
Most OP Karmic System!

Follow Seth Lyr Sandmen on his journey of being a prideful gentleman that seems to be incredibly strong. He will face world breaking adversaries in a intense fight scenes and all while trying to figure out how the political powers he encounters can be easy to interact with and friendly but annoyingly cunning in their plans that involve him! There will be Love, Death, Action, Light Hearted Tragedy, and most of all Compassion in all forms. Read as Seth proceeds to be a manly dunce but and strong one at that, who bulids his path in his own hands with the Karmic Fantasy System. Maybe lady luck does shine on those who are not so lucky!

TypicaL_RaiN_334 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Chat With James

As i sat in my study i tryed my best to digest the things the system told me after i had completed the Hidden Mission. It was hard to realize that those horrible things would have become a reality if i hadn't simply stopped Jack, if i simply hadn't know. In the mass of overwhelming thoughts one thought was clear to me though.

'The system has my best interest in mind, if any of those things happened they would have directly affected me and the life that I've started building here.'

Its been about 2 hours sense i have entered my study. After processing the information i've decided that i will need to protect this kingdom from any nefarious means that endangers not just the kingdom but my life as well. I guess now would be a good time to check this new shop feature before i have a chat with James and deal with Jack. Man, what is this development in my life right now. With that thought i tap my temples.

[(<1 3>)

--Seth Lyr Sandmen--

--Age:19--Height 6'2"--

Usable Karmic Points:220





Vitality:SR+ (Near Immortality)

Mana Lvl: EX


ABILITIES: Duel Handed: Lvl3, Spacial Inventory, Mana Perception Lvl5, Elemental Firearms Lvl5, Elemental Sage Lvl6, Fleeting Feet, Karmic Appraisal Lvl1, Unparalleled Item Appraisal Lvl1.

Elemental Firearms unlocked-

:Lvl1: Elemental 8 shot revolver

:Lvl5: Elemental lightweight sharpshooter rifle]

'Oh? There are Status pages now? Hmmm..'

I pondered as i hit the right arrow the the second page.

[(<2 3>)

-Karmic Servants-

--Jack Mill Kingson--

--Age:139--Height 5'11"--






Mana Lvl: B


Titles: A Great Deceiver, Ruined Dagger, The Perfect Left Handmen.

ABILITIES: Discrete Movement Lvl4, Smooth Runner Lvl4, Illusion Magic Lvl2, Dual Hand Lvl3


--Vishala SpiritLight--

--Spirit Land Dragon--

--Power Level: 𓆩♧𓆪 Ranked--


Intellect:EX (Divinity)



Mana Lvl: EX (Divinity)


Titles: SpiritLight Holder, Draconic Mind Flayer, Primordial

ABILITIES: Mind Domain Lvl??, Mind Seeker Chronicles Lvl???, Draconic Pressure, Soul Reaper Lvl???, Soul Eater Lvl????, Primordial Spirit Arcmagic.]

After see Vishalas actual status menu I begin to, just for once, actually question the kind of deity level being i summon into this realm. Like, I mean with stats like those she could easily lay waste to any and even possibly all nations on this planet. I'll need to take time into understanding these skills. It also looks like her skill levels are so high i cant tell the exact number but the amount of question marks at least tell me where to suspect the amounts of digits atleast. Soul Eater... thats too ominous. Just the name sends a shiver down my spine let alone that fact its skill level is at least above 1,000. What a monster skill to be up there. Ironically enough after i took jack as a 'servant' his Karmic Value went back to zero like a hard reset. Well i guess its like new master, new me? Honestly that makes no sense, but weirdly enough it fits, so don't fix whats not broken will be my opinion on that.

Pushing the literally Brainstorm going on i make another mental command to the third page.

'What is thi-..... what?' I thought when seeing the next Status Page. It left me flabbergasted, dazed, confused, a spectrum of puzzlement simply.

"So... this is the shop feature." I whispered to myself.

[(<3 3>)

--Karmic Shop--

-Karmic Points: 220-


Skill or Status upgrade-

Lvl 10: Cost 50 points

Lvl 20: Cost 100 points

Lvl 30: Available when Value is 500 or more

E-Rank: Cost 10 points

D-Rank: Cost 15 points

C-Rank: Cost 20 points

B-Rank: Cost 50 points

A-Rank: Cost 75 points

AS-Rank: available when Value is 450 or more.


(Will only sell Recommended skills at this time)

Magical Engineering + basic knowledge- 60 points

Magical Enchanting + basic knowledge- 60 points

Telekinesis- 50 points

Elemental Armor- 50 points]

'Hmm this skills of purchase.. if i buy them all I'll be back to 0 for points but... thats skill look too good to resist. I mean Telekinesis? Who wouldnt wanna move shit with their mind? With Magical Engineering and Enchanting i could make weapons and armor with possibly other stuff as well.' I ponder deciding to buy them.

Soon the skills was inside of my main status page and no other recommended skills popped up and all other options grayed out probably because of a lack of points. I will probably take sometime when i can to see what i can do but i can feel basic techniques and general knowledge flood my head leaving me with a dull medium headache.

After 10 minutes the headache was gone and not to long after a knock resounded with Koto informing me that Carly is requesting me to come and talk to her and her father. I am assuming they have talk everything out on there ends and now its just my end to figure out. Stressful..... but it is what it is. Damn Hatting was somewhat right but i love Carly nonetheless.

After following Koto downstairs he gives a single knock and then opens the door letting me in. When i walk in i see Grace and the man next to James dressed in normal noble clothes with a tissue doting their eyes to wipe away tears, the man in armor have a complex look on his face as he gazes at the table in thought. James himself has his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees hunch over while simply groaning every 15 seconds or so. This sight is... how do i put this... precarious, yeah, precarious i think is the best word for it.

"Oh! Seth! Come, Come. Sit next to me, we need to get through this so father can process the headaches ive cause hime for the 2 plus hours." Carly turns seeing me come in, waving to me to come and sit.

"Yes, yes, my love." I respond as i sit down next to her and take her right hand into my left hand.

It was at this time that James sat up and ran both hands down his face in exhaustion.

"Haaah.. So you are this Seth i've heard about so much. Honestly i came here to test you young man, but it seems that those intentions of mine are pointless. So... i will give you a look at your situation. Before my daughter seem to have swept you off of your feet, she 'did' have a prearranged marriage agreement with His Royal Highness, Beluvard Freevis Onixy Greyhound's 2nd born son, the Royal Prince, Ryan Silvaris Onixy Greyhound. He will be angered by this... bond.. but nonetheless i will support you only because of your affinity with the 8 elements, but i will need you to go to the Capital of the GreyHound kingdom, Grey-la-heim and find a way to make the King and the Prince to accept such things. Honestly His Young Highness will probably challenge you to a mage duel but if so, i worry not then."

"Very well, i will do as you have suggested. Umm.. but quick question? How far is the Capital from here? I honestly want to sort this out as soon as possible if i can. If its not to far i should be able to leave the day after tomorrow and arrive quickly." I queried with a thoughtful tone.

"Wha-!? Ah.. its a 4 day journey by carriage but a 2 day journey by a flying beast. You are not... purhaps... thinking of going there alone are your?" James was puzzled before answering me with his onw question afterwards.

"I most certainly am! Tomorrow i will try to summon a dual element summon of light and Darkness and try to summon a wind element summon after. I have a few skills i want to fiddle around with first too before then, but ultimately yes, i will be going alone. Carly is mine. Simple as that." I respond confidently.

"Babe.. thats sweet.. are... are you leaving Vishala here or taking her with you?" Carly cooed to me while blushing before hesitantly asking me.

"She will stay here its why im summon the other two. In honesty, in this situation, my traveling crew will only slow me down. Vishala will stay here to protect you. Props of a perma-summon i assume. Ah!.. even though it might be cruel i will have Vishala change Jacks personality and alter his memory and put the current memories in something for James to have so he can understand what he was planning. After is personality and memory is changed he will become a gaurd for you when i venture out." I responded and updated Carly and those near on my thoughts for jacks situation.

With that we talk about some small things, James introduced Hennington and Julian to me, James welcomed me to the family and we all eventual made our way in different directions. It was already night so me and Carly headed back to our room and got ready to sleep. We spent sometime holding each other discussing bits and pieces of the future. Baby names, my new skills, the Hidden Misson and its rewards and the shop feature, and even about how she works and some of the projects she had before meeting me. Soon though we fell asleep hold each other, the day has been long and exhausting and there is a guarantee for more just not exactly for when.