
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Team SF Assemble

Sonya begins to awaken. Team S-F arrives through a portal of their own as she tries to sit up. Cassie, Alex, Jacqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin all see the attack here on the base. They spot Kano tending to Sonya and Cassie says, more at the fact her mother is injured than Kano touching her, though a slight thought of disgust crossed her mind

"Oh, shit!"

She rushes over to Sonya, with Alex close beside her, while Takeda and Jacqui rushes to Scorpion and Kung Jin runs to Kenshi. Cassie cries to her mother


She takes Sonya by the shoulders, noticing her father isn't here, her fear raising as it had for Alex as she asks, almost afraid of the answer

"Where's Dad?"


"Mom, mom, where'd they go?"

Sonya passes out again, and Kano tenderly holds her, refusing to move from his old friend. He made mistakes and now he's trying to make up for them. Alex looks at him, his eyes convey his anger, but there is also a pearl of quiet wisdom as well, that Shinnok must be dealt with first. Cassie cries worried scared that she is losing her family, Alex's hand gently on her shoulder for support and comfort


It is Hanzo Hasashi who answers her, his voice grim, and defeated as if he is lamenting a mistake he made

"Your father... Shinnok's prisoner... at the Sky Temple."

Cassie's mouth was wide open. Things had gotten dire and like before, Team S-F were on their own, the stakes higher than ever. Cassie turns to face her team, who look just as worried and perhaps helpless as her. Cassie quickly calls over any standing Special Forces to bring General Blade, Kenshi, and Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi to get medical aid. She walks over to her team and reassures them

"It's time to live up to our legacies. Shinnok is back and we need to head to the Sky Temple as soon as possible. Jacqui, Kung Jin, help me gather supplies. Alex and Takeda? See if we can get some more intel from Hanzo, Kenshi, and my mother."

They all nodded and tended to their given assignments. Right as Cassie, Kung Jin, and Jacqui run inside a tent, Alex helped Kenshi and General Blade onto some seats when he hears Takeda's voice rise


Alex turned and walked overseeing Takeda losing his cool and holding his own grandmaster by the collar. Not one of his brethren stopped him as Takeda raised a fist, eyeing down a remorseful Hanzo. Takeda gritted his teeth and opted to toss Hanzo, right into Alex who caught the grandmaster and in an almost ballroom dance move maneuvered himself in front of the former hellspawn and caught Takeda's whip blade, his hand becoming severely injured as a result.

"Alex, let go you're getting hurt, look at your hand!"

"Will you calm down?"

Takeda paused, breathed, and then said


Alex let go as Takeda winded the whip back into his suit. A medic soon arrived and wrapped Alex's injured hand. Alex turned to Takeda and asked

"Takeda-san, what made you angry?"

"Grandmaster Hasashi killed Quan Chi, now we can't save any of the Revenants."

Alex turned to Hanzo and calmly asked

"Is this true grandmaster, that you murdered Quan Chi?"

Hanzo nodded and expected Alex to be just as angry as Takeda but when Alex made no move to strike him, he was surprised. Alex eyed him carefully before saying

"We cannot be fighting each other; we must save this strength and fire for Shinnok and his army."

Takeda breathed in and out. Alex was right, now was not the time to be angry. The young Shinobi went back to preparing for the mission ahead. Alex helped his fiancée, and his other two teammates prepare for the mission. Alex himself opts to change into his more regular mission attire, rugged jeans, a white T-shirt, steel toed boots, and a long leather duster. Like any sane Black Dragon, he was armed to the teeth with weapons though what one could see was his hook swords. He looked at Kano who gave a weak smile

"You ok Kid?"

"No, I am scared and angry."

"Then focus that anger at your goal kid."

Kano said calmly before he added

"I'll stay here and help tend to the injured."

Alex looks around the desperate scene around him. Their superiors are down, and the fate of the world looks dark. It is time for the next generation to step up; like his teammates and peers around him, Alex has a legacy to carry on as well. He bangs the shield his uncle Commander Ryker gave him and exclaimed

"Listen to me... Shinnok is back but is weak without his trusted sorcerer. Now is the time to attack! We will take his entire kingdom... by force! We need to act fast. The fat of the world rests on us."

Something in what Alex said made Cassie blush and shake her head sighing, Takeda actually laughed cause he knew the reference, Jacqui rallied but also realized that was way out of the left field, and Kung Jin was very stunned as to him Alex sounded very much like Shao Kahn. Kano smirked. He knew soon he'd have to tell Alex the full truth as to who he is, but he knows, just knows, wherever Shao Kahn is, he sees this moment and is proud of his son for stepping into not just a leader's role but the role of the warlord. Kung Jin asked

"What the fuck was that?"

Cassie groaned

"Don't mind him, Lion King Two Simba's Pride is his favorite movie."

"It is not, It's one of my favorite movies."

Alex replied before he said

"Still the statement still stands, it is up to us. WE can do this."

With the renewed vigor, the kids work on prepping for this new mission getting as much info as they need. When they were ready, they set off to the unknown and without knowing if they would succeed or if they would come back, but they would have to try. Alex shook his head, no they had to succeed, they had to come home.