
Moonlit Sky's

Sky_Wolfie · Teen
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8 Chs

Going Too Far

Waking up the following day still wrapped in Emmett's arms felt right, but why? We barely knew each other. Am I going crazy, or am I falling in love?

Having to fight Emmett to get up in the mornings was not easy; he would use his strength to keep me from moving his arm so I couldn't move. After struggling for what felt like hours but could have only been a few minutes, I was finally able to get free from his hold and move about freely. I decided to explore the pack grounds after getting ready for the day. Going into the bathroom, I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. Once finished, I went into the closet to find an outfit. I settled on one of the new outfits Emmett bought me: a peach-colored cold-shoulder shirt with ripped jeans and my favorite high tops. Moving over to the vanity, I brushed my hair and applied minimal makeup.

Quickly sneaking out of the house to not wake Emmett up, I quietly closed the door behind me. Turning around to head out for my walk, I saw several warriors around the house. Emmett probably had that done after Nate showed up. I carefully made my way down the stairs, catching the attention of the warriors standing guard at the front of the house. "I'm sorry, Luna, we can't let you leave without Alpha Emmett. Please go back inside; this is for your safety." One of the guards turned to stop me. You have got to be kidding me right now. Am I not even allowed to leave the house by myself? "I just want to look around. You know, explore the place." I tried to convince them to let me pass. "I'm sorry, Alpha Emmett has to be with you." Before I could reply, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist."Good morning, little mate." Emmett.

Emmett picked me up to carry me back into the house, but not before thanking the guard who stopped me. He shouldn't be able to do this to me. I'm not a child, nor am I helpless. Fighting Emmett was proven more challenging than anything, with him always stepping in the way of my plans. I could always stop trying to avoid him and accept whatever this is with him. Doesn't that mean I have to give up reading for a while?

He sat me down in a chair in the dining room, allowing me to get a better look at him. Emmett dressed in a black and gray suit that hugged his biceps perfectly. Wait, why am I thinking this? It's not right to believe this, but he looks so sexy in his suit. "Baby girl, I can feel you staring at me. If you have something to say, then say I won't bite, hard anyways." Emmett looked down at me, giving me a wide wolfie grin, and winked at me. Blushing deeply, I turned away from him to pout about being caught. "Babygirl, don't pout; you're not in trouble," I felt Emmett wrap his arms around my waist before feeling his hot breath on my neck. "I enjoy it when you eye me with so much lust in your eyes. It shows me how much you want me." A soft kiss was placed just below my ear, causing me to bite back a moan. Emmett slowly kissed down to my collarbone before giving it a slight love nip; I tilted my head back slightly to allow him better access. "Princess, be careful, you're not ready for this." Emmett placed one last soft kiss on my collar before releasing me from his grip and walking into the kitchen, out of my sight.


Sitting in the living room with Emmett was decent. I didn't know if I was starting to fall for him or if I just enjoyed his company. In a way, it was very unsettling, yet very calming at the same time. Emmett had repeatedly told me we were mates, but I felt nothing. My mother always told me I would find my mate, and it would be fantastic; there would be sparks and the need to always be around them no matter what. I never felt that with Emmett, or at least I don't think so. Maybe Emmett was wrong, and I really wasn't his mate, or he just said that to go to bed with me. Feeling my discomfort, Emmett pulled me closer to him to ease my troubles.

"Emmett, I have a question." I turned to look at him better. Seeing Emmett so calm as he watched the movie he picked for us was unusual. Typically, his expression was stern and severe, but not that night; it was quiet and peaceful, something unnatural for him. "Yes, baby girl?" Emmett looked over at me with a slight smile. "Can you explain what the mate bond feels like for werewolves? My mom told me what it felt like when she found her mate, but I don't feel that with you." I started and looked up at him, a little confused. "I can, but you should know that humans do not have mates. Not like wolves do anyways." Emmett paused the movie and fully turned to me, studying my expression carefully, waiting for my response after this newfound information.

Humans don't have mates? Does that mean my mother wasn't human? "Emmett, are werewolves the only ones that have mates? Well, are there even any other supernatural creatures out there?" I felt foolish asking him that I should at least know a little more about the supernatural world than this. "Well, no, baby, there is a whole world of supernatural creatures out there, but I can't say too much about them. I know most of us have mates. Is there any particular reason you ask?" Thinking of what to say to him, I felt my mother always tried to hide something from me. "When I was younger, my mother told me what it would feel like when I found my mate, but you said humans don't have mates. So, does that mean my mother wasn't human? Maybe my father wasn't human, and she referred to him?"

Emmett put a comforting hand on my back and slowly rubbed it to soothe my worries. "If you would like, princess, we can examine your family history and figure this out." Emmett pulled me into his lap and hugged me close to his chest. "I wouldn't mind knowing; I am curious, especially after learning all this information. I deserve to know if one of my parents was supernatural." I looked up at Emmett with innocent and tired eyes. "Come, little mate, it's time for bed; you're getting tired." He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.

Once we were in the bedroom, Emmett gently laid me on the bed before pulling the covers over me and slipping into the closet. Coming back into the room, I saw that he changed into his night clothes and brought me some night clothes. Emmett made his way to the bed before climbing beside me and pulling the covers back to help me change my clothes to ready me for bed. Once he finished helping me, Emmett laid down beside me and pulled me to his chest once again. "Good night, princess; sleep well." He murmured into my ear before I slowly drifted into the much-welcomed darkness of sleep. "I love you," I murmured out in my sleep. "I love you too." Emmett quietly replied before I finally fell into a much-needed deep slumber.


Later the next day, I was outside on the backside of the house, enjoying the sun while Emmett was finishing some work. He has been neglecting his alpha duties since I've come along. Culpín appeared beside me as Fairlight hopped off him to hug me. Fairlight sensed Emmett walking through the walls, heading to Emmett; she tried to help him finish his work. She could read his mind like a book and knew how to help.

Being curious, I followed Fairlight to Emmetts' office. She finished all the paperwork quickly through Emmett, affecting his mind telepathically. " Fairlight, would you stop doing that? You can always use your words. Besides, when you use your telepathy, it messes with me." Emmett must have realized that she somehow controlled his mind to help him finish his work. There was suddenly a knock at the office door. "Come in!" Emmett yelled out to the person behind the door. A couple of the pack warriors filled the room, looking somewhat stiff. "What can I help you guys with?" He looked up at them from his seat behind the mahogany desk.

"Alpha, we know Nate is nearby and trying to enter the pack grounds. We can only assume he would be here for Luna Scarlet. What would you like for us to do?" Is Nate trying to get into the pack? All because he wants to get to me? But why? What am I to him? The only time I ever talked to Nate, he seemed to hate humans, so what could he possibly want with me? Emmett let out a low growl before quickly making his way over to me. Putting a protective arm around me, he ordered the guards to locate Nate immediately