
CH3: (Ichigo and Masaki)



Ichigo brought Zangetsu down the middle of a hollow and watched as it was purified. He dodged the claw of another one and sliced that one across the torso before it was also purified.

What Ichigo failed to sense from a far distance was a reitsu that was similar to his, but was being hidden.

'Aww, how much you have grown, Ichigo~!' Grinned a vasto lorde with white armor covering most of her body and a black bodysuit that showed her curves, and her mask resembled Ichigo's hollow mask, but more feminine and her long orange hair was shown.

She was Masaki Kurosaki, Ichigo's own mother who died when the Grand Fisher attacked them that fateful day 10 years ago, yet her soul saw how her children was traumatized, which caused her to become a hollow.

Masaki looked up into the sky as the memory of what happened played through her mind.


Masaki stared in shock as she watched her son try and wake her up. Which was impossible due to the chain that protruded from her chest and led to her body. She was dead.

"Kaa-san. Kaa-san!" cried Ichigo with tears going down his face.

"Ichigo! I'm here!" called Masaki who knew it was in vain, but she couldn't stop herself from wanting to assure her son that she was alright.

She covered her face with her hands as the next few hours were shown of her body being carried away with her family leaving the hospital and heading home.

"It's not fair. I can't leave them alone. I can't leave Ichigo alone." cried Masaki whose chain began to erode from all the negative emotions and broke. It was at that exact moment, that Masaki uncovered her face, only for her eyes to appear distant and empty.

"I. refuse. to. DIE!" screamed Masaki whose scream became deeper as her spirit began to transform into that of a hollow.

(Flashback End)

Afterwards she woke up in Hueco Mundo as a Adjuchas level Hollow due to her Quincy powers, and so after murdering several high level hollows and absorbing their remains she managed to become a Vasto Lorde and go to the human world once more.

There she saw her son, whom had grown up into a fine young man and became a Soul Reaper to protect his loved ones, which made her proud and warm.

'Oh Ichigo, you may have grown, but you still have the cutest~orange hair!' gushed Masaki in thought. To her, she was not only relieved to see her son again, but felt her face heat up at the sight of his grown body. 'Do I...like Ichigo...like a woman?' wondered Masaki in thought.

She held a hand over where her heart use to be and smiled. She could feel her face eat up and could feel losing her breath as she saw Ichigo turn towards her direction. She could feel herself drooling at the sweat that stuck to his forehead before he turned and began to head home.

'Oh Ichigo, your cuter than your father. I'm sorry Isshin, but I can't help myself.' thought Masaki who felt bad for her husband, but couldn't stop herself from following Ichigo.

Meanwhile, Isshin suddenly felt like crying for no reason and Ichigo won a shiver on his back.

'Aww, Karin and Yuzu have grown up~!' Masaki thought while looking at her daughters happily of their growth. 'Now let's see how Ichigo is doing~!'

And so Masaki went to his room, luckily without Ichigo noticing her, but then she saw Rukia sleeping on her son's room...

Masaki instantly stopped and stood there and saw the young girl in HER son's room.

'WHO DOES THIS GIRL THINK SHE IS SLEEPING MY SON'S ROOM?!' thought Masaki in extreme anger.

What she didn't realize was that her anger was causing her reitsu to become visible to both Ichigo and Rukia who woke up.

"Where is this reiatsu coming from?" Ichigo asked as he quickly went in spirit form.

"It's comeing...from here?!" Rukia gasped as Masaki quickly dropped in, cursing her outburst.

"Who are you?" asked Ichigo who brought out Zangetsu.

"Oh, silly me~!" I forgot my mask." Masaki held her hand at the top of the mask and brought her hand down over it, revealing her face.

Rukia didn't have much of a reaction, but Ichigo's was different. His jaw dropped and Zangetsu fell from his hands as he stared at Masaki.

Inside Ichigo's mind, Zangetsu had a surprised look on his face before muttering "How interesting..."

Meanwhile, Hollow Ichigo's reaction was just like Ichigo's, before he laughed once again, but in a awkward way. "W-well...Damn..."

"I know your shocked Ichigo, so let me tell you about what happened." replied Masaki sitting on the bed.

Rukia and Ichigo listened intently as Masaki began to explain her tale from the time she was killed to the years it took for her to evolve into her current form.

At the end of the tale, both shinigamies were surprised before they accepted the story and in turn they told Masaki about Ichigo's adventures as a shinigami including how he and his friends went to the soul society to save Rukia from an unjust execution, to Ichigo's training with the Visored (Vizards), to his journey to Hueco Mundo to save Orihime and stop Aizen, to the final battle between Ichigo and Aizen, followed by Ichigo's one year of normal life until X-cution's interference, followed by Ichigo winning back his powers.

Masaki was surprised at what Ichigo and his friends had to go through, but was more proud at how much he grew up.

Isshin, Yuzu, and Karin ended up walking into the room. Yuzu had slowly gained the same ability to see spirits like her brother and sister.

"Ichigo, who are you talking-" Isshin stopped his talking as soon as he saw Masaki. -to?"

Yuzu and Karin began to tear up at the sight of their mother and ran to her and were brought into a hug by a smiling Masaki.

Then Masaki told Isshin and the girls about her story as a hollow and how she recently returned, which they accepted as long as they could be a family again. And soon everyone went to sleep, with the exception of Masaki, whom didn't need to sleep but then she noticed a hollow trying to get to the house, making her remember when Grand Fisher killed her.

'NO ONE IS GONNA HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN!' Snapped Masaki as she quickly appeared behind the hollow and snapped it's neck before eating it's remains.

After devouring the hollow, Masaki's eyes darkened as they turned towards her son, sleeping the night away. She walked over and sat beside him and rubbed his head.

"Oh Ichigo. You may have grown, but I need to watch over you~!" Masaki smiled before she frowned and turned toward the closet where Rukia was sleeping. "That girl is too close to you. She'll have to be taken care of~!"

But then Masaki remembered how Ichigo said that Rukia was someone important to him ever since she gave him the powers of a soul reaper and saved her family from dying at a hollow's hands. That made the vasto lorde stop her dark thoughts and try to calm down.

'Oh dear, I almost harmed someone who helped Ichigo...I better calm down and think things straight...' Masaki thought as she saw her son, and a new idea came to her.

Masaki walked over and climbed underneath the covers and was now laying right next to Ichigo.

'Even his smell is amazing.' thought Masaki with a blush as she wrapped her arms around him.

Ichigo noticed the extra weight on his chest even as he slept, which woke him up as he looked down and saw his mother laying in bed with him!

"M-Mom! What are you doing?!" Ichigo asked in a hushed voice trying to not scream and wake everyone else up.

"Hmm, just being close to you, Ichigo~!" She said simply before doing her puppy eyes with her mask, "It's not a problem, wight?"

Ichigo sweatdrop at his mother's act and shook his head no. Masaki beamed a happy smile and resumed kissing her son.

'Why the hell am I allowing this? She's my mother for kami's sake!' thought Ichigo.

'So what? King, screw the taboo and start doing that to her!' yelled Hichigo in his mind.

'What! Zangetsu, help me out!' yelled Ichigo.

'Surprisingly, I would have to agree with him. She went through so much, just to be close to you again. If you push her away now, it will surely crush her.' responded Zangetsu.

Ichigo couldn't say anything back due to that being a good point. Sure it was wrong, but if all those years caused this, then who was he to deny her? Ichigo wrapped Masaki close to him and began to lean into the kiss.
