
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs


The scene cuts to what appears to be a brig on the lower decks of a docked ship. Inside each of the cells are Team S-F. Jacqui examines her cell, looking for a way out. Cassie tries forcing the door of her cell open to no success. Kung Jin meditates. Takeda sits on the bench in his cell, one hand on his temple.

"So what'chu guys think? They gonna kill us?"

"They would've done it by now."

"Unless Kotal Kahn's planning on having us as "guests" at the Koliseum."

Cassie rattles the bars on the cell door, to no avail. She sighs in frustration.

"Well, if they don't kill us, my mother will. Me, at least."

"Tough being the general's daughter?"

"You have no idea."

"I do. My great-whatever grandfather took down Shang Tsung. Saved Earthrealm. How often do you think that comes up at family gatherings?"

"That was six hundred years ago."

"And yet you'd think it happened yesterday."

"No pressure there."

"I've trained all my life... can fight my way out of, nearly, anything... but I still feel like a second-rate Cage."

"At least you grew up with people expecting things from you."

"I thought you and your dad were best friends?"

He gets up and walks toward the cell door, leaning on the bars.

"Now. He was a no-show for a long time."

"I can relate."

"What was that like growing up? Having an ex-revenant father?"


"No, I'm asking! Couldn't have been easy."

"...He was just a BIT over-protective. When I joined S-F, Mister Cage insisted on being the one to tell my dad. He thought it'd go over smoother."

Cassie chuckles at this.

"I'll never forget that day. My dad came home with a broken jaw."

They all share brief chuckles at that comment. After a moment's silence, they hear footsteps from above deck. A silhouette appears at the hatch of the deck, and the sound of keys jingling is unmistakable. The guard who was about to walk down falls as if kicked. The four kids are shocked as a guard with short messy hair soon strolled in, fished the keys from the guard, and quickly unlocked their cells. Takeda couldn't get a read on this guard who simply said

"There is not much time before Kotal's troops arrive. We need to move."

Kung Jin growled

"How can we trust you?"

Before he could answer a familiar voice called out from above deck

"He's with me guys."


Cassie exclaimed. A familiar seven-foot silhouette descended into the brig, a smile on his face, which had some bruising, but otherwise unharmed. She threw her arms around him once he was in arms reach of her, shaking violently, relieved that he was safe. She felt his tense muscles relax as well as relief washed over him as well. He then said

"Like Major Bop said we don't have much time, we need to move."

Cassie nodded before Kung Jin asked simply of him

"Can they be trusted? They are HIS elite guards after all."

"Yes Jin, they can be."

Kung Jin nodded. He had his reservations, but Alex was safe, and that is what mattered. The six of them ascended to the deck to the scent of fresh salty air. Alex looked worried as Kotal's guards had arrived. Commander Ryker looked to Alex and said

"Go anipsiós, we will hold the line. Get out of here."

"But theíos…"

"That is an order, Soldier. Just stay alive anipsiós. We'll meet again"

Ryker said, pushing a pristine shield into Alex's hands. With parting words, Commander Ryker continued


Ryker then turned back saying to his fellow guards

"Men, Eat Well, for Tonight We Dine in Hades"

With a roar of passion, the ten elite guards attacked the battalion of twenty, allowing Alex and Team SF to escape. The scene cuts to the Kuatan jungle, where Team S-F have now reached. Takeda is speaking to Kenshi through his communicator.

"We're all in one piece. No one seems to be tailing us."

"Have you been able to determine where D'Vorah was headed?"

"We think she's headed for the Sea of Blood."

Another voice is heard over the communicator.



"She's coming here. To Quan Chi. There's a secret portal near the Sea of Blood. Quan Chi had it built when we were gettin' ready to invade Outworld."

Cassie comments


Jacqui asks

"Dad, what are you doing? Why are you in the Netherrealm?"

"Well, now who's being overprotective?"

"I know you think you have things to make up for, but—"

"I'm doing this for Sonya. She's family."

"That's why I'm worried."

"I'll be fine. You stay safe, y'hear?"

"You stay safe too. I love you. Briggs out."

"Briggs out."

Jacqui sighed. Now it was her turn to worry. Alex stood resting on his shield. He was thinking about the best course of action. Kung Jin walked up to him and asked

"Hey, you ok? Cassie was really worried about you."

"Yeah, just learned some more things about myself."


Alex sighed before admitting

"I am half Outworlder."

"Well no offense Alex, it's kind of obvious. Your skin and eyes gave it away for me."

Kung Jin admitted. Alex sighed before saying

"I-I just don't know who I am anymore. "

"You are Alexander Valkyrie Darkov. Nobody can take that away from you, not even a god. This information may be new and scary to you, but it's always been a fact about you. You just have to incorporate this new info in with the old."

Alex looked at the monk and smiled before he faced everyone else

"Look everyone, I can see we have started to gel as a team. I won't lie, the odds are stacked against us, but that's where legends are born. Are you with me?"

"Hell yes!"

With a resounding cry from his team, Cassie nodded, acquiescing to Alex as he said

"It is not wise to be chasing after D'Vorah. Besides that, Kotal Kahn seeing us with D'Vorah will give him the wrong impressions, more so than he already does. So, we need a plan. I think our best bet is to get back to base. Regroup and determine our course of action from there."