
Moonlit Enchantment

In a world where ancient magic and primal instincts collide, Lucas Hartman Grey stands as a living curse.Born from a forbidden affair between a witch and a werewolf,Lucas is burdened with dangerous powers that threaten to unleash unimaginable destruction. The great white witch, enraged by the illicit union, cursed Lucas at birth,ensuring his life would be a tumultuous blend of rage and power. Haunted by his past, Lucas harbors a deep seated hatred for humans stemming from the brutal murder of his uncle. This hatred festers withing him, influencing his every move. Home is a sanctuary from the outside world, yet it is at the elite school where Lucas's internal battles truly surface. it is here that he meets Elara, a human girl whose presence inexplicably draws the depths of his anger. Despite his initial resentment,Elara becomes a focal point in Luca's life.Challenging his preconceptions and forcing him to confront the curse that defines him. As their paths intertwine, Lucas must navigate the fine line between his destructive potential and the possibility of redemption . With a narrative that explores themes of identity forbidden love,and the struggle between fate and free will, "Moonlit enchantment" delves into the complexities of a young man cursed by his origins and driven by vengeance. Will Lucas Hartman Grey succumb to the darkness withing or will Elara's influence be the key to breaking the curse that binds him?.

Del_muoti_ · Fantasy
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2:into the woods

Everyone else had left the room, including Lucas's father, who would usually stay behind and try to cheer them up, anytime there was a matter that didn't favor in their way. He must have accompanied Lucas's mother to a work-related meeting before tonight's big party.

Lucas had left the bedroom, he felt uneasy because of what they had been told hence he couldn't stay in one place, thus going to the living room. Minutes hadn't passed and he became uncomfortable. He felt like something was choking him, and all of a sudden, he struggled to breathe. The air in the living room had become stifling, filled with the noise of food being prepared in the kitchen, the sound of water running, dishes being washed, drawers opening and closing, and the maids chatting.

To make matters worse, his two brothers were now playing in one of their rooms, the noise emanating from the room. His brothers could adopt to any changes really fast, they are super friendly to humans too and didn't see any problem with being changed schools. What matterrd to them most was the video games they were playing. It was all too much for him to bear.

Lucas dashed out of the house to the back lobby, desperate to escape and reflect on the day's events. The forest seemed like the perfect retreat.

With a speed akin to lightning, he scaled the perimeter wall, his only focus on getting away. The wall was high, but his need to escape consumed him. If he couldn't get away fast enough, he knew he could easily push the wall down if he wanted to. Despite managing his anger while his mother spoke, he couldn't hold it any longer. Anything in his path now would surely meet its demise.

His eyes turned bloody, and his claws extended as he succumbed to rage. He ran at his highest speed until he was far from the house and deep in the woods. There, he unleashed his fury on a nearby tree, punching, kicking, and growling in anger. The tree shook under his assault, its branches quivering as leaves fell to the ground. In a matter of seconds, it succumbed to his might, uprooted and defeated.

The echoes of his roars reverberated through the dense forest, a primal cry of frustration and anger. He continued to run, his senses heightened, the scent of earth and pine filling his nostrils. Every snap of a twig, every rustle of leaves, fueled his fury. He felt like a caged animal, trapped by expectations and responsibilities he couldn't escape.

Deeper into the woods he roamed, his footsteps leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Every tree, every rock, bore the brunt of his fury. He tore through the underbrush, his claws rending bark and soil alike. The primal urge to lash out, to assert his dominance, consumed him entirely.

As the night wore on, exhaustion began to set in, his limbs heavy with fatigue. He found a secluded clearing and collapsed onto the forest floor, the adrenaline fading and leaving him drained. The echoes of his anger still lingered, but now there was a sense of emptiness, a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach.

In the distance, a rustling caught his attention. He turned to see a deer sprinting past him, its fear palpable even from afar. Without thinking, he pursued it, driven by a primal instinct to hunt. The chase was short-lived, as he swiftly caught up to the panicked animal and brought it down with ease.

As Lucas feasted on the deer's carcass, his senses heightened, and he became aware of the presence of two hunters nearby. Their voices carried through the trees, puzzled by the sight before them.

"What kind of animal do you think attacked it?" one asked the other.

"Funny how you're worried about a mere deer instead of fleeing," the other replied, his voice tinged with fear. "Let's get out of here."

As they fled, he watched them go, a sense of power coursing through him. He had seen them, and if they had lingered, they would have met the same fate as the deer.

With a heavy heart, Lucas knew he couldn't stay here for long; his mother's birthday celebration awaited. He pushed himself to his feet and began the journey back home.

The path through the forest was familiar, each twist and turn etched into his memory from countless midnight runs. As he moved, he began to calm down, his anger dissipating slowly. Despite his fury, he had managed to control himself, but only because today was his mother's birthday. She knew how to tame him on this one day of the year. However, she couldn't expect him to agree to attend a human school so easily. That would be a battle for another day.

Suddenly, Lucas heard voices in the distance, carried on the wind. His ears pricked up, and he followed the sound, curious despite himself. He crept closer, staying hidden in the shadows, and soon the source of the noise came into view. It was Moonridge Academy. The sight of it brought a flood of memories, both good and bad.

He could see the empty grounds and darkened windows. The buildings of Moonridge stood tall and imposing, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. It was a place designed for those like him, a safe haven where they could learn and grow without fear of discovery. Seeing it now, from the outside, filled him with a deep sense of loss. He longed to be back within those walls, among his kind, where he didn't have to pretend.

Lucas had no friends at Moonridge; he wasn't the friendly type, that was his nature, unlike his brothers. But being surrounded by others who understood, who shared the same struggles, had made the isolation bearable. Now, he was being ripped from that world and thrown into one where he would always have to be on guard.

He turned away from Moonridge and began the trek back home. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, but he knew one thing for certain: he couldn't hide who he was. Not forever.

The walk back to his house felt shorter, his mind focused on the task ahead. He would find a way to make this work, to blend in without losing himself. His mother's birthday celebration awaited, and he would be there, not just in body, but in spirit. He owed her that much.

As Lucas neared the house, the sounds of the party reached his ears. Laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses filled the air. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He would face this challenge head-on, with the same determination that had driven him through the forest.

Tonight, he would celebrate with his family. Tomorrow, he would face the unknown.