
Chapter 6 : Themyscira

Super Woman : "..."

Buttermilk Bob : "..."

The two stared at each other frozen in place with Super Woman's grip still firmly holding Buttermilk Bob Jr. The silence was awkward and Buttermilk Bob was at a loss for words. Not sure of what to do or say next in this kind of situation he waited for a reaction.

This moment felt like an eternity to the two but the feelings were not mutual. While Super Woman was feeling gloomy and humiliated by her mistake. Buttermilk Bob was scared but at the same time very excited. Being choked and grabbed by what he considered to be a thick Amazonian mommy was an endlessly blissful moment despite the threat of death.

When Super Woman had slowly let go of Jr, Buttermilk Bob experienced post nut clarity and seeing the increasingly scary look on Super Woman's face. Buttermilk Bob frantically tried to break the silence and beg for his life however.

Buttermilk Bob : "I'M SOR-

Super Woman : "If YoU SaY OnE WoRd,,, To AnYoNe,,, YoUr DeAd!"

In response Buttermilk Bob stopped talking and eagerly nodded his head. She sounded fucking livid to the point where Buttermilk Bob was already preparing for his brutal murder and imagining the pitiful funeral he would have. Thinking to himself.

Buttermilk Bob : ("oh-no I'm definitely not getting an open casket.")


Super Woman : "Good".

Without any more warnings she chopped at the back of Buttermilk Bob's neck with one hand, and everything had suddenly gone black...

When Buttermilk Bob woke up he couldn't believe his eyes there was no Super Woman or city and most importantly he had somehow survived such a bizarre encounter!

Buttermilk Bob : "I'm alive?"

The first thing he did was check on Buttermilk Bob Jr. relieved to see his little buddy was okay Buttermilk Bob then inspected the rest of his body feeling fine except for a sore neck. The backpack and bike were gone but he didn't care. Getting up from the floor he tried to make sense of where he was.

Tilting his head and frowning Buttermilk Bob could not make sense of his surroundings, from the shore he could tell he was on an island. Standing in the middle of the road surrounded by tall Corinthian columns and ancient buildings resembling temples and houses. It was not until Buttermilk Bob saw the various statues of female warriors that he had a pretty good guess of where he was.

Buttermilk Bob : "Themyscira?"

Themyscira was a tricky place to explain despite usually being the home of Wonder Woman and the Amazons it's never consistent in appearance or origin within the media. This Themyscira was also radically different from any other; it had grand pantheons, beautiful ancient structures, female statues, serene fountains decorated in white marble, gold, silver and bronze. It looked like the kind of place Greek gods would hang out in but with a more tropical island setting.

Unlike in the main DC timeline the Themyscira of this world was quiet and devoid of any life. This is because Super Woman had killed and hunted down every other Amazon making her the last of her kind. Upon careful inspection although there were no bodies he could still see dried blood splatters and the destruction left behind in a few areas from Super Woman's hunt.

Buttermilk Bob wondered why Super Woman would ever bring him here. Thinking to himself, was it so that nobody could hear him scream? Torture? Given what had happened between them it was bound to be something awful.

Buttermilk Bob explored the mostly still intact ruins of Themyscira avoiding the main roads in the event of Super Woman returning, hoping that he could hide in one of the buildings to buy some time. It was simply too early for him to get involved with the Crime Syndicate yet or do anything, he was just a homeless kid with no background or methods.

Getting a headache Buttermilk Bob could not help but curse at his situation. He had just barely started working on his plans and arrived in this world for a little over a day. But somehow already managed to get the attention of somebody like Super Woman.

Helplessly sighing at his own bad luck, Buttermilk Bob made his way to the peak of Themyscira. This was because the shore was an obvious dead end or trap of some kind. Going by the logic of the DC continuity if there is a way out of here or some kind of secret treasure it would be found at the peak of the island within the high palace.

However Buttermilk Bob was aware of the risk as this was also the most likely place to encounter Super Woman. Sneakily ascending the island was physically draining even for his new body taking around 10 hours to arrive at the foot of the high palace. The now setting sun bathed the paradise-like island in hues of beautiful orange and pink.

Making even Buttermilk Bob stop to take in the view for a moment while he caught his breathe and wiped away the sweat from his face. Going into this palace had a high chance of ending either spectacularly horrible or profitable. But there were no real other alternatives to leaving this island. Unless Buttermilk Bob planned on living in Themyscira and hiding away from Super Woman in fear for the rest of his life here.

For obvious reasons that plan was a big no no.

Buttermilk Bob : "If shit hits the fan this is probably going to be the last sunset I will ever see..."

Buttermilk Bob : "Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess..."

Amping himself up, Buttermilk Bob slapped his cheeks a few times before running into the high palace at full speed.

I have so much school shit to do that I get stressed thinking about it during my short relax times:P it is not even hard just tedious uugh god my job is like a grinder I feel like a zombie. Enjoy the little things in life I guess Pork Buns, Sushi and a nice cold fresh salad with JUICE :P


Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts