
Chapter 89 - Overdrive

I'm not sure if I made the right choice adding some Oc to make the original Arc but I do hope you guys enjoy it.

College is BS, my 1st semester project made us make video games individually!? Like how the hell!? We make the asset and algorithm? Fuck but oh well.


Yuuki watched his clone fight the army of over around hundred of Shuuki single handedly and the Azuma were amazed by his skills in combat that dwindled their numbers as if they were flies. The quickest who can defeat that many Shuuki alone would be Yakumo with her [ Night Storm ] and Tenka with her [ Ame-no-Mitori ] if excluding Ren Yamashiro who has devastating power that reaches a large area. Or maybe Homare with her [ Python ] considering she doesn't second guess her action and is unrestrained by unnecessary thought after inputting her movement.

"Does your clone everything you have? Does its strength remain the same?" Maia curiously asked, recalling that one of the chiefs was capable of cloning without losing power.

"Nah, my overall combat prowess is half of my strength, stamina, agility, Etc." Yuuki took mountful from Tenka who was speeding him and happily did it without being asked to. He didn't mind and wasn't embarrassed by it only when he was completely honest at the time he was quite vulnerable.

"But you made it sound as if it isn't a drawback?" Fubuki, who sat next to Yuuki on the other side, began to spoil him by handing cup of water.

"Nope, if anything I perform when I'm at my weakest. It sharpens my fighting spirit and removes any flaws that I miss." He explained having once been bored in his previous life and went to a terrorist hideout that needless to say made his day more lively.

"How does that even work?" Homare said curious about what kind of training he does in order to make himself even stronger.

"It allows you to see what you lack that you couldn't see before. That's why those who always lose are able to get stronger than those that defeat them as they are used to losing and overcoming their weakness. Fight the strong and overcome the strong to become stronger. You can't grow if you keep fighting canon fodder." Yuuki said that somewhat annoyed Homare recalling how Himari was stronger than her as she was able to fight Fubuki. She knows this because Fubuki warned her from fighting Himari.

'Savor it! Once I get my chance then I'll prove to you I'm better and stronger!' She felt motivated to get stronger and take Yuuki from the main family to show she's better. Though that is impossible, she was stubborn, a trait shared by all Azuma.

"Well said boy! By the way, what kind of fighting style is your clone using?" Tobera asked, looking at the screen as Kuro Oni acted like a more merciless killing machine acting a lot more quicker and precise but had beastly demeanor around him.

"That's style….it's called [ Formless ] Stance, it is not like a normal style, as instead of a singular fighting one, the user has a wide repertoire of moves that one can draw from at any time. This style acts more like an instinctive reflex and reaction to the opponent's attack, going limp to avoid, withstand or deflect attacks and striking at the first opening almost instantaneously." Yuuki explained the principles while also feeding Tenka who happily took his food. .

"This style's forte is adaptability, but possesses one notable weakness to the form and I won't be sharing that." He smirked then fed Fubuki who giggled and enjoyed how considerate he was.

"You're like a library of martial arts…hmmm?" They all taken back when in the blink of an eye the Shuuki vanished as if something swallowed them yet couldn't comprehend how Kuro Oni managed to do it beside Yuuki who wasn't affected by the time stop. They were taken aback at how quick everything happened because their senses and perception was supernatural yet unable to see the time frame between his movement.

"What just happened? In a blink of an eye the Shuuki simply vanished?" Maia exclaimed trying to process what had happened and watched as Kuro Oni continued to devastate the entire battlefield, appearing akin to a blur. Only a few minutes had passed since the fight started and yet it was already over but their eyes widened when they witnessed another enemy appearing that was more humanoid and certainly stronger. Those who are more experienced are able to gauge someone's power base from their intuition. Tenka glanced at Yuuki who was clearly envious that his clone was trying to fight something worth some effort.

"Wait! Shouldn't we help? That could be one of the Eight Thunder Gods!?" Maia asked thinking this could be part of their enemies plans like how they did with 7th unit and 3rd unit. Yuuki shook his head, keeping his eyes on the holographic video.

"No, it's unlikely they would continue a plan that already failed." Yuuki watched trying to figure out who might be the people behind this attack.

"Even still, we should help because I don't like to sit around and do nothing." She voice her thought worried that their enemy might have an ace up their sleeve and cause more problems later.

"Don't. It's a fight that shouldn't be disrupted by an outsider. And I believe he would win without a problem as he is a clone of the man who defeated me." Fubuki said having understood it would be disrespectful in trying to stop the fight as Yuuki or rather Kuro Oni was training and continuing to grow. Maia fell silent recalling that her mother was defeated by a heavily holding back Yuuki according to those who witnessed the fight.

"Well said and I want to see more of his martial arts in action." Tobera added and continued to watch the fight in silent wincing a bit from the slugfest that they witnessed afterwards. They were amazed how tenacious Yuuki can be, clone or not. He tanked the heat that clearly shook the ground and air around them. It was heart pounding fight that they rarely see since Shuuki are too weak for them and everyone seeks to hunt rather than fight.

They witnessed his signature martial art like [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] and redirect his opponent attack while absorbed his kinetic force to be unleashed back his opponent that stunned it momentarily and took advantage of it.

Both weren't backing down and were getting even more stronger every passing moment as if they were breaking thought layers upon layers of limits. There is a technique called [ Limit Removal ] but it more or less removes rather than surpasses the limits and Yuuki and his clone share the accelerated growth of it especially when near death state. They were all astonished when his opponent suddenly was able to copy his movement from their fight and was trying to use it.

"Hey shouldn't we be worried that the damn Shuuki suddenly learned how to fight!?" Homare shouted trying to get their attention but before anyone could respond the witness where a circle seemed to formed below him and could senses his formed changes however he wasn't yet over and snowflakes suddenly added into the grown.

[ CQC + Jeet Kune Do + Destructive Death Needle Compass ]

Kuro Oni waited for his opponent to move forward and immediately place his hand into its heart where within an instant strike it with powerful [ One Inch Punch ] and if the humanoid Shuuki has any human biology then the heart should still be intact and function normally shutting everything down.

Before it could regain any sense it was swiftly bombarded with a barrage of strikes that concentrated on its vital points such as the knee, elbow, face, chin, etc. And the force of the attack resulted in a shockwave behind his opponent leaving a small indentation below.

[ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ]

Kuro Oni was taken by surprise when it was able to deflect an attack and looked down at him taking another stance. He became more excited upon witnessing it, reminded of the time he fought [ Slave form: Killer Fang ].

"Copy as much as you want but you will never master it! Allow me to demonstrate." He took a deep breath and released a bit more of his strength getting closer in learning the [ Relaxed State ] of Jiren.

[ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ]

The two of them exchanged blows, reflecting and redirecting all of their attacks that were almost too unreal for those watching. His opponent may have accelerated growth and other abilities but it couldn't copy Kuro Oni or Yuuki's core character and the essence of what it means to be a fighter.

Not to mention, fighting him with the same style was no different when he fought with his clone but stronger. This meant that even if an enemy copied everything about him then it still won't work against him. The humanoid Shuuki was now getting overwhelmed and couldn't keep up with the overwhelming growth of Yuuki or Kuro Oni that performed better against strong opponents.

"Is this all you got!?"

Kuro Oni said without stopping with his assault and hai opponent roared cuckign their fist back then delivering a powerful strike.

[ Explosive Heart Released Fist ]

It was imperfect and Kuro Oni counted with his [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] until he took another deep breath causing ripples around them seemingly shrouded in golden light.

[ Sunlight Yellow Overdrive ]

Unleashing a plethora of brutal strikes that was infused with Hamon or ripples easily delivered a devastating blow and consecutive attack was more than enough to obliterate parts of his opponent's body, burning parts of it that stopped it from regenerating as it was cauterized. The humanoid Shuuki was mangled and defeated, unable to continue as Kuro Oni stood over it.

"You're at least not half baked compared to Kidoumaru and the other Eight Thunders Gods. If you fought me earlier then perhaps I would have taken my [ Asura form ] but I've grown higher and now I've surpassed myself again."

Kuro Oni commented having finished with his task and was about to take it's body for research when it suddenly grumbled to dust and instantly felt his body grow numb.

'....My senses from danger certainly grow dull after getting strong.' He thought to himself and realized his opponent planned to take out whoever was going to fight it.

'Whoever responsible most likely wanted to collect data…whatever…let's turn back.' Kuro Oni thought and immediately reverted the time back to 5 seconds.

[ Golden Hour ]

He returned and stepped back from the corpse before it crumbled but then most below appeared and took it back. Kuro Oni had no way of sealing it from crumbling and poisoning him, letting it go. He spread his senses trying to find those responsible for the attack but couldn't.

'I should be careful since whoever is responsible is a tricky opponent to fight.'

Kuro Oni thought having found an opponent who could give him a challenge not in a fight but in the mind. But he welcomed the challenge and slowly vanished, returning back to his main body.

From an unknown location in a certain room a person within the shadow watching the sight before them was unfazed but what they were witnessing and more intrigued.

'Yuuki Wakura….he is an interesting specimen. It seems my experiment was a failure again.' A feminine voice behind them were large tubes where humans and Shuuki were floating.

'The human evolution….it still far! I need to find a way and contact him.' It said to itself rewinding the footage and looked at Kuro Oni or more specifically Yuuki.

'I wonder what would happen if I dissected him and saw what kind of army of humanoid Shuuki I could make? There are also those pesky Eight Thunder Gods but I let them be, seeing they might be essential to humanities evolution!' It thought itself showing a blood craze demeanor and slowly calmed down.

"Wouldn't you agree?" It seemingly spoke at nothing and stared back to the screen while the person in the screen shook feeling suddenly creeped out as memories and the experience from the fight returned.