared down at her on desk with unblinking eyes.

'Ryuko...is my...daughter?' were Ragyo's thoughts as she felt her mind go crazy at that thought. Even after becoming one with the life fibers, she always had a part of her that wanted to care for her daughter. But Isshin betraying her and the realization of what she did to Ryuko caused her to never truly bond with Satsuki. She was afraid of losing her as well if that ever happened.

But her mind seemed to snap. She felt like herself, but also giddy at finding out about Ryuko. She grinned widely before turning to Rei.

"Rei, please get me the Grand Couturier..." Ragyo said in a more happy tone as Rei bowed and went to get Nui, while wondering what was going on in her friend's mind.

A few minutes later a certain blonde haired and pink dressed life fiber-hybrid came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Ragyo-sama!" Nui called to her "mother", who nodded back. "Why have you called me here?"

"I want you to go and capture Satsuki and Ryuko." ordered Ragyo with a grin.

"Why?" asked Nui tilting her head.

"It's time for a family reunion." replied Ragyo.

Nui was confused about why her "mother" wanted Ryuko if she wanted a family reunion, but merely smiled and nodded before turning and heading out.

'Soon my daughters, soon we'll be finally together~!' thought Ragyo while smiling in bliss at the idea of her daughters being with her.

Meanwhile Nui herself hummed as she arrived to honnouji academy before going to search for both Ryuko and Satsuki, all the way while wondering why Ragyo wanted to see Ryuko.

The Grand Couturier kept her eyes peeled and soon spotted Ryuko talking to her friend Mako. She grinned and quietly snuck up behind them before using her life fibers to ensnare both of them and walked out in front of them.

"Nui! What are you doing here?" demanded Ryuko.

"Night night." chimed Nui who used her life fibers to hit different pressure points on Ryuko that knocked her out. Nui let her fall before catching her and holding her over her shoulder.

"Now all that's left is.." Nui sidestepped Satsuki's blade before smiling at the Satsuki's glaring face. "...Satsuki-chan!"

The mentioned, clad in her Kamui Junketsu, just glared darker at the smiling life-fiber hybrid. "What are you doing here, Nui Harime?"

"Satsuki-chan, your mother wants to see you AND Ryuko-chan as soon as possible~!" Grinned Nui at Satsuki's surprised look, but before the latter was able to do anything Nui vanished, making the younger kiryuin frown before going towards RECOVS for some answers.

Meanwhile, Nui had arrived at Revocs with no problem and made her way to Ragyo's office. She entered and put the unconscious Ryuko down on a chair before turning to Ragyo.

"So Ragyo-sama, why did you want Ryuko-chan?" asked Nui.

"Why, any mother would want to be closer to her daughter of course." replied Ragyo stunning Nui who soon smiled and clapped with happiness.

The doors soon were blown apart as Ragyo nonchalantly sidestepped them and smiled at seeing her other daughter walk in with her kamui and sword.

"Hello there my beautiful daughter~!" Greeted Ragyo in a more cheerful tone as Satsuki looked surprised because her mother hadn't used that tone ever since her younger sister died and Isshin Matoi ran way.

"What's going on here, mother?! And why is Matoi here?!" Frowned Satsuki as a moan was heard and they saw Ryuko wake up before looking around in panic.

"W-where am I?!" Panicked the banchou girl before looking at the other present and growl. "Satsuki Kiryuin! Nui Harime! Why am I here?! And who the hell is that woman?!" She finished looking at Ragyo, who smiled before deciding to drop the truth bomb.

"Is that anyway to talk to your mother?" asked Ragyo.

Ryuko was struck speechless while Satsuki was the same but with more anger. She brought her sword up and immediately charged at her mother.

But Ragyo just smiled while blocking Satsuki's attack before holding her so that her daughter wouldn't attack her.


Ragyo then did something that Satsuki never would have expected; she got a sad look on her face! "I had thought so as well, but apparently Isshin Matoi faked her death and took her away from us after he left..."

"But..." Ryuko's whisper brought the attention of both Kiryuin. "The old man told me that my mother died after I was born..."

Ragyo neared her youngest daughter and hugged her, much to their surprise.

"I failed as a mother before you were even one, but I want to change that all that now." replied Ragyo.

Ryuko's cheeks had tears going down them as she gripped Ragyo closer into the hug, not noticing the shiver Ragyo got form feeling her daughter hold her close.

Satsuki meanwhile looked in shock at how her mother acted around Ryuko, her...sister. And suddenly the kiryuin felt shame upon remembering how she had almost killed her during the triad trip and when she went berserk.

Suddenly Ryuko found herself hugged by Satsuki and, shockingly enough, Nui.

Ryuko cried harder as she felt comfort and warmth from the embrace. Even if two of them happened to be her enemies.

Ragyo smiled at all her daughters together and kissed each one on the forehead before turning to her youngest. "Ryuko, would you like to be part of this family?

"Y-yes, I will..." Ryuko said just wanting to be with her remaining family, making Ragyo grin harder and hug her in joy.

'FINALLY! MY FAMILY IS BACK TOGETHER~!' She thought in bliss.

Then strands of life fibers covered both Ryuko and Satsuki, who didn't resist, in cocoons before they shattered, revealing the girl with their kamui's in new forms. Senketsu and Junketsu had been transformed into identical dresses like Ragyo's, except they were colored like their respected colors.

After their new transformation, Ragyo sat down on her chair and held her daughters as Ryuko and Satsuki sat on her lap.

"So my daughters, want to drink something?" Asked Ragyo with a gentle smile as both daughters nodded, making Ragyo reveal her bare breasts. "Here you go~!"

Ryuko and Satsuki were hesitant on doing such a thing, but were very tempted by their mothers breasts and began to suck on both nipples trying to get some milk out.

"Mmm~! Drink up my daughters." cooed Ragyo as she felt her nipples getting hard and smiled at seeing milk come from her breasts and being drank by Ryuko and Satsuki.

"My turn~!" chimed in Nui with enthusiasm. Ryuko and Satsuki let go of Ragyo's breasts and let Nui excitedly latch onto both nipples and suck as much of the milk as she could.

Ragyo just moaned in happiness at having her daughters together.

Eventually Ryuko and Satsuki managed to convince Ragyo of not destroying the world with life fibers, and just put them on the clothes of all the world, which became goku uniforms much to their happiness.

Then Satsuki revealed Ryuko as her sister, which was met with surprise from the Elite 4 before they accepted, happy at Satsuki being reunited with her sister, which included Mako and her family congratulating Ryuko.
