
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Year of Nature's Secrets

Hello, I would like to clarify one thing that you asked a lot and that was unclear to you , I started the story around Lucifer and because I was in a hurry I time skipped about a hundred years. And this incident caused me to not pay attention to his development and his character, and at that time I was at a loss as to what to write about. Because I skipped all the important parts of the story, so I brought John into the story to continue the story more excitingly and use Lucifer as the second character of the story.But I'm trying to add Lucifer to the story and develop his character and By Jon I will unlock the past of Lucifer

thank you


281 AC

Month 10, Day 4

Lucifer Morningstar

Fate is a mysterious thing. Thirteen decades have passed. I've had my share of adventures in Essos, Yi Ti, the Shadowlands, and beyond, Life, with all its twists and turns, has proven to be an exceptional teacher. I had my goals, but they were all shattered by the death of my wife. I've done many things, yet I have my own red lines.

I have stood witness to the deaths of comrades, companions who once stood by my side, But not of someone I dearly loved. And when I thought I had achieved enough, when I was lucky enough to be loved, all my happiness was crushed by her death. a death that took away more than just a breath, but a part of my very being. After her passing, I truly realized that I am cursed.

I wasn't a gifted person. I was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Despite all my efforts, I could not uncover the truth behind my existence. Why was I reincarnated and not someone else? Why didn't I remember anything?

Throughout the expanse of my existence, I have charted my own course, defining my boundaries and the limits of my morality. I mastered all kinds of magic related to the mind and soul, but nothing. It's as if someone is blocking me. Yet, nothing will stop me from finding the truth.

I don't believe anyone did this out of pity or any other reason. Everything comes at a price, and nothing is free in life. This is the law. But nothing will deter me. I have all the time in the world to search for my answers.

Sigh… this brat is an idiot, but lovable.

There's something wrong with his soul, I can feel it in his breath. Yet his soul and body are in perfect harmony. This means his soul belongs to his body. My nephew is not possessed by dark magic. The only plausible explanation is time travel or something similar. Despite my age and experience, this is new to me. I should wait for him to be ready and let him tell me himself. All I can do is assist him in his fate, and I will be happy .



This is a fateful day...

Yes, all my efforts will pay off, and I will finally learn magic...

I got up from bed, eagerly waiting for him in the garden. But this bastard takes his sweet time, enjoying his morning tea and routine works. He didn't even remember his two-year-old son was waiting for him...

Lost in my thoughts, something hard hit my head. Ouch... oh shit... It hurts. I turned around and saw his mocking smile. Fury surged within me.

"First lesson about magic: patience."

"This is one of the most important principles you have to engrave in your mind. If you rush into this matter, the only thing you'll achieve is destruction."

I gulped...

"Okay, I get it, but why did you hit me with that wooden handle..."

Lucifer smirked. "Because I wanted to. If you have any objections to my teaching, feel free to quit right now."

This guy... his shamelessness knows no bounds. My eyes twitched, but I had no choice. "Okay."

I will repay this debt...

Lucifer shrugged. "Don't look at me like that. This is how I teach."

"But I'm only two years old, so you should show some consideration."

He smirked again. "You're right…" And for a moment, I thought he would be more gentle, but...

"You're just two years old. It's too early for you to start your training."

Damn it...

"Let's go." I left him behind and headed for the magical training ground.

He laughed at my childish behavior and followed suit.


"Oh, you've achieved the first step. I didn't expect this."

I smirked at him. "Ha, now you can see how much of a genius I am."

"Yes, I can see. I'll make sure to bring out your true potential."

Oh shit … I grimace and this fucker is laughing at me

"Okay, the second step is nothing for our little genius..."

And so, my training began.


Jon's training was focused on establishing a profound connection with the natural world. Under Lucifer's guidance, Jon would spend hours each day in the palace gardens, surrounded by the symphony of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and the gentle flow of water. This was a time of deep introspection, a deliberate effort to attune himself to the rhythms of the world around him.

Lucifer, in his unconventional way, would often join Jon in these sessions. With a cup of tea in hand, he would sit across from Jon, his gaze fixed on the younger man. It was as if he was silently encouraging Jon to dive deeper, to seek the unseen threads that connected all living things.

During this year, Jon's days were filled with activities that enhanced his connection to nature. He practiced meditation under the guidance of Lucifer, focusing on his breathing and allowing the sounds of nature to wash over him. They would take long walks through the woods, with Lucifer occasionally pointing out subtle changes in the environment, teaching Jon to be attuned to even the tiniest shifts.

Jon's senses became heightened over time. He could distinguish between different types of birds based on their calls, identify the scent of various flowers as they bloomed, and predict changes in weather by the feel of the wind on his skin. His bond with the natural world grew stronger with each passing day.

As Jon progressed to the third step, he embarked on a journey of self-exploration, delving deep into his own body and soul. This phase was as much about understanding his own essence as it was about comprehending the world around him.

Under Lucifer's guidance, Jon practiced various forms of self-awareness. He spent hours in quiet solitude, his eyes closed, while Lucifer guided him through exercises that allowed him to sense the flow of energy within his body. He learned to recognize the ebb and flow of his heartbeat, the rhythm of his breath, and the subtle currents of magic that coursed through his veins.

In this stage, Jon faced challenges that pushed the boundaries of his understanding. He would be tasked with standing still amidst a cacophony of distractions, learning to block out external noise and focus solely on the symphony within him. He practiced visualizing his own energy, imagining it as a swirling pool of light within his chest.

With time and dedication, Jon's mastery over this connection grew. He could enter a state of deep meditation at will, allowing him to explore the recesses of his mind and spirit. He began to understand the interplay between his own energy and the energy of the natural world, realizing that they were not separate entities but interconnected facets of existence.

As the year came to an end, Jon had achieved remarkable progress. He had established a profound link with nature, sensing its whispers in the wind and its pulse in the earth beneath his feet. He had also uncovered the mysteries of his own inner energy, forging a connection that would serve as the foundation for his magical journey. The time had come to move on to the next phase, where he would attempt to harness and shape this energy, transforming it into a force that could shape the world around him.