
The woman who has his heart

I looked at her trying to understand what she was on about but she didn't give me any time to think about it as she continued to speak almost immediately.

"The pride of a Tajala is usually different and I can sense it within you. Tajalas are very prideful, strong, and selfish and it makes your kind very dangerous".

I could accept that I was prideful and strong at least in my own tiny way but what? selfish? I wasn't selfish at all.

"I don't agree with you, I may be a lot of things but I'm certainly not selfish. You all probably just assumed I'm this Tajala thing but I'm certainly not".

"You are Tajala, your ancestors were strong ones, I can sense it. Your spirit is weak because many of your ancestors have mixed with humans but there is no doubt that you have the blood of Tajala in you".

"Stop confusing her will you".

We both turned to see who it was. As soon as I saw him, I turned to look at Landorr and surprisingly, she was smiling.

"Xavier, it's been how many years"?