
Mortal Eros

The fall of the Olympian Gods had been forgotten even in the records of history. However, after the holy war ended, they left something that help humanity to live anew: the might of their blood. This utterly changed the system of the hierarchy of humanity. Through the power of their blood, they will be remembered—and to those whom inherited it, will possess the privilege to wield their powers. The story revolves around the young man named Lucard Evangeline, the young butler of Grimon household and said to be a plebian. As he took over the legacy of the certain god, will his life finally change? Come and let's find out in his journey to conquer ones' desire. *** Reminder! This is my first time writing a novel with a r18 genre, so please do understand. Anyways, expect some smut scenes in the story. By the way, I'm going to change the settings of the story in mythology a bit. So please don't be confused, they're just references.

Exkalego · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Young Butler

Lucard had always been bullied by the nobles due to his status as plebian. Even his two sisters were looking down on him as though he was someone that brings bad luck to their family, and there was actually a further reason to that. They even stripped him of their noble name, "Caelum" and deemed him unworthy.

In this world, blood with said divine powers meant a lot, especially to a noble. Since Lucard didn't awakened any of it within him, he was labeled as plebian. Because of it, everyone believed that he belong to the bottom of hierarchy of noblesse, almost the same treatment as the commoners or even worst.

The ignorant and arrogant young nobles didn't even hesitate to bully him; this got worst due to the fact that he was said to be the cause of his mother's death.

Lucard's eldest sister temporarily took over the position of the head of the Caelum family for a while after their father went missing. Together with her second sister, they managed the entirety of the Household. With their power, their reputation were indeed fit to the head position.

With his life already messed up and no one to rely on, Lucard decided to leave the Caelum household for good with only the things he needed. He, then, fled to a different country: the nation of Britianna. Therein, he lived as Lucard Evangeline and became the youngest butler of the Grimon Household.

The Grimon family are known not only for their great influence threin, but also for their power and beauty.

It was quite tough for Lucard to be accepted into the household due to the strict expectations and protocol of the servants of Grimon Household. Thanks to the recommendation letter given by the head butler of the Caelum Household, things went smoothly.


"Where's that mask guy?" Asked by the young lady of the Grimon Household as her maids dressing her up.

Zaneya Hecate Grimon, known for her flawless beauty and power. She had a voluptuous figure for someone who had a slender body. Her flawless rosy fair white skin never fail to amazed the maids that were wiping her body. Furthermore, she had a pair of almond shaped eyes with bright orange irises.

Since nobles are known for having a natural flashy hair, Zaneya had a long wavy pink hair that reaches her waist, always giving off a different contrast.

As someone who had awakened the Olympian Blood within her, her traits were expected to be on stage.

"Young lady?" The maid who was currently styling her hair looked at Zaneya.

"That plebian." Zaneya coldly replied as she recalled a jet-black haired young butler, wearing a strange mask, with disgust.

"Oh! He was currently summoned by Madam Diona." The maid answered.

"Hm...I see. It seems Auntie Diona have taken a liking to that lowborn." Zaneya commented. The sour in her expression couldn't be hidden.

It's been a year already since Lucard became the young butler of the Grimon family. The Grimons and their servants were already aware of his status of being a plebian. The majority judges and perceived him as failure, but there were still some who sympathized him.



A young man, wearing a butler suit and a strange leather mask, was kneeling on the floor. He was struggling in pain as he smelled and taste his blood in his mask. His vision had become blurry, too, after receiving a punch on his stomach and face.

"That's the sight of plebian must be." Said of a young noble. His tone was cold, and his eyes were full of spite. Although his face displayed indifference, completely different from his temper.

Frederick von Maximilian, a noble who almost visited the young lady of Grimon everyday. He had blue hair in style. His broad yet lean body could already tell his strengths. And he had a pair of possibly negative tilted almond hunter eyes with deep blue irises with a tinge of green.

"Failures like you shouldn't have been born."

'Failure? Does this bastard even know the definition of 'failure'.' Lucard asked, inwardly.

"People like you are just stain to the noble bloodlines."

"You lowborns should have been eradicated."

While Lucard enduring such humiliation and pain, his disappoinment towards nobles had become even more visible in his mind: 'If the Will of the Gods were really alive within the nobles' blood, then why the fuck are they acting like brats?'

'Are the gods perhaps like this, too?'

'No! No! Patience, Lucard. This is not the time to be this negative.'

Lucard shook his head and tried to shake off his doubt in his mind and heart.

Nobles were said to be the descendants of the demigods. And demigods are the species between gods and humans. Since the holy war in the beginning of the Agarthan Era, their strength and power contributed a lot. They were treated and hailed as heroes, as the Will of the Olympus strongly flows in their veins.

Furthermore, according to the ancient history, the demigods had the ability to adapt and break their limits. The only flaw they have was they were not true immortals, but they can be. They can even surpass the gods, the thing that gods should fear the most. However, allowing the birth of the demigods was the only way to save the world and before the extinction and the utter destruction of Olympus.

Around thousand years ago, the world revolves as it was. The people here used to live in peace in the modern era. The Mythologies about the Olympian gods were nothing but a mere myth. They were not real until... a strange rift appeared on the sky. Celestial Nailes fell down afterwards to each continent and pierced the earth, broke the system, and opened the path to the underworld.

Then after, the surface cracked and different kinds of monster came out thereof and begun the invision of the world.

Humanity tried to fight back, but even the latest weapons they had didn't work, they even resolved to the atomic bomb that caused further destruction to the world. They tried to destroy the Nailes, but they were undestructible. Humanity were already in the verge of extinction, until the arrival of Olympians proved their existence.

They were not only some mere myths. They were real and exist! The story about them were actually the lost ancient history.

The Olympians were led by the Supreme King of Olympus called Zeus, the god of the sky. Together with his companions, they lead the war. But it was only then until they met their match and the real problem they were facing inwardly became visible.

Gods were naturally powerful beings, and their presence alone could disturb the world. The outcome of the war were truly unexpected that even Apollo himself could not foresee. It was as if the void itself was the wall that blocks beyond. Furthermore, the monsters gained further intelligence from eating humans. They even evolved as the war goes on, giving further stress and pain to the Olympians.

As they stayed in the world, the birth of demigods came to existence. The Olympians were already weakened and they could no longer remain in the world. Furthermore, the Celestial Nailes were draining their strength, widening the rift to the underworld.

Unlike the gods, the demigods shows no hint of weaknesses towards the Celestial Nailes. Their ability to adapt and break their limits were truly the beacon of hope. With that, they became the anchors of humanity after the Olympians left and entrusted the fate of the world to them.

As time went by, humanity reclaimed the world. Due to the course of events, the world had utterly changed; from modern era, humanity finally stepped unto new era, known as the Agarthan Era.

In Agarthan Era, technology still exist, but magic almost overshadowed the word science in some point of view.

The rift on earth also evolved and became known as Dungeons. The Celestial Nailes were now officially known as the Lemegeton. The previous generations of humanity had died out, leaving the world to the new species of humans.

As the world utterly changed and had revolved around new era, Politics too and a new empire of humanity arised. The hierarchy of humanity was now determined by the purity of blood—and thus, the birth of the Nobles had come to existence.

Nobles were determined by the purity of their blood. As mentioned, they were the descendants of the demigods. Due to the birth of new generations, the essence of Olympian Blood had been stained and diluted, making their potentials clouded and hindered to reach new realms like the demigods.

They were Nobles who managed to preserve the essence of Olympian Blood in their family. However, not all with such purity were fated to awaken. Although, cases like this we're extremely rare; they were known as... the Plebians.

Plebians were born from the Nobles. They were treated the same way as the commoners– or rather, they were treated even worst.

Unlike the commoners, the Plebians were perceived as lowborns and failures. Their potentials were even clouder than the commoners'. Furthermore, the pace of their growth were extremely low.

—And that was the case of Lucard, who was kneeling on the floor in pain and humiliation. He was the Plebian of the Caelum Family.


Frederick finally left him after he spat at him. He stood up and pat his clothes. Then after, he went to his room to rest after treating himself. On his thought, the possibility of him leaving the Grimon Household flashed in his mind. But...

'Where do I go then?'

There's no place he considered home and safe, no one he could ever considered a friend or companion. He was all alone and no love. Everything on this world were his enemies.

'Fuck this life!'