
Moonlit Secrets

He would do anything to get her, including being the villain of her story He is a werewolf, she is a witch. Two supernatural enemies for decades, werewolves and witches. When one reason brings both of them to Silver Fang High, they have to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and suspend their ulterior motives. A new common enemy arises as strange occurrences take place in the once peaceful Silver Fang, and the entire supernatural world at large and turns it into a war zone of different supernatural creatures. New friends arise to help fight this battle. Betrayal occurs at every turn, as everything, really isn't the way they always seem. As the lines between responsibility, love and doing what is right blurs, Luna and Alex must do all it takes... whatever it takes.

OU_Benita · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Who are you and what are you doing here alone?" I ask the figure I see there, slowly drawing out the wand that I transformed into a pen.

He turns to face me and my mouth goes dry. For a while, it seemed as if time had stopped as I looked into his eyes and it felt like I was lost staring at the green of an ancient woodland.

His jawline, is like a work of art, perfectly sculpted by God with time and patience.

And his hair, a cascade of golden strands that brushed the tip of his shoulders scatter around as the breeze blew his hair into different directions. It's like the sun was spun into threads and fixed into his hair because of how bright it shines.

In his presence, I felt something ancient and primal in the pit of my stomach. As he looked back at me, it felt like I could see right through him. Like he lets me into his head by being vulnerable- just for a second. It felt like he was a guardian of secrets as old as water itself, it was exhilarating, overwhelming. It felt like home.

"I think I should be asking you that question." He straightened down his folded sleeves and folded his hands. My eyes travel from his face to his feet, then back to his face.

"Well, I don't have an answer to that," I stutter, shrugging my shoulders.

"Me neither."

"Stop acting like a jerk"

"Stop acting like a bitch"

"I'm not!"

"Me neither"

I scoff and walk away from him.

A few minutes later, we find ourselves at Silver Fang High, the school for the gifted. It is located in a place like no other. It is- an abandoned house?

"Are you sure you know where you are taking me?" I look around and take cautious steps, following closely behind him. He doesn't respond and looks around the house which looks like a sitting room in ruins.

After a few minutes of watching him search for something, I roll my eyes.

"Trust me, I tried to keep quiet, but what are you looking for?" He turns to glance at me as if he is contemplating whether to tell me or not.

"You are admitted in Silver Fang and you know nothing about the entrance. Is that not suspicious?" He raises his brows at me and I scoff.

"Seriously?" He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Fine. I'm looking for answers. This is the clue," he hands over a tiny piece of paper and I take it, ensuring our hands don't touch. I hated physical touch so much. Especially from guys. Maybe because of my nightmares where that man caresses my face and holds my hands, or from my ex boyfriend who loved physical touch.

I look at the paper.

What is it that is not always what it seems? Clad in silver, embedded in diamonds. Don't look in it's eyes or it bites.

"It's a riddle." I hand over the paper to him.

"I know that."

I sigh and shake my head. This guy is dumb

This literally is talking about the logo of Sliver Fang's school.

"What could it be?" He groaned and ruffled his hair, going to sit on a blue coloured couch opposite me.

"Look for the school's logo," I said. Then he bursts into a fit of laughter.

"You think you're so smart huh? You think ib have not thought of that?" He stands up, puts his hands into his pockets and stalks towards me. Then he leans over so his face is levelled with mine. I could smell the faint hint of mint, wood, grass and wet earth.

I closed my eyes and sniffed not being able to control myself.

God, I love his smell. Especially the slightest hint of wet earth.

"I get uncomfortable when girls do that," he interrupts me on my way to the clouds. I snap back to reality.

"Do what?" I ask nonchalantly and I walk towards the large painting on the wall behind him. As I walk towards the painting, I notice tiny strings of cobwebs clinging to the edge of the photo. The wooden framed edges of the painting looked slightly chopped off. Probably by ants and termites. As I looked at the woman who sat gracefully, her head held high and her wearing a beautiful yellow dress, with a man standing beside her.

I could not quite make out their faces because of the thick dust on the picture. I reached my hands to touch the painting when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my wrists.

My breathing quickened and I froze, not being able to talk or move. His soft breaths tickled my neck and I felt him lean down to my neck. I know I hate physical touch so much, but I don't know what is happening right now!

"You don't wanna die, do you?" He whispers into my ear and his mouth brushes slightly- just a teeny bit against my neck and I can feel my knees getting weak.

"Why do you ask?" My voice quavered and he leaned even closer, his hands wrapping around my waist.

"Then move away from that painting," he said and pulled me away from it.

"But why?" I asked and he sighed.

"Look, let's just solve this puzzle and get out of here" he walks around searching for anything "it's getting a bit suffocating in here." He brought out a very old and dusty logo of the school on the ground and pointed it at me.

"School logo, just like you asked. What now?" He exhales noisily and I take it from him and stare at it.

Don't look into it's eyes or it bites...

I tilt my head at the logo and squint my eyes.

"A basilisk!" I lit up and his face morphs into one of confusion.

"Don't you understand? The riddle said Clad in silver, embedded in diamonds. Don't look in it's eyes or it bites."

"Look closely at this logo" I titled it for him to see and his face lightened up too.

"The basilisk. It's skin silver coloured!" He exclaimed

"And there!" I pointed the logo at the wall and it illuminated a hologram of a basilisk.

Hi, I'm new to writing. I probably should've written this in the first chapter, but I didn't Hehe.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as it would motivate me to continue! Xd!

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