
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Wedding Plan Stress

Everyone was a flurry of emotions, all of which were the much-needed distraction from the events with Shinnok a month and a half ago, but the fact there was a wedding to be planed provided stress, but a good stress. Jacqui, Sonya, Li-Mei, being revealed as Ryker's wife, Tasia, and Kira were all helping Cassie in some fashion or another, while Alex had Takeda, Johnny, Kano, Karkas, Kabal, Jarek, Kobra, Ryker, and surprisingly Hanzo to assist him. Alex felt much stress as he and Cassie both worked out the tiniest of details. Alex felt rather down that he knew in his heart he couldn't uphold several Greek traditions that his mother and uncle upheld on their wedding days. It was at a point Hanzo was the brave soul to sit Alex down and talk to the young man

"Alex, you are not well. Something is bothering you."

"Hai, yes something is bothering me. I feel so lost. I don't feel like I have stable roots to look back on for traditions. I feel so…blank."

The young Black Dragon said to the older shinobi, who chuckled a moment and said

"Well did you speak with your uncle Ryker?"

"Yes, but a fair number of the traditions are either no longer applicable or just don't apply to me."

Hanzo nodded having recalled some of them Ryker mentioned. Alex looked down sadly. Hanzo said

"Well, due to certain old clan laws, you are an honorary member of the Shirai-Ryu, so thus there are two I can think of that would suit you and Cassie."

Alex looked up as the grandmaster explained pulling out a coveted medallion, made of fine gold, and carved into the logo of the Shirai-Ryu. The yellow silk ribbon it rested on was brand new and strong as Hanzo spoke as he placed the medallion on Alex

"Kono medarion de, anata wa kachinoaru mikatadeari, kono kowai ichizoku no menbādearu koto o shōmei shimashita. Kono medarion o hokori o motte mi ni tsuke, anata no kōseki ni tsuite kenkyo ni hanashite kudasai."

Alex bowed his head and once the medallion had been placed on his neck, he replied

"Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu. Gurandomasutā, anata wa watashi ni keii o arawashimasu. Watashi wa anata no kettei o sonchō shi, anata o hokori ni omou tame ni saizen o tsukushimasu."

Hanzo smiled thrilled to hear such perfect Japanese from Alex, that he asked

"Where did you learn to speak so fluently and so much like a native?"

"Siris actually. He's Japanese. A former Yakuza."

Hanzo smiled and said

"A necessary evil, the Yakuza. They through disorder, maintain order."

"An enigma that would confuse Havik."

Alex said and Hanzo laughed

"Truer words have never been spoken."

Hanzo paused before he said

"I will present Cassie with the homemade textile later. However, for now, how do you feel Ōkami no shinzō?"

"I feel better, Tazunete itadaki arigatōgozaimasu."


Alex couldn't help but giggle as his nonmonic for remembering that Dōitashimashite meant your welcome flashed in his mind. Hanzo eyed him but relaxed, Takeda had been the first one comfortable enough to laugh around him, now Alex. Hanzo smiled warmly at Alex before he got up and said

"Come now Alex, there is still much for you and Cassie to plan for. It is stressful yes. But it will get better, I speak from experience."

Hanzo said as he fondly thought of his own wedding day


"Ow, Ow Mother!"

"Hanzo, be still. You must look your best for Harumi."

His mother scolded her eldest son. Two other boys were near, and the exact same age as their brother Hanzo, as they were triplets. The middle triplet spoke

"Aww, brother is turning as red as a cherry blossom, whoa, hey no fair!"

He said narrowly missing the kunai thrown in his direction by his eldest brother. Their mother huffed and said sternly

"Hanzo Sasori Hasashi and Hiro Rikai Hasashi, Elder gods so help me, I will flay you both alive. And I do not care you are getting married today Hanzo."

"Yes, mother."

"Yes, mother."

Both young men said. Their youngest brother had kept quiet though his mother turned a stern eye to him and warned

"No funny business today Hayashi Shizuka Hasashi, are we clear?"

"Yes, mother."

Hayashi said very timidly which earned a smirk from Hiro and a look of pity from Hanzo. A young woman five years younger than the brothers entered carrying a wrapped bundle.

"Mother this just came for Hanzo from Mr. Aoi."

"Eh? Well, give it here Tsuki. Give it to your brother."

"Yes, mother."

She said walking over to her brother, tripping over her own feet, before she could fall, Hanzo caught her and the package asking

"Are you ok, little sister?"

"Yes, brother I am. Thank you."

Hanzo smiled though his mother shook her head

"Tsuki Hana Hasashi you clumsy girl, you could have damaged your brother's gift. Pray this mishap does not cause him trouble."

"Yes, mother. I am sorry mother."

"Now go, before you cause any more trouble, and take Hayashi with you and make yourselves useful."

"Yes, mother."

The youngest two children said scurrying out of the house like kicked dogs. Hanzo opened the package and was surprised to find a pair of twin katanas expertly fashioned by Kazutoshi Aoi. True it was not masterwork like his uncle Kokoro Taji Hasashi, but it was deemed worthy as it had Kokoro's seal of approval on it. He stood up to allow his mother to tie the swords at his right hip and she said

"There, you are ready. Now go make me proud my son, and future grandmaster."

"Yes, mother."

-End Flashback-

Hanzo smiled fondly at the memory but was keenly aware his mother had been verbally abusive to him and his three younger siblings. He looked at Alex who was much more active in planning his and Cassie's wedding. He whispered

"Oh, Harumi. I wish you were here my flower. You would have doted on this poor boy. I just know it."

Kono medarion de, anata wa kachinoaru mikatadeari, kono kowai ichizoku no menbādearu koto o shōmei shimashita. Kono medarion o hokori o motte mi ni tsuke, anata no kōseki ni tsuite kenkyo ni hanashite kudasai.

With this medallion, you have proven a worthy ally and member of this our scared clan. Wear this medallion with pride and speak humbly of your exploits, oh honored one.

Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu. Gurandomasutā, anata wa watashi ni keii o arawashimasu. Watashi wa anata no kettei o sonchō shi, anata o hokori ni omou tame ni saizen o tsukushimasu.

Thank you so much. You honor me, grandmaster. I will do my best to honor your decision and make you proud.

Ōkami no shinzō

wolf heart

Tazunete itadaki arigatōgozaimasu

Thank you for asking

Holly_Putvincreators' thoughts