
Fallen Earth

The year 2570. Earth.

The Sky was split open with two huge Gates on each split. Many Higher creatures invaded earth, The current primitive earth was full of resources around The Year 2349, But at the same time was the start of the invade by the higher planes.

The current earth almost turned into a parren land, With 65% of its land turning into a wasteland where small organizations filled with commoners and small clans lived and worked.

The powers invaded earth for three resources, Dark Crystals, Element veins, Dark Gold.

These Three resources were top-notch even in the upper plans, they were needed everywhere, which encouraged many great clans from the upper plans to start their invade on earth.

They came here with white hands calling for peace, After they gathered enough power inside our plan they first destroyed every empire and kingdom that came on their way to power.

After one hundred years of blood and killing, they finally were able to control earth totally and roam unhindered, They started their own empires as well as their own Immortal and Demonic Religious organizations Their aim this time was to grasp the fate of the whole planet, but reality made it so they weren't able to do so, as humans who refused to believe or who weren't capable enough to gain a believer spot in their religious all were chased into the wasteland which is filled now with criminals and heretics of gods.

This is what earth turned to.


In a very distant place which resembles a destroyed mountain, stood erect a small primitive village with hundreds of humans living there.

This village was called Yuang Village, as its name tells, this village belongs to the biggest clan in the village, The Yuang clan. A clan of Miners and food hunters.

Not far away from this village, on the nearby desert, A human youth was lying sleeping on the hot sand, The human youth seems to be dead or something as his whole body didn't flinch in the current cold air.

A flow of light falls from the sky straight at the sleeping youth.

Ian opened his eyes, felt some pain in his head while holding a dark crystal. He turned to look towards the side only to see a green screen hanging on-air as it circled in front of his eyes.

</ Transforming order: Find A suitable body with a strong soul. Goal: Achived\>


</ Merge with the inheritor soul: Merg completed\>

</ Choose a frame to take: ...\>

" Inheritor who inherited the memories and inheritance of the Great Saint Aixu, Please choose a frame for the Legacy to take"

The voice sounded a bit mechanic as it sounded inside his ears, Ian who was momentarily stunned finally let out a loose sigh as he focused again till he finally understood everything, He seems to be chosen by A god to be his inheritor, He inherited his memories as well as his Everlasting Legacy.

Thinking for a moment, Ian turned his eyes to the sky as he mumbled: "Ian is very thankful for your majesty favor, I will repay this favor in the future."

As he was about to stand up he felt powerless all over his body, He still remembers when he was chased by a wolf all the way here, He kept running for almost thirty hours, his lungs his legs and his backbones hurt so much that he almost cried tears.

Thinking for a while, Ian looked back at the green screen in front of him as he focused his memories well, He kept searching his memories for any good shape the legacy could change to but he wasn't successful so he could only let out a sigh as he ordered: "Take the last shape you have been changed to."

A miraculous green light illuminated the spot as small metal ingots started to gather from the sand till it gathered around the Green Core, Then they started revolving up at a speed faster than light. First, all the metal ingots melted into hot lava till it turned into a strange Blue liquid then finally the light dimmed a little before a leg came down from the core as it was all metallic the legs were thin somehow as well as a little detailed, After a while the whole Metallic body was fully constructed in front of his eyes.

Ian was looking at the happening like an idiot, Having memories can't at all replace the real experience, Experiencing such a thing really shocked him.

The small metallic body then suddenly vanished as if it didn't exist here at all, A metallic voice was heard in his ears.

"Master! The Legacy is completed, Master can now order Legacy."

Which Ian reply to was a smirk"Nice to Meet you, Legacy!"

The first chapter is finally out, Update release will be 1 chapter daily. No bonus chapters till we reach +100 chapter

Small chapters with no rubbish words

Poorgod_creators' thoughts