
Mortal Ascension System

*WSA 2024 ENTRANT* Nathan Gonzales has lived a life doing the least he can do to pass by, until he stumbled upon the Mortal Ascension System. The future is now on his hands as he uses the aid of the system to change his life for the better. A story that takes place in an separate reality, Come and find out how his story goes. P.S. How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! I would like for you to comment suggestions and possible directions for the story, this way I'll have fresh ideas for the story I'll try to upload as many times as I can per week :)

xpBoss · Urban
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30 Chs

Changes In The System

Nathan looked at his system, there are tons of functions that changed; especially a new function that was added.

[Honor]: 10375

[Items]: [Silent Tape x 1] [Congratulation Packet x 1]

[Shop]: Silent tape = 1000 honor

[Magic Wheel]: *21 days before it opens *Obtain a vault prize (Spinning requires 1000 honor, the result may be an item or a skill depending on the host's luck)

[Ability Vault]: Bronze Vault = 10,000 honor

 Silver Vault = 100,000 honor

 Gold Vault = 1,000,000 honor

It was because of the number of honor points that Nathan was able to point out that there seems to be some kind of information about him circulating that caused him to gain that much of an honor point.

After asking Warlock if he knew anything, the latter was shocked that Nathan didn't know that rumors were spreading about him. He explained to Nathan that rumors of him beating Professor Damian on a question was spreading quickly all throughout the campus.

Nathan thought that the numbers on his system were kind of right. There were at least 20,000 people in the university including the students, personal, and professors. If it had already spread throughout the campus then that means half of the people on the university thinks highly of him.

He had also realized that the shop function had been unlocked. It must have been because of the item 'silent tape,' Nathan reckons that object type rewards of the system will be put into the store.

He thought first that any reward would be applicable in the shop function, but considering that the knowledge for College Mathematics was not up to selling, that means knowledge type or any skill type rewards will not be put in the shop.

It made sense though, even if the knowledge was put on display in the shop, Nathan wouldn't have any reason to buy it. There was no stacking to be done and the knowledge would appear redundant. Well, he couldn't say that the system won't change in the future making it possible for skill type rewards to be displayed.

It was a thought that is better left with the future, who knows he might be able to give knowledge to someone else. The future is long, there is no need to rush, time will tell the truth.

There was a big change that occurred in the magic wheel, it's more expensive than the last time and there was now a time limit that he hadn't seen before; from the looks of it, he can only use the magic wheel once a month.

Nathan doesn't know the clear reason for such change but he deduced that it might be somehow related to the new function, the ability vault.

The appearance of the ability vault draws a clear line on its function and the function of the magic wheel in the past.

The magic wheel in the past existed as the sole reward-giving function of the system, the drawback is the rewards are random. Now the ability vault appeared that focused on the skills, the update on the magic wheel might be a result of the system balancing the ways to acquire skills and objects from the system.

All of these are just assumptions though, Nathan doesn't possess concrete evidence to support his claim, but analyzing the changes of the system, his claim is likely to be close.

Nathan hovered on the function which revealed the ability vault's description.

[Ability Vault]: Using honor points, the Host is able to 'buy' vaults based on their rank. There are three ranks as of now: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each differs on how magnificent the skills inside of it are. The higher the rank the more it breaks the law of the world, perhaps the host may achieve the title ***.

When Nathan arrived at the last words of the description, he was shocked that there were still details privy to him. Well, he expected it though, with how powerful the system is there might be information that he can't decipher or know as of now.

It won't matter though since as long as he gained enough fame, and gained enough skills, he would naturally be able to defeat and own the secrets of the system. It's not called the "Mortal Ascension System" for nothing.

Nathan is now by his room so he doesn't risk being seen looking at the air and seemingly hovering it. He would be regarded as a madman if that happened.

He closed his system and laid back on his bed, wondering what he needed to do next.

The math competition is right around the corner but even if he does win in the end, the maximum amount of honor he'll get is the exact same number of people in the university, plus it's just a one time event.

What he needs is something that will give enough honor points not in one go. A few minutes passed as he continued thinking.

He finally decided to use the system for help in his direction. It wasn't that he was neglecting the use of his system but considering that he got a useless tape that will make someone mute forever, he was hesitant to use the magic wheel since there was no telling if a trash item would appear once again.

His only choice therefore is the new ability vault, Nathan was hesitant for the sole reason that he could open a gold vault rather than a bronze vault with time; it would be a waste if the bronze resulted in a trash skill in the same level as the silent tape.

Nathan thought long and hard and managed to regain his calm, being rational, it was more helpful to him if he used the 10,000 honor points as a pillar for future endeavors. If the system gave him an apt reward, then earning more honor points will not be a problem.

Besides, his main income of honor points is from the hype of the math competition. It was for the best to bet in the system rather than wait until an opportunity landed on him.

Finally I can sleep, I'll write the next 2 chapters tomorrow, sorry I'll try to adjust my schedule again so the chapters will be uploaded early. Hope you still like my story.

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