
Moonlight Shine

Kento Yami came across Kanzashi Shizu on a bridge, facing a tough decision. Acting on instinct and compassion, Yami quickly stepped in to help, pulling Shizu back from the edge. As fate would have it, Yami was the owner of "Serenity Sip and Savour Lounge," a welcoming place where stories unfolded. Yami, genuinely wanting to assist, brought Shizu to her cafe/pub. Here, in the comforting atmosphere, she not only fed him but also provided a safe space for him to share his untold story. In the serene surroundings, Shizu opened up about his struggles, and Yami, moved by empathy, silently vowed to be his support, creating an unexpected bond between them.

Haru_Antantaru · Urban
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3 Chs

The Bridge Of Tears

"From my earliest memories... My mom always praised my younger sister and brother... My dad was always the one to be there for me... But he died when I was eight years old... I had no one... But my mom and siblings... I did everything to get her attention... Her praise... And mostly... Her approval... And yet I never go it... I studied hard, got good grades, was amazing at sports and yet... Hah... And yet nothing..."

 The Bridge of Tears, nestled amidst a serene landscape, the tranquil sound of running water permeated the air, weaving its melody with the gentle whispers of the cold wind that caressed Shizu's face—the night enveloped the surroundings in an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves. Above, the moon cast its ethereal glow, painting the sky in a mesmerising hue of blue. With his gaze fixed heavenward, Shizu found himself lost in contemplation, thoughts swirling like the currents beneath the bridge.

"For what reason... Should I live? My money was stolen... My house was taken from me... I have no more home... I can't even make it through college... God I hate my life... I should just end it..."

Unleashing a torrential downpour, each raindrop danced upon the surface of the bridge, creating a symphony of rhythmic patterns. Through the veil of rain, Shizu's rose-red eyes shimmered, reflecting the subdued radiance of the moon above. His countenance bore the weight of countless burdens, etched with lines of resignation, yet his lips curved upward in a melancholic smile, reminiscent of one who had long surrendered to the ebb and flow of existence.

He then climbed onto the railing of the bridge, he looked down at the running water, feeling scared, but a sense of peace washed over him as he prepared to end it right there and then...

"Hey! What are you doing there? You'll get hurt!"

A gentle yet stern female could be heard; he looked to see where that voice was coming from; his damp, ebony strands adhered to his countenance, framing his features in a slick veil against the backdrop of the rain-soaked night. He saw a female with trypan blue eyes, about 5'1, and certainly stunning with a dress over her knees, small high-heeled shoes and long dark black hair; she was holding a black umbrella.

"I want to get hurt, miss... Now please go enjoy your evening... I wouldn't want to ruin it..."

He said coldly, yet politely, and looked off into the distance He looked like he was ready to jump, and he hurled himself from the railing... A sense of tranquillity flooded his being,

"You idiot! How could you jump?!"

Releasing her grip on the umbrella, the woman swiftly dashed towards the nearby bridge, her steps determined. With a burst of determination, she reached out and seized his hand. He loomed above her like a giant, his weight posing a formidable challenge, yet she clung to his hand with a tenacity born of desperation. The rain intensified, creating a chaotic symphony around them, but she held on, as though her very existence depended on keeping him connected to her in that pivotal moment.

"F-For what reason would you jump?!"

With urgency etched on her face, she tightened her grip on him, her fingers interwoven with his as if stitching a lifeline. Every ounce of her strength was devoted to ensuring he remained steadfast on the edge, avoiding the perilous descent into the swirling currents of the river below. Raindrops danced around them, adding a frenetic rhythm to the scene, but she clung to him resolutely, her resolve unwavering in the face of the potential danger.

"L-Let go of me miss! Let me die, my business is none of your concern!"

He said with polite exasperation, he noticed that she was clung to his hand desperately and that she might fall with him, he grunted and put his other hand on the bridge and started to pull himself up, despite his efforts to haul himself up, he inadvertently lost his grip and began to plummet once more, reacting promptly, she embraced him, her arms under his underarm, ensuring his stability and guarding against any risk of falling, she breathes heavily in his ear, his eyes widened as she held him tightly, surprised that she could hold him up, 

"I got you sir, I'm not leaving you..."

Her words flowed in a soft, gentle cadence, like a soothing melody that resonated with the depths of his soul. Tears welled up in his eyes, surprised by the profound impact of such tender reassurance. At that moment, he realized the profound longing he harboured to hear those comforting words. Gripping the bridge railing, he slowly rose, finding an unexpected strength within him. Yet, she remained steadfast, still clinging to him with a fierce determination, ensuring his descent to the ground was not only steady but safe, as if unwilling to let go of the lifeline she had become.

"Miss you can let go now... I'm on the ground..."

As he gazed down at her, tears lingering in the corners of his eyes, he mustered the strength to wipe them away. Unbeknownst to her, he managed to conceal this vulnerable moment, and she, in turn, released her grasp, creating a subtle yet perceptible distance between them. In the aftermath of that emotional exchange, he experienced a profound sense of vitality surging through him.

Feeling the palpable shift, he couldn't help but revel in the newfound sense of life coursing through his veins. She raised her eyes to meet his, her sweet smile radiating warmth, he looked down at her, not knowing how to respond to her kindness. The unspoken connection between them lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgement of the shared vulnerability and the emergence of a fragile yet genuine bond.

"My name is Kento Yami, you might know me as the owner of Serenity Sip & Savor Lounge." 

Despite the relentless downpour, Yami preserved her sweet smile and gracefully inclined her head in a gesture of utmost respect. The raindrops cascaded around her, yet her eyes glowed with an uncommon and enchanting shade of blue, leaving him mesmerized by their depth. In that fleeting moment of astonishment, the realization dawned upon him – the owner of this exceptionally prosperous establishment had graciously stepped forward to rescue him from the rain-soaked predicament.

"I'm Kanzashi Shizu... I'm no one special..." 

He said in a soft tone, but loud enough for her to hear him over the rain, he bowed his head to her, 

"Why are you here, Kanzashi-san?"

Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she tilted her head, patiently awaiting his response. He found himself momentarily transfixed by the intricacies of the wet pavement, unsure of how to articulate the shame he felt. What could he possibly say to her? Just as she seemed on the verge of walking away, she unexpectedly turned, seizing an umbrella. With a graceful rise onto her tippy toes, she positioned the umbrella strategically under his head, shielding him from the relentless downpour and sparing him from getting any wetter.

"Why don't we go somewhere more comfortable?"