
Fight a god

It was then that I realized who it was that I was speaking with and when I did, I immediately ended the call.

I wasn't ready to speak to someone who abandoned me just because of an accident.

Kelvin Scott, her ex-fiance was not expecting her to respond in such a manner. He was very sure that she loved him more than she loved herself so he felt that if he called and apologized, she would definitely take him back.

It was yet another day and I need to be at work. I didn't feel like it but there was still so much for me to catch up with.

I got ready and when I got downstairs, Summer was already waiting for me so without having breakfast, I said goodbye to my mom and left for the office.

"You have a meeting with an investing company today and..."

"Why are you not asking"?

I asked still looking forward.

Summer heard what her boss said and immediately turned to look at her but she wasn't looking in her direction at all.
