

Morgana's soul had been wandering the world for millennia, learning all types of magic, even though she was just a soul without a body. Then the great sorceress who at some point surpassed Merlin decides to take the body of a stillborn baby girl. But who would tell the millinery witch that by her decision the destiny of many would change? And that the board prepared by a certain man would be of no use, since she would change the whole essence of the game. This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 04

As I said when Uncle Severus arrived, the three of them drank the purifying potion, and then I noticed how their eyes cleared up, and they would have their mouths open with impression.

"Whatever it is that changed there, leave it for later, now we have to solve Hadrian's problem" - I said seriously, to which they nodded.

"I will take care of the child. After all, Lily made me his godfather."

"You are a teacher at Hogwarts, Severus" - Lucius reminded him.

"The little one can stay at Malfoy Manor" - We all looked at her. - "He is Morgan's soul mate, besides they are going to get married, I don't see any problem in them living together."

Father made a bad face and was going to protest, but he shut up when he saw Mother's look, Uncle Sev looked at them puzzled.

"Are you getting married?"

"We found out that I have a marriage contract with Hadrian, that's how it started."

"How did you find him?"

"We didn't find him, rather we invoked him with Accio" - I shrugged my shoulders, he looked at me surprised and then shook his head.

"Leaving that aside, we must try to get Sirius out of Askaban, as far as I remember he didn't receive a trial." - Lucius spoke.

They continued talking until shortly after Hadrian returned. He looked a little taller, his hair changed to Black and was no longer a bird's nest, it was still a little frizzy, but it looked moldable, his eyes turned Avada Kedavra shade of green, and he was not wearing glasses, his skin became paler and revealed Black features.

When our eyes connected I felt my magic leave me and go to Hadrian, Hadrian's magic also enveloped me confirming that he recognized me as his soulmate, his magic was exciting, attractive, and powerful and I felt safe with it.

His eyes sparkled, and I'm sure mine did too, some of his magic entered me and I felt mine do the same with him.

When everything calmed down, for the first time in many years I felt complete, I guess that's the way to describe it, I felt complete.

I moved closer, and he hugged me tightly as if trying to make it not an illusion, I hugged him back, and we stayed like that.

"Let go of my daughter Potter" - Father said, I broke away from his embrace, but Hadrian took my hand - "What the-"

He couldn't finish as he fell to the floor unconscious, we saw Mother, and she had a frying pan in her hand. - "A fly" - She said as if nothing happened.

"We'd better go to Malfoy Manor."

In the end, I didn't do my business... should I? ... na who cares, another day.

As soon as we got back home my parents and uncle started giving Hadrian potions for his malnutrition, wounds, and size, and they also called all his acquaintances, making each one of them take the purifying potions. Which led to most of the Purebloods realizing most of the stupid things they had done over the years.

Two months after what happened, Uncle Sev and Hadrian stayed at Malfoy Manor, since we were on vacation and while Dad and Uncle Sev did some errands, Mum and I took care of Hadrian's coupling.

Then after two months the day that Dad and Uncle Sev had been waiting for had arrived: the much-acclaimed trial of Sirius Black, Hadrian's other godfather.

I was watching Dad a bit nervously, honestly, they didn't have much in their defense, so I sighed.

"The best thing they can do is to appeal to Veritaserum" - They looked at me - "If he is innocent everything will come to light and no one can do anything to prevent it father, remember that you not only have the vote of the Malfoy family, I am still a minor so my votes in the Wizengamot pass to you, the same goes for Hadrian and Uncle Sev, good luck" - With that said I left there, with Hadrian.

A few minutes later, Dad and Uncle Sev left. Mom and I continued as if nothing important was happening, I was teaching Hadrian magic without a wand. In the evening, Dad and Uncle Sev came back with news.

"What happened?"

"Sirius is innocent, with Veritaserum it was proved that he was not the secret keeper but the rat he was always with and that he was the one who gave the Potter's address to Voldemort, we didn't bring him because he will be in San Mungo recovering from Azkaban for a while." - Lucius answered.

"They will also begin the search for the Rat, Amelia Bones will take care of it."

'I've heard enough' - I went back to my room to find Hadrian sitting on my bed. - "What are you doing awake?"

"Can I sleep here?"

"Ok" - With a flick of my wrist, my clothes changed to my pajamas and I lay down next to him.

He soon wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his chest against my back to sleep spoon-style. It's at times like this that the potions he's been taking show, as he's a few inches taller than me.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).