

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs


It was no surprise to me, when I miraculously collapsed at the most random of times, vomiting pools of blood while Delilah watched on in fear and worry. What will happen now? What will she do? I was gradually losing my consciousness, I would soon lose all my sense of the surroundings.

"Step aside young girl, let me handle him."

"Who....who are you? I won't let you take Robert..."

"Why do you cower, young girl? I'm merely an acquaintance, this man is deserving for help, for what he has done for us and I'll repay his favor with my hospitality....come aboard."


"Woah, this is your house? It's....surprisingly small...but it's amazing."

"Thank you for the 'compliment', make yourself at home, I'll focus on waking Robert up."

I was slowly but surely coming to my senses as I steadily open my eyes and see a familiar face infront of me, it was Doctor Palmer, placing his stethoscope on my chest, counting the amount of times my heart beats.

I sit up and give him a look of surprise, I waa flabbergasted, what were the odds I met him again!

"Uhm, uh, how, I, when, DOC, How, how are you here? It's such a surprise! How long has it been?!"

"My home is actually here in Oceanica, I was on a tour in See Green with other medical professionals, and it has been a month I think, since that incident. And it seems like that month has been very heavy on you, Robert, we need to talk."

I stare at him bewildered but was ready for him to talk.


"You are going to die! Most likely, in the next few weeks, you will soon experience severe infernal pain, and then drop dead due to liver failure. 'You need a donor', as soon as possible, the more you leave the cirrhosis as it is, your liver will keep rotting and worsen your chances for survival, so the sooner the better. Robert I need you to obey and cooperate fully, you're going to need to answer a few questions and we will run some tests on you so we can find this donor."

So I was finally at this stage, "Whatever you say Doc."


It's been over a month since I've been away from my family, it's definitely hard, even though my father is abusive and a narcissist, there is still someone in that family that cares about me and looks after me, this person made living in that dreadful environment bearable, he is the only family I have, my brother, Samson. Without him my life would be empty, and it has been more then 30 days, 720 hours, 43200 minutes that I've been away from him. What would they be thinking, will he searching for me, will he be sad without me, a part of me don't wants to go back no matter what, but at the same time, that urge of my weak heart, to just hug my brother and never let go, it could overpower any other feeling, and I may just 'go back', but no, I cannot in any circumstance let that happen; Robert has sacrificed so much for me, going as far as visiting somewhere lile Chelonisia, flying an aircraft, rumbling with the hospital, I can't leave him without repaying his help. However, I don't think Robert wants me to stay, I know he wants me to settle somewhere else, with a proper guardian, he doesn't think he can parent me. What a pain! What should I do! I'm just a child! One thing was certain, after some waiting, the time will arrive, where judgment has to be made, and I was not looking forward to it.

This Doctor's home was quite a bougie establishment; it may have been small and suffocated, but the way it was adorned with fancy furniture and ornaments, it definitely attained the standard of 'luxury'; these rare accessories decorated on fine timber stools and these gorgeous eye-pleasing artwork hung up on the grey walls, bringing color to the house, all of these artefacts were none that I had ever seen, and me being the daughter of a head of state, I've moved around the world and experienced many luxuries but this was a lifestyle new to me, all of Oceanica even, it was mesmerising.

There was one particular thing that caught my eye in this house, not the extravagant decor or ornaments, but the similar picture frames arranged throughout the living room, the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the image was of the Doctor and one other person, a young girl who didn't seem to be at the house, but she was in every picture, she was definitely someone important and it got me curious.

"Well, I think that's enough exploring for today, Robert was recovering from his disease or whatever that is, hope he's well until tomorrow, the Doctor is out, don't know where he went. Looks like it's time to sleep!"


HUH! What was that? Is there somebody at the door, is it the Doctor? I should go check...




My brother was a handsome individual in my eyes, he spoke 'strong' from every angle you looked at him, his pearl like hazel eyes, dark and short orange hair, and his chiseled jawline defined his beauty. My brother is the person I most admire and respect.

"Took me a while to find you kiddo. You know why I'm here right...."

I had got what I wanted, a chance to meet him, right that time, I had forgotten all other thoughts, and was just embracing and encaptivating the moment, I immediately hugged him tightly, with a intention of not letting go, I was experiencing this longed emotion after such times of sorrowful deprivation and I didn't want this to end...I break down crying, as my brother consoles me, I let him know through my tears how sad it was without him, and I let him know how happy I was to see him.

"I missed you to kiddo."

"Are you here to take me back....?"

He took out a napkin from his pocket then wiped my face and said, "I'm here because I love you. Let's talk, I feel like.....we need to catch up on some things."


"Wow! You've certainly been up to some mischief, haven't you. No wonder Jay was out so long, and I would love to meet this Robert you speak of, he sounds like a sophisticated person, anyways....don't worry about father, I have that under control."

I hug my brother again as curiosity strikes me, "Enough about me. How are you, what were you thinking coming to a stranger's house at night, and through their front door at that? Also how did you find me? As far as I remember, father doesn't own a satellite."

He smirks and says arrogantly, "Hmph, don't underestimate me little girl, I have my ways, and if I reveal them then what use am I of. Also I just presumed that the whole house would be sleeping and I could just get you out and talk. Seems like I hit the bullseye."

I led out a sigh and commend his luck.

"So....what do you say, wanna head back, together, brother and sister, happily ever after?

"You already know my answer, that place was a living hell hole for me, every second I spent there made me suffer, it was a punishment for me.

"Even with me?"

"You know that you were the only reason that made living in that trench bearable....I'm tied to shackles in that place Sam, I'm a prisoner there. I can't, I just can't...."

My weak heart makes me break down weeping again, my brother consoles me for the second time and speaks up, "Then don't, there's no one forcing you, right now you aren't in that house, right now, father's not here. It's all up to you, 'you' will decide what you want to do."


He gets up and grabs my small hands, looking straight into my eyes he says, "Then let's do exactly that!"


"Welcome back Samson, your report?"

Both father and son were sitting across eachother in the luxurious candle lit office of the head of state of Heartpool, with stone cold and unwavering expressions.

"Yes father, unfortunately, Delilah passed away in that aircraft accident in Bishop Islands, she was buried at their Grand National Memorial Park, here's her death certificate."

"I see. You're dismissed."