
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Galaxy Coming At Here In Slow Speed.....

Next day everyone was already packing their bags, people decided to leave this place all together, Galaxy impact would be devastating, even if they were lucky and solar system they were didn't get destroyed they would still feel immense pressure here, this was just because it was about the time Galaxies were about to collide, their integration would take millions upon millionsof years, probably future generations wouldn't feel anything.....


Alex was at the the big room right now with Alz, he had his bags and suit ready to go, open space above the room was opened as there was spaceship standing there, Alex wanted to go to the cave he came here for, he actually forgot why he came here, Old Man Ravil did remind him of it.....

"Alright i have to go now....." Alex said this to Alz, he looked at the spaceship, it was BB4 555, one of the fastest models out there in the market, Alex found Alz could go out of this fucked up closed up space any time he wanted so he bought this.....

People here basically never went out, Alz didn't know why he did tell them about outside world but they simply didn't and never went out ever..... Alz nodded and gave Alex the key to start up the fucking spaceship, why is that tho????? this spaceship was really fast so it needed extremely powerful AI to control it, finally after 10 hours they got the main AI from the market and installed it on this spaceship.....

"Alright, i will give you ---------------2 months, taking all those people out will be enormous task, remember to return from there before the time is out....." Alz said this and looked at Alex, Alex nodded, Alz nodded and flew up in the sky.....






With five shockwaves it could be seen he was in a hurry, Alex nodded and took out his smartphone, he clicked few numbers and called Rick, he wanted to remind this young man to get the hell out of this place fast.....

"Wait, who are you calling?????" Old Man Ravil asked, he wanted to get to his lost treasure fast, maybe and just maybe after this galaxy was in turmoil because of the enormous energy released from the galaxy impact, Alex would go to his galaxy and he would be able to see his land.....

"Just a friend....."



"Who is this????? wait ROB???!! WHERE WERE YOU MAN US WA-----" Rick answered his smartphone..... he was about to say something but he got cut off by Alex in mid sentence here right now with.....

"Yeah rick, its Alex, oh yeah sorry for not calling you, basically you need to get the hell out of this galaxy, another galaxy is going to impact this one and everything would probably be fucked, take all your resourses and get the hell out of here, okay bye bro we will meet again....."


Alex closed his call here.....

Rick was absolutely dumbfouded, then he remembered what Alex said and immediately went out to search for space exploration station, he wanted to see if this was true and Alex wasn't just trying easly him pranked and make joke.....


Old Man Ravil was dumbfounded he said "Shouldn't you explain more????? i mean you just said this Galaxy was about destroyed already right now....." Old Man Ravil said this, he was really interested why Alex wasn't interested in warning his friends.....

Alex just shrugged and said "Even if i do that what can i do from here, help them????? Rick maybe is a dumbass but he still can think normally i think....." Alex didn't know Rick that much, he just came in this world few weeks ago..... Alex shrugged and went into the spaceship.....


Spaceship closed, Alex went in the control panel and put the key. he then took out a flashdrive and put it in the main computer, people here still used flashdrives here there were better alternatives but flashdrives were cheap, Alex didn't know why but they were really easy to use he guessed.....


"Greetings, i am Ship's AI Alice, please set the coordinates....." Robotic voice was heard from here.....

Alex nodded and put on the planets coordinates, he also found he was very close exploding point of the cave, Alex was suprised and clicked on the coordinates..... Spaceship shook and within few seconds flew up.....


Alex sat down on the sofa here in the spaceship and waited, this planet was quite small so it would take few minutes to arrive, of course Alex wasn't using full speed, he would fly out of this planet immediately, using spaceships to travel in planet was a ridiculous thing here ..... it was because he didn't have much time he was using spacehip on the planet..... Alex saw all the rivers and mountains, this planet was really beautifull.....

He then remembered something "Wait, Alz is insanely powerful, how did he not detect something so powerful that can change entire surface of the planet in the planet he rules????? this is really fucking weird here....." Alex got into some thought, he then remembered something..... "Well, Even White Mysterious Energy couldn't see throught that place, its either ability of someone immensly powerfull or..... oh shit its..... another fucking world..... or some pocket dimesnion isn't it....." Alex speculated this and sighed, he is in two layers into World Travel right now, he could go into three layers, this was a ridiculous thought on his own.....

Alex sighed here..... Old Man Ravil asked "Whats wrong????? you are sighing for now reason....." Old Man Ravil couldn't understand Alex at all, he couldn't understand what Alex was thinking, this was really weird for someone that have lived for hundreds of years.....

Alex responded "Nothing, just thinking about something, i feel like we will get into much trouble because of your fucking inheritance....." Alex said this and Old Man Was confused and was about to say something..... continued to look out in the planet, it was completely green, this planet was amazingly beautifull.....

Alex noticed beautifull waterfall and said "Wow, thats a beautifull waterfall Look Old Man....." He made Old Man Ravil look so he would not ask much questions..... They finally reached the place and got down..... Alex stopped in the entrace of the cave..... he acitvated White Mysterious Energy.....

"WHAT NOW PLEASE???!!" Old Man Ravil thought Alex noticed something again.....

"Something is wrong here" Alex said this..... Old Man Ravil was already going crazy this sentance.....

"Yeah, definetely pocket dimension portal" Alex said this and went in, if he was going to go with two layers of World Travel, then he would go two layers of World Travel, Alex didn't care as long as he got stronger here as much as possible.....

"Here we go....." Alex went in.....

"You will not regret this Al-------bhllllgggg" Old Man Ravil was interrupted.....


They went into wormhole immediately, everything turned rainbow then green then yellow and repeated, Alex found this familliar and this confirmed his theory, this was portal to another world here now slow, Alex expected This and didn't have a reaction.....

But Old Man Ravil was stupifed... he said "WHAT HAPPENING RIGHT NOW HERE!!!!!"

Alex responded nonchalantly "I guess we are going to another world....."

They continued to go to the wormhole.....

End Of Chapter.