

My eyes opened wide in shock.

"Wait, what did you say"?

She chuckled lightly.

"He is my younger brother, same father, different mothers".

"But... but, you are a demon".

"You can be extremely curious at times. You know that right"?

I said nothing hoping she would still answer my question.

"Well, to satisfy your curiosity, I'm a demigod".

I opened my eyes and tilted my head sideways.

"My father, a god, slept with my mother, a demon and they had me but, their relationship is forbidden so my mom took me and left. I only got to know who my father was four hundred years later".

She made a sound with her tongue and teeth and continued to speak.

"Xavier was already a hundred years old then. His mom didn't like me but due to some circumstances, I had to live with them for about fifty years before going my own way. By that time, Xavier was already smitten by me".

She smile as though she was remembering the past.

"He was cute back then".