
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Sky Temple Pt.2

Taking stock of the situation Takeda spoke

"You two go. Jacqui and I'll handle them."

Cassie looked shocked as if she didn't hear him right


Takeda continued

"We'll just slow you down."

Kung Jin said

"Forget it!"

Cassie realizes the truth in their words. She looks at them and pulls out her pistols.

"Damn it. Keep your heads down. I'll see you on the other side."

She nods to Jin and they take off into the Temple. Alex also chose to stay behind, though he was knocked off his feet by a blur. He knew too well who that was. He focused a moment calling out

"Please Kabal. I don't want to fight you. We may not know each other, but I respect you too much."

The blur stopped before him, the Revenant Speedster would have looked confused if you could have seen his face. He crossed his Hook Swords in front of him, seeing the young man before him spotting the shitty Black Dragon logo on the kid's arm and asked

"You Black Dragon?"


Kabal hesitated. He knew deep in his mind Karkas was alive. He looked at him and said

"You know Karkas?"

"Yes, he...he is why I know about you. He misses you."

Kabal would have smiled but Shinnok's influence snapped him back and he said

"Sorry kid, my brother will be disappointed that I won't be coming home."

The former Black Dragon Revenant and the young Black Dragon loyalist fought, their fighting styles similar yet very different as Kabal had his speed, and Alex had his chessboard-like analytics. Though Kabal had become a revenant and displayed far more aggression than before, Alex still saw his Black Dragon combat roots in his fighting style. Kabal fought with such finesse with his hookswords, but still utilized the scrappiness that reminded Alex of his nasty initiation. Soon enough, Alex was able to predict the paths of the Revenant speedster and with precise timing, Kabal had slammed into Alex's shield with such force, knocking him out cold. Alex prevailed in the end and said

"I will bring you home, Uncle Kabal."

His attention was then grabbed by a bullet narrowly missing his face but grazing his cheek. Head whipped back to the Revenant form of Kurtis Stryker, Kabal's life partner. Karkas had told him about the ex-cop and that he had approved of his brother's choice. Stryker looked furious at Alex and said

"It's scum like you that make me sick. Your leader took Kabal from me."

He holstered his gun and pulled his baton and said

"Now how would Kano feel if another of his own joined Lord Shinnok's faithful?"

Alex and Styker fight, the former's hookswords clashing with the revenant's police batons. Alex proved to be more than the former cop could handle. Despite expertise in SWAT control, meaning Stryker could easily defeat many people at once, Alex possessed the strength of far more and made quick work. Stryker was soon on the ground beside Kabal down and out for now.

"You are indeed worthy like Uncle Karkas said, officer."

A shadow grabs at Alex's leg next and he can't shake it off as he is hit in the back of the head with a teleporting kick. Alex staggers but stays on his feet as he turns and faces down probably the second most infamous Revenant in Shinnok's army, Noob Saibot. He gives the former Lin Kuei proper respect much to his surprise

"Why show me respect?"

"You have always been deserving of respect."

Alex answered as the two circled each other and fought, Alex's time with Tremor and Hailstorm paid off. Alex was able to watch the former Bi-Han from the front for the most part as his shadow clones unsuccessfully attacked from behind and met the hard metal thud of Alex's shield. Noob Saibot sent clone after clone, getting the best of Alex with the numbers game quite a few times, but Alex dug deep back to his Black Dragon initiation, taking on the faction's top warriors at once. Alex also utilized Commander Ryker's training, running circles around Noob and his shadow clones standing his ground and falling the revenant, saying

"I may have the strength to save you."

Alex inhales deeply as he turns to see revenant Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Smoke, Kitana, and Sindel have arrived, surrounding and combating the injured Takeda and Jacqui. Alex rushes to assist his teammates but is hit with an orange, luminescent arrow in the chest, sending the tall half-Outworlder spinning and then hit square in the chest by a flying green heel enveloped in neon green light, throwing him to the ground. Alex groans as he looks up to see revenant Nightwolf, brandishing his tomahawks, and Jade, extending her staff, standing over him. Jade taunts

"You will join your friends in death and serve Shinnok in the Netherrealm!"

Jade brings up her staff, intent on slamming it down on Alex, who rolls away safely. Alex quickly gets on his feet and gets into a defensive stance as Nightwolf summons a bolt of dark crimson lightning through his tomahawks and roars as he charges Alex. He sidesteps a few tomahawk swings and is swept off his feet by Alex's hooking of the Matoka's ankles. Alex spins around and blocks another staff swing by Jade, who begins repeatedly slamming her pole against a steadily retreating Alex, who holds his shield high strongly against Jade's advances. Alex finds a window in between swings and deflects Jade's staff, throwing her off balance and sends a boot into her stomach, throwing her a few yards.

Alex regains his stance when he's slashed in the chest, spurting blood as he groans in pain and knocked off his feet by a flying dropkick by a silhouetted figure. As Alex rolls through the hit and stands back up, checking up on his wounded chest as he looks up to eye down Noob Saibot, who had regained consciousness. Kabal quickly arrives at his side, later joined by Stryker, who twirls both batons in his hands. Alex peeks behind him to see Jade and Nightwolf have recovered. Alex quickly glanced at Jacqui and Takeda; though having suffered serious wounds, both are managing to stand their ground against a highly ranked Lin Kuei assassin, the daughter assassin of Shao Kahn, the bride of Shao Kahn who had murdered most of Earthrealm's heroes, a Shaolin master, and the champion of Mortal Kombat. Alex looked back at his immediate surroundings; a one-man SWAT team who defeated many Outworld warriors which included Kintaro, a highly-skilled Black Dragon speedster and Alex's uncle figure, an Edenia assassin and second hand to Kitana, a Matokan warrior blessed with a worthy mantle by the Great Spirit, and a wraith who had single-handedly defeated many elemental gods, which included Fujin, and then outwitted the fallen Elder God Shinnok. Even if his chances seemed slim, Alex felt the drive hold his ground and fight back.

The scene cuts to Shinnok in the Jinsei Chamber. He has now completely corrupted it with his presence. Raiden is still trapped in the skeleton hand, barely conscious. D'Vorah is with the cocooned Johnny Cage, watching as her insects slowly eat into his face.

"They taste your flesh. Burrow deep. Inside you, they will grow. Gnaw your innards."

Johnny is still fully conscious during this horrific ordeal, groaning, but he refuses to cry out in pain. Cassie and Jin rush into the Jinsei Chamber.

"By the gods!"


D'Vorah turns around at their voices and engages them in kombat. She blocks a kick from Jin and a punch from Cassie, kicking her in the stomach and forcing her backward. She blocks a punch from Jin and extends one of her stingers, stabbing him in the chest. She coldcocks him with her fist and ducks a right hand from Cassie. Once more, D'Vorah launches her stinger, but Cassie catches the appendage. She blocks D'Vorah's strikes as best she can but is forced backward by a punch to the face.

"First father, then daughter. Will they taste the same?"

They fight. Under normal circumstances, the fighting prowess and powers of D'Vorah would have been too much for Cassie to handle alone, the latter having seen them firsthand against Rain, Tanya, and Mileena. But now the daughter of Johnny Cage fights with aggression and strength unknown to her before. She relentlessly pummels the Kytinn, not stopping until she is well and truly unconscious at her feet.

"You're the bug? I'm the windshield."

Outside in the Sky Temple courtyard, Takeda is fending off attacks from Sindel and Kitana as best he can, while Jacqui is busy fighting off Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Smoke. Takeda catches a break by punching Sindel backward, but Jacqui gets pummelled by Liu Kang and Smoke. Kitana lays into Takeda with some punches and Sindel hits him with a roundhouse kick as Jacqui manages to uppercut Liu Kang. Alex has to deal with some other no-name revenants keeping them from advancing.

Back in the Jinsei Chamber, the insects burrowing into Johnny's face have all died once D'Vorah fell unconscious. He looks up to find his daughter trying to free him from the cocoon.

"Hey... Punkin…"

"I'm a little old for "Punkin"."

The cocoon proves to be tough for Cassie to open, but she still goes at it.

"No... Get... Shinnok."


"I love you."

He falls silent and his eyes close.


Before she can check if Johnny has died, Shinnok, whose appearance strongly changed and deformed into a demonic, beastly form, descends from the Jinsei onto the chamber floor itself, looking toward her.

"So you are the issue of Johnny Cage. Fitting that I exterminate his entire line."

Cassie's fear at the sight of the fallen Elder God is quickly replaced by determination and resolve.

"You want him, you're gonna go through me."

As Shinnok strides towards her, Cassie lets rip with several punches that he effortlessly blocks. One slips through, but it doesn't faze him. She throws a supergirl punch, but only hurts her hand when she punches his skull. Shinnok throws a light jab that almost floors Cassie before grabbing her by the throat and lifting her into the air. He throws a measured punch to her face that sends her flying across the chamber, just barely conscious.

"Yes, that's better. Watch, Miss Cage, as I rend your father's flesh."

He summons magic into his palm and blasts Johnny square in the face with a red beam of power. This time, Johnny is unable to keep from screaming in pain. Cassie looks up and struggles to her knees as Shinnok breaks off the spell.

"This is what awaits those who defy me: excruciating, exquisite death."

He blasts Johnny again in the face with his magic, prompting more screams from him. Cassie gets back to her feet and charges forward.

"You son of a BITCH!"

As she runs at Shinnok, the same green energy that surrounded her father twenty-five years ago envelops her as well. As Shinnok blasts her with his magic instead, she puts up her hands to block it. Like Johnny before her, the magic has no effect and she throws off the blast. She takes a moment to look at the glow on her body.

"Holy shit, it does run in the family!"

"Your father's power will not save you. You cannot hope to survive!"

They fight. The battle is truly epic, with neither the empowered Cassie nor Shinnok getting any clear advantage for the majority of it. For what seems like an age, the daughter of Johnny Cage and the fallen Elder God fight with everything they have, but eventually Cassie Cage gains an advantage and with one final assault, she knocks Shinnok to the ground.

"You got Caged."

As Shinnok rises, Cassie throws a knee that he blocks, but hits a kick that connects to his stomach. She follows through with a punch to his abdomen, an overhead punch to his head, a low roundhouse kick to his crotch, and a knee to his face, staggering him. With a battle cry, Cassie lands one more punch to Shinnok's face and finishes him off with a somersaulting kick that leaves the fallen Elder God knocked out for the count.

With Shinnok defeated, the green glow of power surrounding Cassie fades out. Kung Jin picks himself off the floor and walks over to her, noting that Shinnok is out like a lightbulb.

"That you? Nice."

"Cassandra Cage…"

Raiden is still imprisoned by the skeleton hand, which has since blackened slightly with Shinnok's defeat. Cassie and Jin run up to him.

"Put me... in the Jinsei."


"But you're-- it-- it'll kill you!"

"Must... be... cleansed. Hurry."

Together, Cassie and Kung Jin support Raiden and walk him onto the floating rocks leading up to the Jinsei. He floats into the corrupted Jinsei and starts chanting in Japanese. His arms charge up with lightning that envelops his body. As Cassie and Jin look on with concern, he blasts Shinnok in the chest with a lightning bolt, lifting his unconscious form into the air.

The lightning acts as a conduit, and Raiden begins to absorb the corrupted essence of Shinnok into his own body. He begins to grimace in pain but does not stop the spell. Shinnok's demonic form is eventually restored to his original self, still unconscious and now no longer holding his amulet.

With the power gone from Shinnok, Raiden cries out once more and blue essence expels itself from his body, back into the Jinsei. The chamber is completely filled with white light, so bright the entire screen whites out.

Outside of the Sky Temple, the revenants have been unable to beat Jacqui and Takeda. Everyone stops fighting as the corrupted cloud pouring out of the Jinsei Chamber dissipates, and the clouds above begin to lose their blood-red hue. A wave of white light washes over Takeda, Jacqui, soon engulfing Alex, still held in a rear-naked chokehold as Kabal and Stryker aggressively land simultaneous hits, trying to add the son of Shao Kahn to their ranks. The healing light engulfs the three revenants as a magenta-like aura spills from Alex. This excess outpour of Raiden's purification of Earthrealm's life force, the Jinsei, mixed with Quan Chi's necromancy and Alex's latent magical abilities, unleashes a flash of blue light from the four. The mixture of different types of energy and magic reverses the spell cast by Quan Chi and restores Noob Saibot, Kabal, and Stryker to full life. The undead King Liu Kang after witnessing this says

"We must withdraw."

Jacqui and Takeda look to the sky, smiles on their faces as sunlight breaks through once again. They only notice too late that a portal opens up that takes the revenants back to the Netherrealm. Nonetheless, this does nothing to their current joyous mood. Takeda puts a hand on Jacqui, and they both walk over to the temple, sitting down near the giant statue of Raiden, completely exhausted.

"That moonlight walk... can it wait?"

"No walks. Poolside. Umbrella drinks."

He puts his hand on Jacqui's.


They look at each other and smile, and Jacqui rests her head on Takeda's shoulder. She notices the dogpile on Alex and can't help but giggle as it's four grown men in a pile out cold. Takeda looks as well and notices that the figure beneath Alex bears resemblance to Grandmaster Kuai Liang. Back in the Jinsei Chamber, the lifeforce of Earthrealm is back to its regular blue hue. Cassie Cage and Kung Jin both hold Raiden up and walk him back to the chamber floor. Raiden has fallen motionless from the ordeal and they set him down as gently as they can.

"Is he alive?"

"Barely. I'll help him. Help your father."

Cassie runs back to Johnny, still cocooned but alive. He smiles as he spots her.

"And to think... I was worried when you started dating, especially Alex."

"Afraid I'd come home with someone like you?"

"Funny, beautiful, saves the world. My work here is done."

A voice cuts him off

"This way! In here!"

Sonya arrives in the chamber, flanked by Special Forces soldiers.

"Isolate Shinnok and D'Vorah. And get the medic!"

She runs up to Cassie and Johnny, finally looking at her ex-husband with concern.

"We'll fix you up. Help is on the way."

"You shoulda seen, Cass. Wiped the floor with Shinnok."

"I believe it. And you... you did a great job with your team, Johnny."

"You hear that, Cass? She called me "Johnny"."

"I thought she might."

As the Cage family smile at one another, the camera pans up to the Jinsei, restored to all its former glory.