
Moonstruck for the Bloodthirsty Prince

CQ 2023 entry. Ever since someone he loved had been murdered, Prince Maxixe had sworn vengeance on all humans. Yet even as the black haired warrior swung his sword in slaughter he could not stop the rush of tender feelings that flooded him when he saw the enemy, Lady Kaoma. Loathing himself for his weakness, Maxixe sought not only to dominate his captive...he secretly craved her whispers of love and willingness in the bed. From the moment he claimed the exquisite Kaoma for himself and carried her to his homeland nothing went according to plan. Both Kaoma and Maxixe are two strong willed individuals. Both are in a tug of war over cute little baby Jax. Doesn't matter who is wrong or right. These two will have you cheering for them both equally.

NixOrtikal · Fantasy
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167 Chs

A fresh perspective

"Should you be out of bed? Your face looks terribly pale to me."

"I feel fine," Maxixe told her. "I've been waiting around for what feels like forever for you to return to me."

Already he was shirtless and just stood patiently leaning against the bed frame with his arms folded across his chest. 

Maxixe really was healing rapidly now that he was no longer poisoning himself.

He stared at her thoughtfully, as if pondering the right way to approach Kaoma to sort out their differences.

This dry spell between them had gone on for far too longer than was necessary and he didn't look at all angry, just perplexed.