
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs


Alex offered no resistance to Commander Ryker and his unit of guards as he was led away from his team, unsure of what was going on. His heart raced; he was terrified of this situation. Yet a voice in his head told him to keep a calm mind and trust the guards. He kept his tongue still as the fatigue set into his body. He held out as he was brought to a building. He did not know what was going on completely as he was ushered inside and forced onto his knees. His heart raced as he tried to figure out what was going on. Commander Ryker stood near him and pulled the necklace back out palming it before he set it back in his pocket. Ryker circled around to face Alex now and asked

"What brings you here?"

"We were sent to be a diplomatic team since we had a large group of Outworld citizens flee to Earthrealm."

Alex explained honestly, knowing lies would not save him in this instance. Ryker nodded before he said

"I see. You do not appear like an Earthrealmer"

Alex looks at him confused and never truly has seen himself. He knew from his uncle Karkas that he had ebony hair and crimson eyes and was overly tall, seven-foot-tall to be exact. Ryker noted his confusion and said

"Your height, eye color, the thickness of the skin. Traits not found in any match pure Earthrealmer."

Alex lowers his head slowly as he ponders the comment. Having experienced all aspects and classes of society not once has Alexander figured that any other humans in Earthrealm shared many physical traits with him. Crimson eyes. Extraordinary height. It had been so long that Alex felt truly like an outsider when he put himself among his Earthrealm peers. For the first time in his life, Alex had a bit of an identity crisis and began to question who he truly is. After some time, Alex raised his head slowly to meet Ryker's eyes as he brandishes Alex's necklace again, asking

"Explain to me how you got this necklace again."

Alex holds his hand out for the necklace, which Ryker lays in the young man's palms. Alex closely examines the inscriptions and symbols and repeats

"It was given to me when I turned sixteen. I was told it was around my neck as an infant."

"And where in Earthrealm were you raised?"

"Kano raised me as one of his own among the Black Dragon faction. I grew familiar with their practices and their way of life. Kano personally gave the necklace to me as part of an initiation ceremony. Though he beat me pretty bad, which I was accustomed to from time to time, I held my own and stood tall in the end. He wasn't the perfect father, but he meant well…"

Alex trailed off when he remembered Kano's treachery was the reason why his team's presence in Outworld in the first place. He clenched the necklace and gritted his teeth. Confusion and anger were all he felt. Before he could start again, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hm. Fitting you were raised by the Black Dragon."

Ryker's face looked stern but rather fatherly; the same look Kano would give him. Alex could make out the numerous facial scars on him; grim, tired, but also an aura of strong will. His right eye white, his left eye pale blue, indicating his victories in battle did not come without sacrifice. Sacrifices were not new to Alex. Still, Alex couldn't help but recognize the physical and even some personality trait similarities between Kano and Commander Ryker. He pondered these facts as he noticed Ryker standing back as he waved his hand upward to allow Alex to stand up. Alex's ties were cut, freeing him from his bonds. Alex quickly rolled his shoulders to limber up as he eyed Ryker.

"Alexander Valkyrie Darkov. I knew your mother, Rena Athena Darkov."

Alex's crimson eyes lit up. Though confused as ever, the name faintly resonated in his mind. He knew the name. But how? Ryker continued

"A tenacious one, she was. Cold, ferocious, brutal, yet calculated. There was no one like her. Rest her beautiful soul.

Ryker's voice trailed off and looked off to the sky before meeting Alex's eyes again, continuing as he stepped towards Alex, placing his hands on Alex's shoulders.

"If she were here now, she would be very proud of you."

Ryker let Alex take in his words. Silence fell in the room before Ryker's words cut through, declaring

"Alexander Valkyrie Darkov. Son of Rena Athena Darkov. My name is Ryker Ares Darkov. I am your uncle. Welcome home."

Ryker takes the necklace from Alex's hand that he had been given at birth and neatly places it around Alex's neck. Quickly admiring the necklace properly displayed on someone worthy, Ryker embraced Alex as the young man stood, his mind beginning to piece together the statements in relation to him. Before he finished, Alex felt it right that he returned the embrace, to which Ryker tightened further. Alex lightly chuckled; comfortably, not as awkwardly as he would in other similar situations. They let go of their embrace, standing to one another, both smiling warmly at one another. Ryker puts his hand on Alex's shoulder, saying

"Come, Alexander. You have a lot to catch up on. Though you have been raised as an Earthrealmer, you also need to live up to your Outworld origins. Someone as battle-hardened as yourself still has a lot to learn about combat. You are a Darkov. You are going to fight like one now."

Ryker led Alex and the other Outworld guardsmen down a corridor adorned with torches and inscriptions in native Outworld languages. Ryker took out a set of keys to unlock the door at the end of the corridor, revealing a large arena, akin to a coliseum. The familiar, orange Outworld sky lights the arena filled with trap doors, training dummies, and racks of armor and various weaponry. Alex takes in the scene in front of him, though other troubles begin to cloud his mind. He began to finger his engagement ring; suddenly Cassie is all he can think about right now. Is she okay? Is she safe? Last he saw of her, Cassie was rushing in to face a towering, masked brute with a short, armored woman riding on brute's back before a civilian sucker-punched him, losing sight of Cassie. Though he is ecstatic to find why exactly he seemed so out of place in Earthrealm, the love of his life's current whereabouts was eating away at him the longer Alex is away from her. Whatever Commander Ryker is planning to put him through, Alex told himself he would do this if it meant seeing Cassie again.