
Most Arrogant Ancestor In History

In the ancient era, Lin Tian, the formidable Great Demon King, achieved legendary status in the mortal realm. After ten thousand years, his powerful martial art, the 'Samsara Heaven Slaughter Art,' resurfaces. Discovering that his once esteemed sect has fallen into obscurity and his disciples have been mistreated. Lin Tian unleashes his wrath upon the world. With his unparalleled might, he tears through the heavens and strikes the earth, leaving countless Immortal Gods in his wake. Prepare for an epic tale of vengeance and redemption as Lin Tian seeks to restore his sect's honor and exact justice upon those who dared to oppose him.

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7 Chs

Fateful Encounter

Aware that if Lin Tian participated, he would likely meet his demise, Lin Wang harbored deep concern. However, Lin Tian directed his gaze toward the still-dazed Lin Yao and declared, "I'm going shopping. There's no need to search for me. I'll be back in three days."

"You..." Lin Yao attempted to interject, but Lin Tian called out to the tower, "Little guy, come out and give me a ride."

As the cat spirit beast materialized, fear instantly gripped everyone, causing them to retreat. Even perspiration formed on Lin Wang's forehead.

The mere presence of the cat spirit beast was overpowering, surpassing the combined might of everyone present. Yet, Lin Tian boldly leaped onto its back, exclaiming, "Let's go have some fun!"

The spirit beast bounded forward, seemingly soaring through the air, and landed several steps away. With its subsequent leap, it accelerated, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

Those witnessing the spectacle were dumbfounded, while Lin Wang regained his composure, adjusting his attire. With an aged smile directed at Lin Yao, he remarked, "Patriarch, there are still three days until the competition. You should make your selection wisely. Otherwise, your foolish son alone will not be able to secure victory."

Having said his piece, Lin Wang departed, anxiety bubbling within him. "How did that brat manage to tame the spirit beast?"

The mystery of how the cat spirit beast was tamed left not only Lin Wang, but many others curious and intrigued.

As thoughts of the Cloud Demon Mountain crossed their minds, they couldn't help but marvel, "He's no ordinary person!"

The cat spirit beast moved with incredible swiftness, appearing as a blur as it dashed across the rooftops of the Lin Family residence.

Before anyone could react, Lin Tian and the spirit beast had vanished, leaving astonishment in their wake.

Word of this event swiftly spread throughout the city, stirring passionate discussions among the people. "Did that fool really ride a spirit beast?"

"Yes, news from the Lin Clan confirms that the fool rode a cat and made his escape."

Once outside the city, Lin Tian found respite under a tree, his expression filled with frustration as he glanced at the cat spirit beast by his side. "Your back is so uncomfortable to sit on. It's unbearable."

The cat spirit beast displayed a sense of embarrassment. "Master, I... I apologize."

Observing its sincere apology, Lin Tian sighed. "I'll arrange for a cushion next time. It'll be much more comfortable that way."

"Yes, my lord," the cat spirit beast replied obediently. However, Lin Tian waved his hand dismissively. "Go and enjoy yourself. I'll call for you when I need you."

As Lin Tian lay under the tree, he stretched his back, closed his eyes, and let his mind wander to the events of ten thousand years ago.

During that time, he had been a resident of this small world, and with incredible speed, he had ascended to become the strongest individual in this realm. Eventually, he traversed the void and entered the celestial realm, becoming the supreme ruler of the Divine Realm within a thousand years.

Yet, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel regret over the fact that, despite reaching the pinnacle of the Divine Realm, he had been unable to achieve a breakthrough. It was only after discovering the "Samsara Heaven Slaughter Art" that he decided to start cultivating anew.

Little did he know that during his recultivation, he would be ambushed once again by the forces of the Righteous Alliance, forcing him to return to the small world to elude their pursuit.

Recalling these events, a trace of anger welled up within Lin Tian. He sat up and found himself face to face with a woman.

Clad in green attire and wielding a green sword, the woman stood before him, her fair skin accentuated by the grip of the blade as she prepared to strike Lin Tian.

Upon seeing the woman, Lin Tian's anger swiftly dissipated, replaced by a smile as he remarked, "Hey there, beauty, it's not right to launch sneak attacks on people!"

The woman appeared to be around 25 or 26 years old, possessing alluring red lips and cascading black hair. Her stunning appearance exuded an air of maturity and elegance.

"I just wanted to see whether you were truly foolish or simply pretending!" Tian Bing exclaimed in astonishment, while Lin Tian asked with curiosity, "So you know me?"

"I am Tian Bing, the eldest daughter of Tian Wu, and the older sister of Tian Luo. Do you recognize her now?" Tian Bing stared at Lin Tian with a mix of arrogance and coldness.

Lin Tian suddenly realized and burst into laughter. "Ah, I see! You're my fiancée's sister!"

Never did he imagine that his fiancée would be married to someone else. However, Lin Tian didn't feel concerned at all, as he had encountered numerous goddesses of light and beauties in the Divine Realm. The notion of being committed to a single wife simply did not exist for him.

Tian Bing, on the other hand, widened her eyes and retorted, "It seems like you're just feigning ignorance!"

"Is there really a difference between being foolish and pretending?" Lin Tian inquired.

Tian Bing pointed her sword at Lin Tian in anger and declared, "There is indeed a difference!"

"My younger sister is determined to marry you and has turned down countless suitors. If she discovers that you're merely pretending, I will immediately inform her and expose you as a hypocrite!" Tian Bing said assertively.

Lin Tian hadn't expected Tian Luo to declare that she would only marry him. Feeling somewhat helpless, he responded, "Listen, little big sister, if your sister insists on marrying me, what does it have to do with me?"

Tian Bing's Sword Qi trembled, and Lin Tian focused his gaze on the sword, growing serious. "This sword... Why does it look so familiar?"

Tian Bing proudly declared, "This is the Absolute Spirit Sword crafted by Master Qingyu!"

"That girl Qingyu?" Lin Tian's heart stirred as he reminisced about his youngest disciple from ten thousand years ago.

"What little girl? I have already ascended to immortality! It happened a hundred years ago!" Tian Bing corrected him.

Lin Tian was surprised to learn that Qingyu had also become an immortal. He chuckled, "I always knew she had great talent."

Tian Bing, thinking that Lin Tian was once again displaying his foolishness, became even more furious. She declared, "I don't care if you're truly foolish or just pretending! Today, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

With those words, Tian Bing thrust her sword forward, utilizing the Water Shadow swordsmanship. As the Sword Qi surged like a tidal wave, it approached Lin Tian with incredible speed. However, Lin Tian evaded the attack with familiarity.

Tian Bing was shocked. "How did you know this swordsmanship?"

"Not only do I know the swordsmanship, but I also know that you made a mistake in executing it. Moreover, I even learned it incorrectly!" Lin Tian replied confidently.

"Impossible!" Tian Bing exclaimed, her anger flaring up. The swordsmanship displayed before her eyes was undoubtedly that of the renowned Tianshui Sect. It was a style she had learned and honed through countless hours of training and dedication, passed down by her own water shadow disciple. In Lin Tian's mind, this young swordsman had always exhibited exceptional leadership qualities and an unwavering determination to elevate the Tianshui Sect to unparalleled heights, aiming to secure its position as the pinnacle of all martial arts sects.

Indeed, with the guidance and support of Lin Tian, the Tianshui Sect had flourished and ascended to become the most esteemed sect in the realm. This remarkable achievement further solidified Lin Tian's belief in the young disciple's exceptional potential.

However, Tian Bing, consumed by a mix of pride and fury, misunderstood Lin Tian's intentions. She interpreted his remark as a direct insult to her and the Tianshui Sect—an act of belittlement that stung her deeply. Her face flushed with indignation, she retorted with a fiery tone, "Even though the Tianshui Sect has yet to receive an official rating, you have no right to demean me in such a manner!"

Upon hearing Lin Tian's inquiry, a profound transformation overcame his demeanor, causing an intense aura to emanate from his very being. Tian Bing, taken aback by this sudden change, found herself on the verge of losing her footing, her fear palpable. She couldn't fathom the source of such immense power within him, questioning her own perception as if caught in a bewildering dream. "How is it possible for someone to possess such an overwhelming aura?" she wondered, her voice trembling.

Lin Tian's countenance turned somber, his suspicions taking hold. His voice carried an edge of suspicion as he pressed, "Tell me, what has befallen the Tianshui Sect? What happened to our once glorious home?"

Confusion clouded Tian Bing's thoughts, unsure why Lin Tian sought this knowledge. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to recount the tale of the Tianshui Sect's illustrious past, her tone tinged with pride. "The Tianshui Sect, ten thousand years ago, stood proudly as the foremost sect in existence. Countless immortals and revered figures emerged from its ranks, their legends echoing through the ages."