
More like love

She is a normal girl, just an extra of the story.He is the popular guy,the main lead.He never knew about her existence,she never cared about his existence. But what happens when these polar opposite individuals cross there path! Will there be a spark of romance between them or is there someone else awaiting~~~ __________________________________________________ LOVE,LUST,ROMANCE,JELOUSY AND MORE... are awaiting for them in there path...... __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ WARNING~ There are a lot of curse words,and sexual content. __________________________________________________ Happy reading.....

A_Y_G · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Kai's gase is allraedy mudering me. Patrick tried to interrupt but I stopped him as I didn't wanted him to get involved with this mess. Kai moved swiftly towards me and banged me towards the locker. Well I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter. But it was different kind,I was scared after all he didn't have a good reputation for treating humans...and yes women included.

He looked at me for some time while he was towering me against the locker and then he suddenly moved towards me and wishpered in my ears "I will make sure you pay for this princess." With that Lucas pated on Kai's shoulder and said,"Kai leave,you are scaring her." Kai left with the other two boys while giving me a unwanted smirk. Patrick stayed. Honestly I was fuckin scared!

Suddenly Lucas patted my head and lowered down to my height and said,"Don't be scared princess Maya." And then he tilted his face and came near my ears, I could fell his candy breath on my neck."Don't worry I'll take care of Kai he won't bug you" he said in his soothing deep voice and left with a wink at me.

All the girls were so jealous at that time I could see it on there face, but I didn't even care about them or even Kai at that time. There was only one thing going inside my head and that's~~Lucas. But wait a minnnn.... how does he know my name? WTF!


Patrick shouted while moving me furiously left to right."What the fuck did happen.... rn?"Patrick said in a flirtious tone. I looked at him in a 'don't talk to me right now' look.


I skipped my lunch today. And most of my afternoon I was only thinking about Lucus and his words. However

my fantasise got inturrpted by a call. It was an unknown number, and I was kinda schoked as it came in my private phone. Umm not to exaggerate

But I have two phones,as my parents dont live with me(I live with my grandma by the way) and one of them is private only people very close to me know the number. So I picked the phone, I was about to say hello...when a deep voice said~"I better see you tomorrow at the party. I'll be waiting,and if you don't come I'll come to you,honey." With that the phone got disconnected.

I had no idea who it was,but honestly I was kinda creeped up. Latter that day I met with Patrick at the mall."Pats I don't think I am coming to the party!" I said. He jumped and asked,"But whyyy we just agreed,is it because of the incident?" I said no and told him what happened.

"Bitch you been worring over this shit...chill it must be a prank.." he said." But it was on my priva...."

"Well even if it's serious and someone's tryna mess with you we will look after that." Saying that he gave me a tight hug. After that went shopping, he brought a jet black suit with some sexy tight pants,and he forced me to buy a short black dress. Well I don't complain, the dress it's really preety and compliments my curvy body, but it's just too short,skin tight and there's a large cleavage in front. But it was comfy so I didn't really mind.


I met Patrick in his uncle's saloon. His family runs the brand "PÓreal",it's like a worldwide saloon brand, if that makes sense? So anyways we spent the whole day getting ready. Honestly I had the slightest interest in make up, but it was all for Pats anyways.

Pats and I would meet again near the party's entry as he had some work to do before that.


I walked towards the entry all nervous in my mini black dress. I could fell the eyes on me. My nervousness vanished when I saw a familiar face it was Pats and damm boy he looked hot as fuck. I could see girls drooling over him from a far. His abs were prominent under his white net shirt and his skinny black pants complemented his figure. Well I was not shocked to see him like that, he was one of the handsome guys of our school but he always hung out with me, I never asked him why cause it was always like that.

"Wow... girl YOU look lit....." He said while I smirked."Well well I see some guys drooling over you..." He added. "Well not over me more like my ass" I said. There were some guys who were approaching us when Pats suddenly pulled me by my waist close to him and we went inside. Umm.. I was not really surprised as he can get really protective sometimes.