
Mortal Thrill Seeker

what would happen if a Battle maniac who seeks a good fight was thrust into a Battle royale for the chance of becoming a god? Living a world unfit to him, Daniel, now known as Yuuki Wakura will relish in the thrill he seeks. "Becoming a God? The hell with that!! I just want to fight and have strong women standing beside me!" Now armed with the Talent of Garou's Martial Art, Downgraded Intellect of Lex Luther and Physiology of a Viltrumite is now ready to fight. [ World ] Mato Seihei No Slave ======== if you read God Succession System then this is basically that but without the weird NTR moments. If yah the author hope you don't mind taking inspiration. Warning, my mc is like Kenpachi who likes to hold back mentally and I will constant Nerf him. Not to make drama, but to make him stronger. Don't worry, it's not like he'll suffer but his path won't be smooth either. Regardless, if you want to read for fun then I suggest turning off your brain. ======== I won't dedicate myself to this fic since I still have DxD: Time Leap.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 71 - New Family Head

After the battle royale ended, Yuuki brought Fubuki outside where Tobera began to heal them. He reverted back to his normal form and somewhat felt the strain from his body. Yuuki hasn't recovered from fighting [ Killer Fang ] a few days ago.

Though it will pay off once he removes his inhibitors but decided time was not yet ripe to use. He noticed that his level increased significantly from fighting Fubuki. Yuuki watched as Tobera healed them and was talking with Ivory, the angel assistance that the god gave to him.

'Ivory, can I use a wish to head earlier to another world and go back and forth?'

[ You can but the world shouldn't have any participant present. ]

'Oh good, I doubt that anyone knows about Death Mage who doesn't want a fourth time.'

Yuuki recalls the jobs system would be useful for everyone and he doesn't have any wish at the moment besides to let his girls get stronger a lot quicker. He also likes them to go back and forth in order to continue working until they are able to put a stop in Mato.

'Right, will we get the power system of the world we visited?'

[ Yes, once you arrive you'll gain access to their power system. ]

'Does this apply to those I bring?'

[ To be honest, it's impossible to bring other people but it's possible for them to gain access. ]

'Nice, thank you, Ivory, love you.'

[ Shut up, you owe me a date first. ]

Ivory was the person that knew everything about Yuuki and the one who saw him grow as a new person. A less violent and mature version of someone who sees the bleakest and the brightest side of reality. Meanwhile, Yuuki inwardly grinned and nodded as he checked his attributes.

[ Name: Yuuki Wakura(Formerly: Daniel)

Age: 18

Race: Viltrumite/Shuuki Hybrid

Lvl: 70


[ Attributes Stats ]

Strength: S

Agility: S

Vitality: SS

Stamina: S

Intelligence: SSS


[ Abilities ]

Garou's Martial Art Talent

Downgraded Lex Luther's intellect

Viltrumite Physiology

Asurayaksha Deva

- Probability Manipulation (Stolen)

- Transmutation ( Stolen)

- Bio-Absorption Replication (Stolen)

- Ame-no-Mitori (Permanent Copy)

- Golden Hour (Permanent Copy)

[ Martial Art/Combat Technique ]

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist

Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist

Exploding Heart Release Fist

Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist

Full Contact Karate

Nabong Needle Ryu

Shadowed Blade of the End

Sun Breathing Technique

Renewal Taekwondo.


Ultra Instinct (Lookism)



Many more... ]

He is satisfied with his level since the higher level he gets, the longer it takes. Yuuki concentrated on strengthening his abilities first and took out his attention watching as Tobera finished healing the others and was about to finish with homara who was stripped naked.

"I will stay quiet so as to not spoil the fun,"

Yuuki can help heal them but it would drain him and wouldn't be a great idea. Soon, Homare woke up feeling drowsy after the fight.


It was then she saw Yuuki looking at her then realize that she was naked and immediately screamed and embarrassment as she tried to cover herself.


Yuuki had enough turn to Himari who saw him and smiled with her lover did the same.

"You did an amazing Himari. You are no longer weak."(Yuuki)

"It's all thanks to you and the chief."(Himari)

"No, Himari, it is your own dedication and hard work that overcome your weakness and become strong."(Kyouka)

Hearing her chief filled her with pride and finally she was no longer the same person that she once was.

"I saw you use Chief-Level abilities one after the other."(Yuuki)

"But I can't do it right now."(Himari)

"Hmm, let's train on mastering that then. It might be similar to my own transformation."(Yuuki)

Yachiho then moved closer and grabbed her little sister's hand then started to help her pose.

"Golden hour! Golden Hour!"

She gleefully shows her she normally does it, making Yuuki chuckle seeing the two interact.

*Your pose is too simple, Himari! Here like this!"

Yuuki did find the pose to be unnecessary since he is able to stop time and rewind it without posing.

"You know, you can do it without posing right?"

Yachiho stopped what she was doing then looked at Yuuki.

"Wait really?"(Yachiho)


"But my Peach Ability needs to pose so I can Time stop and rewind."

"You can stop and rewind time without posing."


She gets closer to Yuuki while Himari sighs in relief escaping her sister as she sees her lover and Yuuki discuss how to use her ability.

"I have a theory, your pose is nothing more than a trigger for you to activate your ability, correct?"(Yuuki)

"Yes, where are you going with this?"(Yachiho)

"Well, why not create a mental trigger? It might work as long as the same thought and feeling is in place."(Yuuki)

Yachiho looked at him confused while Yuuki sighed then said.

"Alright, I'll show you when I visit the 6th unit."

As they were talking, Himari turned to face Kyouka and said.

"Just when I thought I had successfully used "Learning"... What now…"(Himari)

"Don't fret, Himari. You won't become strong in a single go. Let's overcome the affinity barrier through training!"

Kyouka clenched her hands giving a motivating smile that caused Himari to have a bright smile and nodded.

"It is as chief Uzen says."(Tobera)

Himari turns to face her grandmother getting closer and continues to speak.

"Understanding your equalities is enough for now. Figuring out how to draw them out is next."

She stared at Tobera having a troubled expression expecting to be scolded once again but to her shock felt her hand placed into her left shoulder.

"You are also a splendid Azuma! Himari!"

Himari became flustered, surprised by the sudden compliment that she had been dreaming ever since she had a child and had long gave up.

"Why now…"(Himari)

"Make sure to birth lots of babies for the Azumas from now on!"(Tobera)

Everyone suddenly stops what they are doing and looks at Tobera dumbstruck at what she just said.


"You already have a man, Don't you?"(Tobera)

She pointed at Yuuki who was unfazed by it since he won't deny it when they were obvious.

"In which case, we can also have Child-Making lessons with him included!"

Tobera grabbed Yuuki who simply had wryly smile as she continued

"Let's do that!"(Tobera)

"Not that I mind but won't it hinder her training?"(Yuuki)

Kyouka and Tenka glance at each other realizing that they had to decide who would be the first one to carry his child but they didn't think too hard when they have years waiting for them to decide.

Himari blush that Yuuki didn't mind but it was not yet the best time. Yuuki mental age does make him desire to have his own family. He had the money and time but was afraid it might affect Himari's growth.

'There it is... The hag's tyranny.'(Homare)

'Nothing you say will get through to her.'(Sorako)

As Tobera was pulling Yuuki, Fubuki walked to them and called out to her mother.



Fubuki stared at her mother coldly then said.

"Please stay quiet."(Fubuki)

Tobera paused where everyone felt the atmosphere grew colder than before as she turned to face her daughter staring coldly at her.

"...What did you just say, Fubuki?"

"You were the one who made the Azumas stronger than ever before, Mother."(Fubuki)

She began to speak her mind at the flaws of her mother's rule.

" ...But, the meritocracy that puts even children against each other and increases the familial antagonism... "

Sorako and Takemi were surprised to hear their sister in law speaking about their side. This was the first time that a person from the main family had the courage to speak.

"Made the children grow up without a sound mind. And what's more, an organization that behaves arrogantly, despite taking on lower roles just because it doesn't want to do "troublesome things," can't be considered a healthy one."(Fubuki)

Fubuki shouted that shook Tobera hearing the criticism of her daughter.

"I also want you to stop going around wearing a school uniform. Act your age."(Fubuki)

Tobera was taken aback by being called out by the way she acted and dressed.

"But I'm willing to overlook that."(Fubuki)

At that moment everyone felt the tension of Mother and Daughter increased this cause Tobera to angrily charge at Fubuki

"Who do you think you are...!"(Tobera)

However, Fubuki was unfazed by it then immediately managed to counter Tobera and pinned her into the ground with her spear.

"I am already the Head of the Azuma Family."(Fubuki)

The Azumas were dumbfounded to see their monstrous family head to be easily defeated.

"You would have easily been able to counter that attack during your commander days... You've been slacking, aren't you?"

Fubuki removed her spear from her mother and said.

"If you are going to be a problematic elder, then I will take you down, mother."(Fubuki)

Tobera slowly stood up still radiating a suffocating pressure around her.

"Fubuki. You little…"(Tobera)

Tobera glared at her daughter for a second then formed a toothy grin while her forehead was bleeding.

"You've gotten stronger."

Fubuki smiled as well but it was difficult to notice unless you're Yuuki who can sense emotion.

"I'll be taking charge of the Azumas."

She said while her mother was healing herself then said.

"Do as you wish."(Tobera)


She stepped forward to look at everyone and they did the same then said.

"The Azumas must be strong..." I will make new Azumas while keeping that same ideology. Let's get along a little more, as we go forward."

Sorako was surprised how Fubuki was acting, pondering why she was doing this.


"Homare. Yumina."(Fubuki)

She called out the two, turning her attention towards them and said.

"I will be disciplining you. This time, with love."(Fubuki)

Yumina simply had a bright smile while Homare cringed at this then made a vomiting gesture with her hands.


Fubuki turned to Tenka and said.

"I hope we can get along as we have before, Chief Izumo."(Fubuki)

"I hope so, too."(Tenka)

She smiled as Fubuki turned to Kyouka and said.

"Forgive me for speaking rudely about you, Chief Uzen…"

" It was to stir up Himari, was it not?"(Kyouka)

She simply smiled, finding no offense to what she said about her then continued.

"If you really underestimate me, then I will take you on anytime."(Kyouka)

"I have to thank you for training Himari so well."(Fubuki)

She reached out her hand and Kyouka took and shook it then continued.

"The Azumas will not forget this favor."

Yuuki was happy with how things turned out with Tenka looking at him enjoying seeing him smile. Fubuki turned her attention to Himari then said.

"You won't be going back yet, Himari. We'll be reviewing what we've just gone through."(Fubuki)

Himari wryly smiled seeing how her mother suddenly acted and said.

"You sure became pushy the moment you became the head... Fine, let's do it!."(Himari)

Meanwhile, during the event of the Azuma Banquet where above the urban areas of a city was a person flying as if they were a god descended from heaven.

"So this is the world of the living…"

The person was Kuuzetsu who seemed to have hidden intention in the next few days. After a while, Kyouka and Tenka seem to have left for business leaving Yuuki, Himari and Yachiho behind.

"Hmm, you can clone yourself?"(Fubuki)

Yuuki made a clone of himself to be use a [ Slave ] since she wanted to see how Himari won against Yachiho and get a better understand what her daughter been doing.

"Yeah, well, it will disperse once it reverts to humans. I'll be doing my own training, sorry, Himari."(Yuuki)

"It's fine, at least you won't have any physical training and you haven't completely."(Himari)

"Same to you."(Yuuki)

Fubuki looked at the two interactions and got a clear understanding of their relationship. After a while the clone, Fubuki and Himari left as Yuuki went to meditate since he wanted to do shadow boxing style training.

"Thank goodness you're here, boy."

[ A/N: Should I make the smut of Tobera and Homare this early? ]