None. None. None.
Wang Wei thought for a while, and said, "It seems that the direction the ants are retreating should be the ant nest, and they must not go there. Let's go to the higher ground according to the previous plan, just be careful."
Hearing Wang Wei's words, Ting Yu held Wang Wei and flew in the same direction as before. Because this direction was also the direction in which the spider escaped. Along the way, they could constantly see the spiders' bodies scattered on the ground.
It was just that Wang Wei and Ting Yu had no plans to collect magic crystals at this time. After all, if they could find an exit, they would be happy. It was their plan to escape first.
Wang Wei and Tingyu flew forward for several kilometers. Suddenly, there was a faint light coming from the front. Although it was not very strong, the two of them could be sure that the light was not the light from the ball of light that Wang Wei released earlier.