
Morgan, there's something wrong with you!,

I am King Lot, the guy whose wife is particularly famous (Morgan) and whose children are also famous (Gawain, Gareth...) Unfortunately, my family does not have a good ending. In order to avoid this fate of teasing people. I decided to eat and wait to die. As long as you don't seek death, you won't die. ……………………………………………………………… .................. My name is Morgan and I just want my status. I thought my marriage would be nothing more than a political deal. But I didn't expect that I could actually hear my husband's voice. [Morgan, she still doesn’t know that the future throne does not belong to her but to her sister. ] [Unfortunately, King Arthur is just a guy who only knows war but not governance. 】 【Development is the last word. Productivity is fundamental. ] ... Lott: So, why did my wife Morgan become a **? Support Me: patreon.com/Nox_Hollow

Nox_Hollow · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 21

As soon as he entered the study, he spoke to Morgan.

"Morgan, come on, let me tell you some good news."

After he finished speaking, he saw Morgan clearly at this time.

He held the quill firmly with his right hand, and used a knife to carve the bamboo slips to carve on it.

Very hard.

Lott happened to see Morgan like this.

He swallowed.

[After seeing her like this, I won't be silenced. ]

Morgan put the pen down.

You pervert, why did you come back so quickly?

My elegance.

Now it was all gone in front of him.

The pervert actually thought I wanted to silence him.

My expression just now was so ferocious.

Fortunately, there was only one person.

If someone else saw it.

"Then I really want to silence you."

Morgan thought in his mind.

As for Lott...

"Ahem, Lot, your quill is hard to use. I tried hard just now, but I couldn't get the ink out."

Morgan explained to Lot.

"Yeah, I know, I know."

Lott nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

At this moment, Morgan looked into Lot's heart.

After looking carefully for a long time, there were only two words in his heart.

[From the Heart].

"Yes." Morgan nodded with satisfaction. Then, she asked Lott: "By the way, what did you do when you came in just now?"

"It's like this. The thing I was worried about just now has been solved."

Lot said to Morgan.


Morgan was a little stunned.

Just now, wasn't this perverted bitch deliberately looking for an excuse?

Did he really solve it?

I thought he was just looking for a place to fish.

It turns out that he still went to work.

Morgan walked to Lott's side and said sheepishly: "I seemed to have misunderstood you just now."

"It's okay. How can a man get angry at his wife just because of trivial things?"

Lott sat down and said to Morgan.

At the same time, in my heart——

[Hey, give all the documents to Morgan without looking like you are being lazy. I am really too smart. ]


It was wronged, but it didn't seem to be completely wronged.

Morgan rubbed his temples.

Sometimes, hearing too much is not a good thing.

"So, tell me what are you worried about?"

"I said I was worried about the other side's magician."

Lott explained to Morgan again.

"Then do you have any good solutions?"

Morgan asked Lott.

Morgan doesn't fully understand the magician's abilities, so if someone can really see the fleet, it's possible.

"Morgan, my body has a special constitution that can perfectly shield me from the detection of other magicians. If you don't believe it, try using some detection magic on me."

Lott put on an expression that said he would try it quickly.

Looking at his proud smile, Morgan didn't know what expression to make.

Lot, are you kidding me?

You said you can't be detected by a magician?

But looking at Lott's expression, Morgan didn't know what to say.

But since he told himself, he should break his thought.

"Also, Merlin, are you trying to deceive my perverted bitch into not knowing anything about magic? After I break his mind, I will give you a good beating on the head."

Morgan thought in his mind.

At the same time, she used detection magic.

"Well, look at my magic. In just one moment, I can know your position anytime, anywhere..."

Morgan froze in the middle of his proud words.

My own magic had no effect at all.

"I really can't probe you."

"Look, I didn't lie to you." Lott said to Morgan.

Morgan couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

What's going on? He didn't want it, so he could hear Lot's voice without using any magic. And sometimes, even if you don't want to hear it, it's not okay. But when I was using detection magic, it didn't work at all.

What happened to Lott?

"Look, what I said is correct."

Looking at Morgan's expression, Lott knew that Morgan's magic had not worked.

[Morgan's surprised expression is really interesting. ]

Morgan dropped his expression.

Don't show such an expression to a pervert easily.

I am Her Majesty the Queen who wants to control everything.

How could it be surprising?

"Well, it seems that with you here, our actions will be easier."

Morgan nodded pretending to be indifferent and said.

At the same time, she couldn't help but look at Lot.

Why is this guy so good?

He knows everything and can solve all the troubles.

"In addition to letting me think less about the messy things in my heart, I also need to be more positive in my work and not think about fishing all day long. That would be the best."

Morgan thought in his mind.

Well, it seems that there is still a long way to go in the task of transforming the sex dog.

In the next few days, everyone was still immersed in the afterglow of the wedding banquet.

King Bei has begun to prepare his army. King Uther had no choice but to stay here longer. He had to quickly return to Camelot to prepare for the attack.

Moreover, since Lott was away, he had to prepare for even more things.

Morgan took advantage of this opportunity and asked Lott to recruit both Kai and Artoria as knights.

After becoming a knight, Lott also arranged two reconnaissance knight teams for Kai to take over.

In this way, the King of Knights and the Knights of the Round Table, based on the original history, have now become the captains of two detective knight squads.

Oh, by the way, Merlin also stayed in Orkney for the time being.

On the surface, it is to prevent enemy magicians.

But from a deeper level, Lot knew that Merlin must have been ordered by King Uther to protect his two daughters.

After all, if Morgan and Artoria were wiped out, King Uther would be the last to die.

When Morgan began to take over Orkney's government affairs, he realized that this was definitely not an easy thing to do.

Especially since there have been two more troubles recently.

And these two troubles came from Camelot.

The first is Merlin, the old liar.

He flirts with women all day long when he has nothing to do. Basically, when he sees a young girl, he can't help but flirt with her and take advantage of her. Merlin was of noble status, and besides his husband Lot, he was the most handsome in all of Orkney. Girls who don't know him well are easily fooled by him.

As for this kind of hooliganism, Morgan will never tolerate it.

Blow, hard blow.

But who is Merlin? No one can catch him except Lot.

If this old rascal hadn't been really useful, Morgan would have asked her husband to throw him into the sea and let him swim back to Camelot.

And the other one is Artoria.

He is very honest.

(No typo, Morgan doesn't know Artoria's gender yet)

He also works very seriously.

His skills are also good.

However, the meal was too big.

The supplies of a small team are better than those of a large team.

Arturia ate it all by herself.

Morgan seemed to understand why Sir Ector, a master of swordsmanship, was so poor.

Moreover, he was so happy to agree that Kai and Artoria would join him.

"The landlord's family doesn't have any food left!"

Morgan remembered Lott's words and couldn't help but spit.

Of course, there was another guy who made Morgan even more angry.

This guy Lott has been fishing secretly all day long.