
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Death Again?.

It has been few days since Alex found the pair, he was waiting for them to wake up but after a few days of tying everying he could to make them wake up he gave up.

He finally decided to take a bath, after a 2 weeks of not taking one bath or eating something nutirious effects started to show, he smelled really bad and started to lose weight, But Alex couldn't find and wild life to hunt even after searching for one.

There was a lake nearby neither big or small it was medium sized, he went to the lake and after Checking for any monsters, he took his clothes off and jumped in it, for past few days Alex was really cautiouss off any sneak attacks of different monsters.

Lake was suprisingly blue and very clear almost sparkly at that, it was charming and in the sun it looked like it was trully sparkling, it was very calming, and because of that Alex got really sleepy, he thought how he missed his smartphone and computer and with this thoughts he slowly went to sleep.



Alex snapped opened his eyes, he jumped up and looked around.

"Calm down..."

Charming and beautifull voice came to his ears, Alex looked infront of him and saw a dear, a beautifull dear it was very colorfull with rainbow like colors on its horns, it looked at him with its blue gem eyes and was smilling very calmly, in the sunlight it looked a holy beast descended from heavens.

But Alex didn't calm down instead he got even more tense.

Alex Looked at the dear and said "Who are you!!!"

Dear was suprised for a second but then explained "My name is Rashak, a guardian of the planet you are standing on" Rashak smiled and explained.

Alex tensed up even more and asked "What?... Guardian? (Like Gaia on my world huh.) then what does the guardian want from me? Wait... HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME???"

Rashak smiled and said "Calm down, i know everyone's name's that lives in this world, i can also see that being's future, but for you i can only see your name, i can't even have a glimpse of who you really are"

Alex looked at her and said "What does that have to do anything about what do you want?"

Rashak looked at Alex for a long time, Alex was getting ready to use fireball if she made any moves.

Rashak sighed and expained "As i said i can see the future,..... and i have seen the future, future is... absolute destruction, everything dying and perishing, its so terrible i wished i didn't even saw it"

Alex looked at her expression and said "You want me to help you???"

Rashak Got her smile back and said "Yes, i may can't see who you really are but i can feel it!!! you are the hero, hero that appeared out of nowhere and saved our world you are---"

"WHAT NO!!!"

Alex yelled and said "Hero??? Are you kidding me????? i couldn't even save someone that i cared about!!! what hero... i am just a human.... so you have to find someone else mrs.Rashak" Alex said while clenching his teeth and fist.

Rashak smiled and was about to say something but she looked at her back, air cracked like a glass darkness came out of it and was coming towards them.

She sighed and said "Looks like our conversation needs to end for now, Listen Alex, i don't know what you have experienced, but my eyes doesn't lie, i can feel your destiny and its... glorious"

She looked at Alex and said "Choice... is... yours... i... hope... you... make... the... right... one..."

Rashak slowly got to Alex'es ear and put her feet to his knees and said "And i hope you enjoy this gift i give you" Darkness swallowed everything

Alex Triend to grap her "WAIT!!!... TELL ME MORE!!!" but darkness already swallowed everything.


Alex opened his eyes and checked his surroundings, he saw he was still in the lake and sighed, but when he looked down he saw something gray close to him, Alex didn't panic and tried to get to the beach, he was not far away from the beach but it was still a distance away.

Alex Tried to swim to the coast, but in the way he saw saw something on his feet tingling, he looked down and saw red color, it was blood, his blood and that grey light from before, he speeded up but...

"OUCH!!!!! FUCK!!!"

Alex Felt something like a Teeth clench to his feet, it was painfull, very painfull.


Alex tried to shake the thing off, but it didn't budge even a little.


Alex Tried to use fireball but for some reason it didn't work in the lake, he tried punching it but he felt something like a rock hitting his hand.

But when alex tried to punch it blue screen appeard infront of him

[World Traveling System

Mythic Talent: Talent Copy Activated

Congratulations, You Have Copied Low Fast Swimming Talent]

Alex looked at it but didn't think about it, he was swimming like crazy

Finally the thing popped its head up, it was piranha but a piranha that was bigger than any piranha Alex has ever seen, it was clenching his teeth in Alex'es feet, but looked very tired.


Another blue screen appeared.

[World Traveling System

Talent: Appraisal Activated

Man Eating Piranha

Cultivation: Qi Absorbing Level 2

HP: 120/500

Emotion: Really Hungry]

Alex looked at the blue screen but closed it soon.

He Tried to speed up to the coast, he was very close but...

Tiredness hit his head.

"Fuck... i lost too much blood..."

Alex speeded up.

"Am i... going... to... die???"

He was getting tired and tired.

"i... am... getting sleepy... am i going to die here?... huh... no... never... NEVER!!! I WILL NOT DIE BEFORE I GET BACK!!!!"

Alex turned around and looked at piranha with bloodshot eyes, it was fuming with killing intent.

It was so much that even piranha was suprised but this killing intent, but as a monster it didn't care about that and continiued clenching his teeth into Alex'es feet, but something happened.


Alex Yelled out.


Energy that far surpassed anything that someone at Alex'es level should be able to use came gushing out of his body, and...

It freezed entire lake.

If someone from this world saw this they would be astonished,. because this was a feat that someone at Qi Absorbing level should be able to do.

Alex looked around and saw entire lake frozen, then he looked down and saw piranha frozen like a ice sculpture, it had a suprised face on him, Alex made savage smile and made a fist, after that he punched out, the piranha broke like a real ice sculpture with flesh properties.

Alex immediately went to the coast looked around and sighed, then he put his clothes on that he cleand before he went to the lake and was about to leave the place but...

Tiredness hit his head .. and it was much stronger than before.

Alex tried to make a little shack for hiding place but he was too tired he sat in the bushed and, he slowly lost consciusness, but before he lost it blue screens appeared infront of him.

[World Traveling System


Too Much @#$%^%$ Used, Needs Reload And Re Absorption]

[World Traveling System


Too Much @#$%^%$ Used, Needs Reload And Re Absorption]

Alex was too tired to see it, he put his head up to see it but couldn't everything was too bllurry, but instead he saw a sillhouette, after that he slowly went to sleep while thinking.

"damn... i... shouldn't have taken..... a bath..."

End Of Chapter