
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Shadows of Prophecy, Whispers of Love

A few months had passed since the grand tourney at Harrenhal, and the realm of Westeros was still abuzz with whispers and speculations. In the heart of the Riverlands, where the Trident's gentle waters flowed, Lyanna Stark found herself on a solitary journey, seeking solace and clarity amidst the turmoil that had gripped her heart.

Unbeknownst to her, fate had other plans in store. As she traversed the winding roads of the Riverlands, her path crossed with a figure that had haunted her thoughts since the tourney – Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

The Prince of Dragonstone stood by the riverbank, his lilac eyes gazing into the water's reflection, as if searching for answers in the ripples. Lyanna's heart quickened at the sight of him, for she had tried to forget the feelings that had stirred within her in Harrenhal.

Rhaegar turned as Lyanna approached, and a soft smile played upon his lips. "Lyanna," he greeted her, his voice carrying a melody that sent shivers down her spine. "Fate has brought us together once more."

Her voice was tinged with both curiosity and caution. "What brings you here, Prince Rhaegar?"

"I often find solace by the river's edge," he replied, his gaze never leaving her. "And what of you, my lady? What burdens have led you to wander this way?"

Lyanna hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of her emotions and the conflict within her heart. She took a deep breath and decided to share her inner turmoil with the prince. "I find myself torn between duty and desire, between the expectations of my house and the yearning of my heart."

Rhaegar nodded, a somber understanding crossing his features. "I too have felt the burden of expectations, the weight of destiny that rests upon my shoulders."

Their conversation turned to the tourney, to the moment when he crowned her the Queen of Love and Beauty, an act that had sparked a chain of events that seemed to be beyond their control.

"It was a bold and impulsive move," Lyanna remarked, remembering the whispers and judgment that followed.

Rhaegar sighed, and for a moment, the mask of princely composure slipped, revealing the vulnerability beneath. "I sought to honor you, to pay homage to the spirit that shines so brightly within you. But I underestimated the consequences of my actions."

As they spoke, Lyanna noticed a sadness in Rhaegar's eyes, a hidden depth of pain that she could not fully comprehend. It was as if he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders, bound by a destiny that had been laid out for him.

"Do you regret it?" she asked softly, referring to the moment he crowned her, knowing it had caused her both admiration and distress.

"No," he answered firmly, "for in that moment, I saw a glimpse of something extraordinary within you, Lyanna. It was as if the gods themselves had painted the stars in your eyes."

Despite the intensity of their connection, Rhaegar chose not to reveal the prophecies that haunted his dreams and had driven him to act in ways that defied convention. He feared that the burden of destiny would only push her away, and so he kept his visions and the truth of his inner turmoil hidden from her.

Lyanna, too, was hesitant to share the depth of her feelings, knowing the consequences that their love could bring upon the realm. Yet, as the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, they found themselves drawn to each other, their hearts entwined in an unspoken bond.

As they stood by the river's edge, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of wildflowers, Lyanna's thoughts raced. She was torn between the duty she owed to House Stark, her family, and the wild yearning she felt for the enigmatic prince before her. Her heart whispered that there was something more to Rhaegar, a vulnerability that he kept well-hidden. But what could that be? And how could she reconcile her feelings for him with the expectations placed upon her?

Meanwhile, Rhaegar's thoughts swirled with turmoil and desire. He longed to tell Lyanna about the visions that haunted his sleep, about the prophecy that had become the driving force behind his actions. He yearned for her to understand the weight he carried, the burden of shaping the future of the realm. But he feared that revealing the truth would only scare her away, that she would see him as mad or consumed by a destiny beyond his control.

Instead, he masked his inner turmoil, using charm and poetic words to keep her intrigued and perhaps to keep her at arm's length. But every fiber of his being wanted to hold her close, to tell her everything, and to seek solace in her understanding. He was captivated by her spirit, her strength, and her defiance of societal norms, but he couldn't be sure if she would still love him if she knew the full extent of the choices he had made.

As the day gave way to night, Rhaegar and Lyanna's conversation continued, their words dancing around the unspoken truths that lay between them. Each moment felt like a precious stolen memory, a secret shared between two souls who were inexplicably drawn together.

Later that night, Lyanna wrote a letter to her father, Lord Rickard Stark, explaining that she had chosen to accompany Rhaegar of her own accord, driven by her feelings for the prince. She expressed her hope that her father would understand her decision and seek peace for the realm.

Trusting the letter to a messenger, Lyanna watched as he rode off into the night, unaware of the shadows lurking in the darkness. An unknown assailant, driven by an unknown motive, struck down the messenger, ensuring that the letter would never reach Winterfell, leaving the Starks ignorant of their daughter's choice.

And so, Rhaegar and Lyanna's love remained hidden from the world, a secret flame that burned bright amidst the shadows of destiny. Their journey continued, fraught with danger and uncertainty, as they sought to build a future together, bound by love yet haunted by prophecy. The winds of change swept through the realm, heralding a future unlike any other, where the fate of Westeros would be decided by the actions of two star-crossed lovers.