
Moonlit Sky's

Sky_Wolfie · Teen
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8 Chs

Destined Encounter

I was standing outside one night, staring up at the sky. I heard a strange noise from the forest, so I investigated. As I made my way into the trees, I felt an eerie feeling that someone was watching me.

Looking around the unfamiliar landscape, taking in the breathtaking view, I slowly moved deeper into the dark forest, scanning the area for any hint of who was watching me. As I journeyed deeper, the feeling became more decisive, and right then, I knew I had to find the person following me.

The wind blew the fallen leaves around me as I continued further into the forest. About halfway into my voyage, I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around quickly, trying to glimpse who it might have been, but all I could see was the empty vastness of darkness that lingered behind me. The only light that showed was from the pale moonlight shining past the treetops.Slowly backing into the forest more, I was unsure if I wanted to continue or run back to my home.

I carefully turned around to continue into the abyss of darkness. Making my way through the trees and shrubs, I saw a little river in a secluded part of the forest. I cautiously walked over to the river, ensuring I didn't step on any traps set for the wild animals lurking in the darkness. As I slowly kneeled by the river, I saw something shine in the pale moonlight. As I picked it up, I noticed it was an amulet.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed around me. When I looked up, I saw this dashing young man standing on the other side of the river, so I quickly stood up to greet him. Keeping his eyes on me, he crossed the river with ease.

I quickly placed the amulet into my bag before he stood before me. He wrapped his arms around my waist to ensure I didn't back away, pulling me close to his chest. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared, so I just looked up at his beautiful face, silently searching for answers. With a gentle touch, he picked me up in the bridal position and carried me across the river. We disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The only thing I could see was his beautiful face illuminating the night.


As I stared at him, I remembered the amulet I found in the river. I pulled it out of my bag and held it up to get a better look at it. I was mesmerized by the beautiful colors. Each color was one of the elements—Brown for Earth, red for Fire, blue for Water, and white for Air. As the mysterious man stood there, I could see the look of melancholy engulf his face. He just stood there for a moment and stared at the amulet. After a moment, he gently took the amulet and carefully placed it in his pocket.

I shouldn't have gotten the necklace out. The man slowly continued into the woods. I didn't know what he intended to do with me, and I didn't want to find out either. He looks like he could be dangerous and yet charming at the same time.

We soon arrived at a small cottage in the middle of nowhere. As the guy carried me inside and sat me on the couch, he walked into the kitchen. He was holding something when he returned. I was having a hard time figuring out what he had. He then sat beside me after placing the object on the table. He pulled me onto his lap and handed me a plate of food. "Thank you, sir." I quietly said as I took the plate and began to eat. "You are most welcome. I had a hunch that you might be hungry. I figured the food would make you thirsty, so I brought you something. All I had was tea. I figured you would enjoy the sweet tea more than the tap water. It has a peculiar taste." I slightly grinned as he handed me the cup. I took a sip of it to wash down the food. It was amazingly delicious, but I didn't let on how much I loved it.

After I finished the food and drink, he took them into the kitchen. Now that I met him, his absence is making me feel lonely. While waiting for him to return, I decided to look around. I got up from the couch and walked over to the mantle. I was looking at one of the pictures when I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I closed my eyes and took in his intriguing scent. I was happy.

I didn't even know this man, yet I was happy being wrapped in his arms.


Even though I was happy, I knew this was wrong. I just met the man, yet being in his arms felt right. No matter how good it felt, I had to escape. I didn't belong here and had a life waiting for me. For all I knew, this guy could be planning to murder me. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I became contemptuous of the idea. I don't understand how he can make me so happy, but deep down inside, I know I must leave.

I decided I had to escape once I got my thoughts in order. I turned in the stranger's embrace to stare into his beautiful hazel eyes. All I could do was stare into them; they were mesmerizing. "Hmm," he hummed quietly, smiling down at me. Being brought out of my thoughts, I pulled away from him and cleared my throat.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but I really must be going now," I stated as I walked across the living room. "No!" His voice boomed throughout, shaking the house and the core of my body, causing me to freeze in my tracks.

Soon, I felt him standing behind me. "You can't leave me. Do you not feel that pull to me? The need to stay here with me? I know you have to, even though you're a human." Human? Did he call me a human? What is he? A vampire or something?

Slowly turning back to face him, my eyes were wide, with what, I wasn't sure. "Did you just say human?" All I could do while waiting for his reply was stare at his handsome face.

"Yes, yes, I did. Please don't be scared. I won't hurt you," my capture softly took my hand before gently tugging it to lead me back to the couch. Settling back on the sofa close to the capture, I curled into myself, not wanting to touch the man beside me. We sat silently for thirty minutes before finding the right words and mustering the courage to voice them out loud. "I need an explanation as to why you did all of this. We don't know or even know each other's name." It took everything I could muster up to look over at him. He gave me a melancholy look before dropping his head in defeat. "I'm sorry. My apology probably doesn't mean much to you, but I was sincere. I genuinely feel bad for taking you and not letting you leave, but I can't let you get away from me." It sounded almost like he was pleading with me not to go. Not to get up and run for the rest of my life, very much like I wanted to right then.

"That doesn't explain why you did any of this, and why me? Why not some other girl? You could have chosen millions of girls, but you had to pick me. Why? Why me?" Before I finished my rant, I sat up straight, staring at him. I heard a low, quiet growl come before me as I finished. 

Something about him changed, but I couldn't place what it was. "My name is Emmett, and I'm sorry if I scared you."

Emmett, that was a lovely name; I liked it. "I suppose you want my name now...it's Scarlet." No matter how handsome he was, I still had to be cautious. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he smiled. "Anyways, I took you because you're my mate. Before you say anything, let me finish." He paused for a minute to gather his thoughts before continuing. "I am Emmett Anders, a powerful werewolf and the alpha of the Full Moon pack." By the time Emmett finished, he stood up straight with his chest poked out.

I could feel the power rolling off of him in waves. There was no doubt in my mind that he was telling the truth. I stood up, staring into his eyes before I did the most stupid thing anyone could do to a wolf. I didn't care if he was a powerful werewolf or an alpha. I drew my hand back and punched him in the jaw. It may not have done much, if anything, to him since he was a werewolf, but it felt good.

A low, deep growl made its way out of Emmett's throat. Before I could do anything, he had me pinned to the couch. His eyes bored deep into my own. His glowing hazel eyes were beyond mesmerizing. "You're playing a perilous game here, princess." Upon hearing his words, a smirk played on my lips. "I'm glad you think so...alpha." Whispering the last part in Emmett's ear caused his grip to loosen on me.