
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Future?? Or Just Another World.

Alex looked down and saw he was falling from the sky.


He instinctively used White Mysterious Power to strengthen himself.

And It Actually Worked Well.

He fell like he was a feather.

"Huh... huh...huh... that was really scary, Wait White Mysterious Power works again??..."

He tried to use it and it worked.



[World Traveling System

@#$%^%$ Needs To be unlocked in earth to be used

Requirements : @#%@ @ %$#]

"Looks like in need to do something to unlock it on Earth."

Alex looked around and he was in some kind of hill, he looked straight ahead and saw lights?..

He went towards the hills and... what he saw shocked him..

It was a city, a future city..


One of the watchtowers close by.

A burly man with military outfit was standing looking out from glass wall.


Door opened and woman dressed in all black with white tie came in, she had black hair and was wearing long hills, she had tablet in her hand.

"Sir. Mikhail we have detected space disturbance close to our city."

A burly man didn't even look back, he said with a cold voice.

"Did you find the trespasser?"

"No sir, it was too fast to catch it.."

"I want to see who has the balls to invade Terra.. tell me which civilization has teleportation technology in andromeda..... close to us..."

Woman searched in her tablet.

"Rezkians, Larvadas, and Zagradians are the only ones with 3th level civilization sir."

"Alright, continue, i want answer soon... pull martial artists as well"

"Yes sir."

Black Haired Woman nodded and closed the door.

Mikhail was looking out, his eyes were cold, he was like a king and emperor looking down on ants.



Alex was traveling around with stolen clothes, he saw many things here, streets were bustling, it was really clean here, people here had holographic smartphones, there were billboards everywhere, and you could see flying cars time to time.

Alex was having so much fun that he almost forgot the system.

2 Hours Later.

"Oh shit i forgot the system!! stats."


[World Traveling System

World: Zairad

Power System: Martial Arts

Proceed to say 'Stats' if host wants to see his rank"]




[World Traveling System

Name: Alex Parker

Health: 300 / 300

Stamina: 5.5

Dexterity: 5.3

Speed: 5.8

Intelligence: 9.8

Martial Arts Technique: None

Martial Rank: None

Matial Talent: Blood Control, Talent Blood Copy

Current Goal: Enroll in the Martial Arts Academy, Reward: 130 System Points]


"Wow, its almost the same like earth, and this quest doesn't seem like too hard to accomplish, THEN LETS GO!!"

Alex went to search for academy but...

"Shit... i don't have identity here!! FUCK THIS IS A MODERN WORLD AND I DON'T HAVE IDENTITY HERE.."

Alex had big headache just thinking about what would he do..

He sat on a nearby stool.

"Do i really have to be a criminal the moment i get here???... Ahhh forget it, lets go see how the power system of this world work---"


Alex stood up and Before he finished his sentence explosion was heard nearby.


[Valkiris race has invaded planet Zairad, we advice people to go to Force Shelters immediately, Martial Artists are dispatched to hold back the attack!!]

[Repeating!! Valkiris race has invaded Planet Zairad, we advice people to go to Force Shelters immediately, Martial Artists are dispatched to hold back the attack!!]

[Repeating!! Valkiris race has invaded Planet Zairad, we advice people to go to Force Shelters immediately, Martal Artists are dispatched to hold back the attack!!"]

Voice could be heard around the city.




People around Alex panicked, they grabbed their kids and items and ran away fast.


Another explosion was heard.


Another one.



And another ones.....

Alex looked in the sky and saw shower of bombs, in just 15 second quarter of ginormous city turned inti ruins.

His eyes twitched and he said.

"Oh... Oh... Oh MY GOD WHAT THE HELL DID JUST HAPPEN!!, no i swear i am cursed, i just got here and everything got fucked!!"

Alex complained in his heart, he sighed and... looked where did people ran to, Alex'es sighed again.

He got ready to get the fuck away from there.

End Of Chapter.