
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

The Trap at Trident

Lucifer had arrived at Trident a few days ago, and all the forces were hopeful, especially when the Frey Forces joined them. The reason why Frey, who had been hiding in his castle, came out was unknown, but his arrival brought good news for everyone.

Lucifer entered Robert's command tent, and as soon as he entered, He was met with silence of all the lords, which was a sign of their respect . Robert broke the silence and lifted Lucifer in his arms, saying, "Welcome, my friend, I was waiting for you."

Lucifer shook his head and sit on the right side of Ned. They both nodded their heads in approval of each other, and the commotion continued.

Hoster Tully said, "We must pass through Trident to have a better fight on the land."

Another lord said, "No, Trident is a crucial strategic point, and we can't afford to lose it."

The commotion continued, and Ned, as always, maintained his silence, lost in his thoughts. Haster Tully, whose opinion was not favored, looked embarrassed. Robert, patient to the end, seemed like he would get up at any moment, lifts his war hammer and leaves for battle. The other lords had no useful opinions, and Jon Arryn, desperate, turned to Lucifer and said, "Lord Morning Star, don't you have any thoughts?"

Robert, who had gathered his attention, exclaimed excitedly, "Lucifer, tell us your thoughts, my friend. Whoever mocks you, I will knock him down with this hammer."

Lucifer chuckled playfully and said, "I have a suggestion."

Robert became even more excited and said, "Tell us, and don't keep us waiting."

Lucifer placed his hand on the map and said, "It will take about a week for the Targaryen forces to arrive here. I suggest that we build a wooden dam at this point on the map and block the river's path."

Jon asked, "Why would building a time-consuming dam be beneficial, and having the river would be a disadvantage?"

Lucifer gave Jon a half-glance and continued, "I mean a particular dam that my forces can build. This dam will divert the river's flow and make it easier for us to pass this part of the river."

Hoster Tully said, "Why?I think that part of the river is not a suitable point for the battle?, Exactly where we stand now is a better place for the confrontation."

Lucifer continued, "Exactly... the river's water level is lower than usual, and the Targaryen forces can cross the river. They can secure a better point for continuing the battle, and that is precisely our goal."

Ned Stark said, "A trap? Do you want to lure their forces this way, then release the dam and drown them?"

Lucifer said, "Exactly... with this action, we can kill a significant number of them, break their spirit, and block their escape route."

Ned Stark said, "I don't think this method is a good idea... We should fight with honor."

Before Ned finished speaking, Robert stood up from his place, thumping on the table with excitement, and said, "That's it, that's what we'll do. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, Lucifer."

Lucifer just smirked, shook his head, and returned to listening to the continuation of the plan.


The day of the Trident battle arrived, and the two armies, Robert Baratheon's and Rhaegar Targaryen's, faced each other, ready for a bloody fight. The sun reached its highest point in the sky, and the sunlight shone on the field like radiant rays, clearly displaying the battleground. The atmosphere between the two military forces was tense, and excitement reached its peak.

Rhaegar, with a determined look in his eyes, led his army. He was a mighty warrior, his black and red armor bearing the emblem of his house in the center. Rhaegar appearance spoke of his determination to bring "fire and blood" to his enemies.

On the other side, Robert Baratheon stood like an iron mountain, holding his war hammer high, with the banner of a stag raised. As the two armies were positioned, a heavy silence fell over the field, and only the sound of clashing armor and galloping horses could be heard. This silence was filled with excitement. Both sides knew that the fate of the Seven Kingdoms depended on the outcome of this battle. The air was filled with anticipation, and the soldiers on both sides knew that the battle would be tough, but it strengthened their resolve to fight for their future. Fear and courage clashed in their hearts, and they prepared to engage in a fiery confrontation.

Robert's army, with a considerable distance from the river that separated the two armies (the river was low, which is why Rhaegar chose this area for the battle), stood ready, expecting an attack from Rhaegar's army. and Rhaegar did not know that he was walking into a trap that could end the Targaryen dynasty.

Rhaegar shouted, "Brave warriors, this battle is ours, towards victory, towards justice. Strengthen your will and rush towards those who have endangered our safety." The Targaryen forces attacked, and their soldiers quickly crossed the river. Rhaegar realized that Robert 's movements were strangely slow, sensing danger, he looked around and saw the trap.

He shouted "This is a trap! , retreat!... retreat!..." but it was too late for them to withdraw. The river surged with power, and a significant portion of Rhaegar 's forces was swept away. Rhaegar was furious but knew he had to control his anger. "Damn you, Robert Baratheon,"

Rhaegar thought. He had no escape route and concluded that only with Robert's death could this turmoil end. So, he ignited his wrath within and firmly headed towards Robert, who, in response, accepted his challenge with a challenging smile.

Fortunately, the plan worked. Lucifer thought.

Lucifer shone mysteriously in his dark armor. I held my Valyrian steel sword, Starlight, in front of me, feeling a strange nostalgia as I returned to the battlefield. It was as if I had to revive the name of the Angel of Death once again.

The soldiers of Drone were attacking on the left side. Lucifer said to himself, "Now is the time for phase two of the plan," and gestured to Gregor.

"Move!" I ordered, and with two thousand well-trained mounted knights, we circled around and attacked the soldiers within.

The two thousand knights expertly wielded their spears and engaged with the enemy. Like a spear piercing through the heart, we entered their ranks, spilling blood and swallowing the souls of the enemy soldiers like a legion of death. We were not satisfied with just one strike; we struck them multiple times. The soldiers within had lost their efficiency and were thrown into the battle.

I drew my sword and joined the fray. Most attacks were directed towards me; several soldiers rushed at me, trying to encircle me. However, their movements were slow. With skillful maneuvers, I responded to each of them. Every strike of mine was deadly, and with each blow, an enemy fell to the ground.

I noticed the commander of the enemy forces, Lewyn Martell, rushing towards me with great speed. He was a brave warrior, and I gave him credit for that. Each of his strikes was like a venomous snake's bite. We exchanged blows, and I left some room for my guard. Lewyn aimed his spear at my neck, but I had anticipated his move. With a quick turn, I closed the distance between us and thrust my sword into his chest. Even though he was dying, he still had the eyes of a fierce warrior, wanting to continue the fight. However, when he saw Rhaegar struck with Robert's powerful blow, he lost all hope and fell to the ground. Soon after, a cry of victory echoed, and the Targaryen forces threw their weapons to the ground.