
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs


Alex looked over at Kano with trepidation. He didn't trust him after being lied to by Kano. Now he wondered if Kano had always lied to him his entire life. Alex shook his head, trying to read to distract his mind. He wanted so bad to talk to his uncle, but a part of him wanted to get his frustrations out in good old Kombat.

Kano hurt, he saw how Alex looked at him, fear, anger, confusion, and distrust. Kano hated that Alex's view of him was soured by that one broken promise. Kano reflected and sighed. He knew he wasn't perfect, Alex was a good kid, but didn't have the best upbringing because of being raised among the Black Dragons.

Yet the other Dragons called Alex family, as had he. To Alex, he was his uncle. Sure, perverse, and vulgar but Alex didn't mind. He and Alex were close but now the kid was distant from him. Alex didn't want anything to do with him though he would still always be there for Alex. He had to be, the kid was all he had now, despite reaching out to his biological uncle and getting to know him better.

Kano looked over noticing Alex wasn't as absorbed in his book as he usually was. Kano breathed in and out and said

"Kid, wat's on ya mind?"

Alex didn't answer at first, but finally relented and said

"What you did."

Kano nodded figuring as much. Now he knew the far-reaching consequences of his attempt to kill Kotal. How the Kahn almost had Alex's team killed. How because of him, and then O'Ghosty, Shinnok had returned. Alex was a mess because of him. Kano knew there were no words he could say that would make Alex forgive him so easily or trust him so completely ever again. Alex saw him look defeated and realize his actions, and sighed

"I forgive you Uncle, but I don't trust you."

Kano's head snapped around so fast he gave himself whiplash as he said

"Huh? Mate, yah ok? Forgiving, not someen to mess with."

"I know uncle, but I have come to realize that forgiveness eases the soul and mind a lot faster. But it doesn't mean I trust you though. That you have to earn back"

"Hard out mate."

Kano said and Alex smiled at him for the first time in a few months. Kano asked

"I take it yah don't trus me enou to tell me what's been up with yah sleep?"

Alex sighed before saying

"I have been having nightmares uncle. Like how it was growing up."

"Alex, why didn't yah saying earlier"

Alex looks down before saying

"I didn't want to worry anyone."

Kano looked sad. Such was Alex, thinking of others than himself. Kano looked at him and asked

"What did you dream about?"

"Drowning in sand."

Alex said and Kano felt off. He didn't know what to think, but then again, Alex's visions wheatear in dreams or in a black-out moment came true in some fashion or were not to be ignored. Kano reached over to Alex, grabbing his hand, and said

"Listen to me kid, I am not going to let any more bad things happen to you. You have suffered enough in your young life. Just focus on the wedding and Cassie."

Alex nods before he sits back. Kano then thinks

"Why don't you hang with your Uncle Ryker, Alex. Get to know him better."

Alex smiles and agrees. He gets up to get ready to see his uncle. Kano looked worried. He so badly wanted to Alex the truth about his legacy, who his father is, but he was sworn to secrecy.


Kano looked at the Kahn as he had called him before him. The Kahn looked board but sat up as he saw Kano. Kano could tell the Kahn was uneasy, even before he spoke. Shao Kahn looked at Kano and said his voice deep and baritone

"Kano, I need something from you."

"Yes, your eminence?"

There was a pause before the Kahn continued

"Should the worse come to pass and you become the guardian of my children, hold off as long as you can from telling them the truth. They deserve as easy as a life as they can get."

Kano nodded slowly before asking

"Why withhold the truth from them? They will be curious."

"Because there will be those that seek to do them harm and I can not allow them to suffer because of me. It is better they believe me a monster and a tyrant than a caring father."

"That's not right your eminence they…"


Kano flinched at the Kahn's outburst who then with anger in his tone said

"Swear to me you will not tell them, ever!"

"I swear."

Kano said and the Kahn nodded before saying

"Your dismissed."

-End Flashback-

Kano finished his coffee before he got up. Alex deserved the truth. But he needed to confide in someone first. He picked up his phone and dialed Sonya's number. Her rather annoyed voice picked up saying

"What do you want Kano?"

"Sonya, I need your advice."

Sonya went quiet. Kano was prideful, to admit he needed help was like a dog showing his belly to you. Sonya calmed down and asked

"Something to do with Alex?"

"Yeah. I at the very least want to tell him about his father, though I swore to him I wouldn't for as long as I could. I don't know what to do."

Sonya's heart ached. She too had wanted to tell Alex something about his father but didn't know how to convey to him that his father loved him.

"To be honest Kano, I am stumped too. I wanted to tell Alex too, but can't find the words to convey to him how much his father loved him."

"I really can't either."

Kano admitted feeling sad. Sonya could almost see his face with sadness upon it. Kano loved that kid with all his heart and did what he could.

"Maybe if he asks, you tell him, that you care deeply for him and that is how his father feels about him."