
Moonlit Destinys

Haunted by betrayal and heartache, 21-year-old protagonist, Ava, reluctantly agrees to her parents' decision for an arranged blind marriage As Ava adjusts to her new life as a wife, she is initially met with suspicion and hostility from the pack members, who view her as an outsider. Unbeknownst to her, her husband harbors a secret Ava's life takes a dramatic turn when she discovers the truth about her husband's identity and their shared destiny. Conflicted by her feelings of betrayal and desire, Ava must come to terms with her newfound role and embrace the werewolf heritage she has long denied.

GameNerdMom_Garden · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Testing the Waters


As Caleb and I stood before the Alpha's council, the tension in the room was palpable. After Caleb's initial statement, the council members exchanged uneasy glances. One of them, an older man with a stern expression, spoke up.

"It might be best if the girl leaves."

Caleb's grip on my hand tightened slightly. "She is no girl but your Luna, Brandon, show her the respect she deserves" he corrected, his voice steady and authoritative.

A woman with sharp features and a keen intellect, interjected. "She is not marked. How can we accept her as our Luna like this?" She gestured at me with her hands like I was a pile of dirty laundry.

"How is when I mark my wife any of your business Evelyn?" She scoffed crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Caleb turned his attention to me and used the mind link to ask me, "Do you want to share your story about you rejecting your mate, or be vague?"

"Be vague," I replied. "What if they try to use my weakness against you?"

As we continued our silent conversation, a heavyset man with a sneering demeanor, interrupted,

"How do we know she isn't already with child, passing off her bastard as our next Alpha?"

Caleb stood at his full height, a low growl reverberating through the room. His aura flared out, pressing on everyone present. Sweat formed on their brows as they struggled not to kiss the ground.

"Say one more thing against my wife I will create an open seat on the council Henry."

I gently grabbed his arm, trying to calm him. He looked at me, his gaze softening, unaffected by the pressure he exerted on the others.

I stepped forward, standing next to Caleb. His alpha aura retracted as I spoke up. "I am not deceiving Caleb because I am a virgin. I am willing to take a test to prove that I am not with child if it will ease everyone's minds." they murmured among each other, their surprise evident.

"I know this is a big change and probably not what you all expected, but I promise to be the very best Luna I can."

Caleb nodded, his eyes still fixed on me with admiration. "Ava has proven herself. She won the contest with Amber and has shown she has skills to rival our best archer I think she has earned a chance to show what she can do. As far as marking goes, like my wife said, she is a virgin, and we have just gotten acquainted. I will not ruin my wife's first time for the likes of the council. As my wife, she is officially the Luna, mark or not."

He opened the floor for questions and concerns. The room remained silent for a moment, the council members exchanging uneasy glances. Finally, Brandon cleared his throat.

"We have many concerns, Alpha," he began, his tone measured. "This is an unprecedented move. We need to know that Luna Ava will be able to uphold the responsibilities that come with her title."

Caleb nodded. "And she will. Ava has already shown her dedication and strength. She is here to support me and the pack. I ask that you give her the chance to prove herself."

Evelyn leaned forward. "How do we know she won't be a liability? Her lack of a mark is concerning."

"A mark will come in time," Caleb replied firmly. "Ava and I will handle that in our own way. For now, I ask that you respect my decision and support us as we move forward."

Another council member, a younger man with a skeptical look, spoke up looking at me. "What makes you so sure you have the skills needed to be Luna? Winning a contest is one thing, leading a pack is another."

Caleb spoke in my head "Leonard is his name."

I took a deep breath, feeling Caleb's steady presence beside me. "Leonard, I understand your concerns," I said, my voice steady. "But I am committed to this pack and to Caleb. I will work hard to earn your trust and prove that I am worthy of the title of Luna." 

The room was silent for a moment before Henry spoke again, his tone begrudgingly respectful. "Very well. We will give you the chance to prove yourself, Luna Ava."

Caleb nodded, his expression one of quiet satisfaction. "Thank you. If there are any more questions or concerns, now is the time."

A woman with graying hair and a stern demeanor, raised her hand. "How do we know she won't betray the pack? She is an outsider, after all."

Caleb's jaw tightened. "Margaret, Ava has already shown her loyalty by standing here with me tonight. Trust is built over time, and I ask that you give her the opportunity to earn it."

Brandon Hawthorne cleared his throat again. "And what of her background? We know nothing of her or her family. How can we be sure she isn't hiding something or is some kind of criminal?"

I felt a pang of anxiety but kept my composure. "I have nothing to hide," I said firmly. "My family was poor, and we struggled, but I am here to support Caleb and the pack." I placed my hand over his chest. Was every part of him muscle? I should pay attention. I cleared my throat. "My loyalty is to Caleb and you all now."

The room was silent for a moment, the council members exchanging glances. Caleb's arm snaked around my waist pulling me in closer to him.

"We will take your concerns seriously and work to address them," He said. "Thank you for your time and your willingness to support us."


As we left the council room, I felt a mixture of relief and determination. The road ahead would not be easy, but with Ava by my side and the support of the pack, I knew we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly, Ava released a breath and swayed a bit. I instinctively grabbed her before she could fall. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked, concern etched in my voice.

She looked up at me, her eyes slightly unfocused. "I think... I might be a bit tipsy," she admitted with a small, sheepish smile. "The stress and the wine... it's a lot."

I chuckled softly, relieved it was nothing more serious. "Let's get you some fresh air," I suggested, guiding her outside. The cool night air was a welcome relief from the tension inside the council room.

We walked a few steps, and I kept my arm around her to steady her. "Thank you for standing by me in there," I said, looking down at her. "You were incredible."

She smiled up at me, her cheeks flushed. "I couldn't have done it without you, I think I'm still shaking" she said softly sticking her hand out in front of us and I chuckled.

I tightened my grip around her shoulders, feeling a swell of pride. "You will get used to it, when they get on your nerves enough you will growl back eventually." a soft giggle came from her and i smiled.

As we walked, I could see the gears turning in Ava's mind. She seemed deep in thought, and after a moment, she spoke up. "I understand now why you chose the blind marriage route," she said quietly. "The council is very pushy, and I didn't like how they ganged up on you like they did."

I nodded, appreciating her insight. "They've been trying to control me for years, Ava. By choosing a blind marriage, I took away their power to manipulate me with their daughters, nieces, granddaughters, ect."

She sighed, leaning into me. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. All we have to do now is convince them I know what I'm doing without making a fool of myself."

We walked in comfortable silence for a bit, the crisp night air helping to clear our minds. As we approached the manor, I glanced down at her, noticing how the moonlight highlighted her features. There was something about her that drew me in, a strength and vulnerability that made me want to protect her and stand by her side.

"How about we get you some water and maybe something to eat?" I suggested, leading her towards the kitchen.

She nodded gratefully. "That sounds perfect."

Inside the kitchen, I poured her a glass of water and grabbed a few snacks. She sipped the water, her eyes meeting mine over the rim of the glass. "Thank you, Caleb. For everything."

I smiled, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. "Anytime, Ava. I'm just glad you're here with me."

We sat down at the kitchen table, enjoying the quiet moment. Despite the challenges and the tension, there was a sense of peace between us. Together, we were stronger, and I knew we could handle whatever came our way.

"I didn't realize you were a virgin," I said softly after a moment. "You mentioned having a boyfriend, so I assumed you had experience. I apologize for my behavior in the wine cellar. I hope I wasn't too much."

Ava frowned, her brows furrowing. "Did you not like it?"

I quickly backtracked, realizing my mistake. "No, I liked it very much," I said, my voice sincere. "I just meant I should have been more gentle." She looked down sheepishly, her cheeks flushing.

"I liked what you did, and it wasn't too much. It felt good." Her cheeks tinted red and I smiled. Relief washed over me, and I reached out to take her hand.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said, my voice soft. "I just want to make sure you're comfortable with everything."

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I am, Caleb. With you, I feel safe."

Her words warmed my heart, and I squeezed her hand gently. "Good. Because I plan on making sure you always feel that way."

We shared a quiet moment, the connection between us growing stronger with each passing second. Despite the challenges and the uncertainty, I knew that with Ava by my side, we could face anything together.

l take your concerns seriously and work to address them," Caleb said. "Thank you for your time and your willingness to support us."

With that, the meeting concluded. As we left the room, I felt a mixture of relief and determination. The road ahead would not be easy. Together, we would prove that our bond was strong enough to lead the Darkmoon Pack into a new era.