
Moonlight Queen

Ash_Chronister · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Reva still couldn't get the music out of her head. The story, she couldn't explain it but it was like she had found a piece of herself she didn't know was missing. Though she supposed she always felt that way where music was concerned.

She had taken dancing and piano lessons as a child. She still went to dancing classes in the city, mostly to stay in shape, but also because she loved it.

Her mother had signed her up when she repeatedly found her dancing in the rain. She had told her she had talent so she might as well learn, and stop twirling excessively in the wet gardens. In the middle of the night. She had always felt called by storms. Either they soothed her into a deep sleep or filled her with enough energy to keep her up all night.

"What are you thinking about? What songs are humming?" Easton asked.

"The one Ava Ligeia sang at the castle last night. And I'm thinking about my mother." Reva said as she laid on the deck of Easton's small fishing ship. She watched him work, steering and pulling ropes to control the ship. His bare chest glistened with sweat, and Reva found it hard not to stare at him and his abs.

"What about your mother?"

"I was thinking about the times she caught me dancing during a storm outside in the gardens. I was soaking wet, she signed me up for dance lessons after that."

"Why does that not surprise me."

"Whatever mister, I used to participate in small wooden boat races in streams by my house."

Easton chuckled. She turned to watch the waves.

"You seem quiet, is there something bothering you?" He asked.

"Only the whole godsdamn world," Reva said. Easton gave her a look, "It's just, do you ever feel like there's something out there, waiting for you."

"That sounds ominous."

"You should have heard princess Iris yesterday and her talk of evil spirits and all that bullshit. That's not what I mean though. I mean, like hearing the wind call your name. Begging you to see something, to know something you've been ignoring or missing."

"We don't all have secrets whispered to us by the wind Reva."

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying."

"Well, how can I when you're talking in riddles." Reva gave him an exasperated look. Then glanced at the position of the sun.

"We better head back, I got to get to the castle for the funeral."

"You want me to come?"

"Nobility only, I'm Rani's plus one," she gave him an apologetic look.

She watched as he worked to get them back to the docks of Lumos city. Then a string of questions hit her, the ones she often thought of but didn't have the guts to ask.

"Why were you scared of Rani, when I took you to dinner? And what was with your reaction to the word treason, and why did you refuse to come for so long?" She asked before she could convince herself not to.

"How long have you been sitting on those questions?" Reva waited. He sighed, "My birth father. I told you He died when I was little, but I didn't tell you how."

Reva sat up and looked at him, his dark eyes were full of sorrow, and his full lips were set in a slight frown.

"My father was the captain of King Sabsitain Brefew Naval defense." The King of Cordolium. She had heard wretched rumors about him. And they hadn't come to pay their respects to Rani's parents. "My mother and I used to live in a small village near Mirk city, where my father was stationed."

Reva listened as he described how his father was ordered to lay waste to one of the independent islands. Off Cordolium Mainland. His father refused and was beheaded for treason.

The only reason his mother and him didn't share the same fate was that his father's men had come to get them out. So they moved here for safety.

Once Easton had finished, Reva eased up from the deck and walked over to him. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him. After a moment she looked up at him and kissed him. It was a small kiss on the lips, but when she pulled back to look at his face he was smiling.

Then he kissed her, fully. Her mouth opened and his tong swept in exploring. They didn't stop until the docks were close enough that Easton had to let go long enough to guide them in. After they had docked, Reva made to head to the castle, but Easton pulled her into another hug.

"My mother wants you to come to dinner tonight, after the service," he said resting his chin on her head. "But if you have to stay with Rani, I understand."

"No, Rani already told me she wants to be alone tonight. If I even try to stay with her, she'd have Eric lock me in the dungeons."

Easton looked shocked, "wouldn't she want company."

Reva shrugged. "I didn't, I wanted to be alone, Rani painfully found that out when she tried and I practically bit her head off."

"So you'll come tonight? Or do you want to be alone too?"

"Yes I'll come, I'm excited to meet your mother and your siblings. And no, not this time." She didn't want to be alone. Not when her thought would drive her crazy. She wanted to be distracted. Reva pulled away and called for a carriage to the castle.

She was walking toward her room ten minutes later, smiling to herself. She just had her first kiss, and it was...amazing, great, wonderful. She didn't know what she expected, but it left her feeling butterflies and like she could fly. She was half tempted to jump of one of the towers just to see if she grow wings.

She turned down a corridor when she heard voices. The smile instantly faded from her face. Iris was trying to walk away but a guard with an egret on his uniform. Marking him as one of King Theon's men from Vad, the Kingdom of swamps. Had grabbed her arm keeping her from walking away.

"Please let me go," Princess Iris said, anger in her eyes.

"Oh, but I'm not finished. Don't be rude. I was complimenting you," The guard put an arm around the princess's waist, "You are very beautiful."

"Take your hands off her, unless you want to lose them," Reva said. The guard turned and faced her, anger was replaced with fear as he saw who he was talking to.

"You're. You're that girl." He stumbled.

"Yes, Yes. I can destroy you with a sword and melt your brain with lightning. I believe your friends call me a she-devil," Reva said and glared at the guard, he swallowed. "And unless you would like to spend the night in the dungeons with Clarissa and me. I suggest you keep your hand to yourself and your mouth shut."

Reva continued to glare at the guard as he stepped away from Iris and began to walk toward the barracks. When he was halfway to the stairs that would take him down to his companions, Reva said.

"And Darick," she called him by name. He turned, utterly horrified she knew it, "I will inform you I have eyes all over this castle. If you lay another finger on a female for the duration of your stay here. I will hear about it and I will find you." The guard nodded and practically ran downstairs.

"Thank you for that," Iris said when the guard's footsteps faded. Reva gave her a sweeping glance for injuries or lingering fear. She only found anger.

"If anyone threatens you again, find me. Or tell any of the maids, they will get you to me."

"So you weren't lying when you said you had eyes everywhere." Iris chuckled.

"I only lie when I have to," Reva shrugged, "and I was a maid you know. Most of them are my friends and the others respect me enough to do as I ask."

"I don't know what Eirian was talking about. Someone with those connections would make a great adviser and right hand to the queen." Reva smiled and nodded to the princess.

"I'll walk you back to your rooms, there close to mine anyways."

Iris nodded and they began walking toward the easter wing.

When Reva finally reached her room, she saw someone had laid out an elegant black dress for her. She sat on the bed and began to untie her favorite combat boots. Then she undressed and slipped into the dress.

She admired how the delicate fabric fell off her shoulders and hugged her waist. The back fell to the floor but the front stopped at her knees. Rani walked in not bothering to knock.

She was wearing a gorgeous black gown with long sleeves. It was long enough you wouldn't be able to see her four-inch heels were it not for the slit that traveled up to her thigh. Her face had a small black laced Vail over it and a crown of solid black sat on her raven hair. She looked like deaths incarnate. Or a beautiful grim reaper.

"Oh, the Lords will certainly have a cow over that outfit. I approve. Not that you need my approval."

"Not needed, but appreciated. And I hope so, I was going for, if you so much as look at me you might very well find yourself in a grave soon too, look." She said. They both laughed. Then Reva gave Rani a look.

"Don't even ask if I'm okay. I'm trying to keep it together until after the funeral, and if you do, I might start sobbing," Rani said. Reva nodded her head.

"Then I suppose, I'll have to distract you. I could tell you I had my first kiss today, or that you indeed do look like deaths incarnate."

"You're first WHAT!!!"

Reva laughed, "yep, it happened about an hour ago."

"Tell me everything," she looked at the clock on Reva's bedside table. "As we walk gardens, I suppose."

Reva offered her an arm and when Rani took it they began their descent to the gardens.

Reva didn't know how Rani didn't die in those heels, she could barely walk in the two-inch ones she was wearing.



"So the kiss?" Rani demanded.

"Well we were talking in his boat earlier, and I don't know. I kissed him. But like just a quick one on the lips. Then he kissed me and it wasn't just a kiss on the lips if you know what I mean."

"Oh, Reva and Easton, I can see it now. Bitch I better be your bridesmaid."

"Of course you will be, but it was my first kiss, stop talking about marriage weirdo. Who says I'm even getting married ever. Sounds like too much commitment."

"I have my whole wedding planned out."

"Of course you do."

"I'll start planning yours."

"Rani No."

"Who's getting married?" Clarissa asked as she came around a corner. She was wearing a simple strapless black dress that came to her knees. And what must have been six-inch black heels. Her hair was tied in a bun on top of her head, and a black rose was fixed in her hair.

"Easton and Reva," she said.

"Oh gods no, stop it, Rani, it was one kiss."

"Wait, Reva you had your first kiss?" Clarissa smirked.

"Oh shut up, remind me never to tell you two anything ever again."

"Oh all right, if you're going to get this flustered. We can talk about how fabulous we all look, and how angry the other Lords and Ladies will be," Clarissa said.

"We do look good," Reva said, "Though I don't know how you two walk in these," she said glaring at her feet.

"Practise," Rani shrugged.

They all quieted as they neared the garden doors. Rani knew how this would go. Stupid speeches that were mostly lies. Then everyone would walk up and pay respect to the empty casket. Then they would bury nothing but boxes six feet under. while her parents laid at the bottom of the damn ocean somewhere. As fish slowly eat away at them until they were nothing.

Reva grabbed her hand. The winds probably told her that moon fire was building under her skin. Itching to destroy everything. She shoved it back, she had to get through this, then she could lock herself in her room for the rest of the night.

Funerals, in Marmoirs, were held at sunset. As a way to say goodbye and send them to the afterlife with the moon and stars.

Reva, Clarissa, and her found seats at the very front. She took in the scene, a dais with two white caskets on it and a podium for the priest. Lords and ladies were talking quietly and claiming seats.

She wished she could make the sunset faster. She glanced at the setting sun, and pinks and orange began to color the cloud, she had to get through this.

Reva's hand tightened around hers, even as she was talking to Iris who had claimed a seat next to Clarissa. She was wearing her usual style of a two-piece dress that showed off her pale yellow-tinted waist. Only it was a sparkling black material instead of red.

Rani let them talk, and focused on the setting sun and Reva's hand in hers.

The funeral began, about ten minutes later. When the sunset was truly something to behold.

The speeches Rani expected began. The priest talked about how they were amazing people, and that everyone would miss them. The usual bullshit people said. Only Rani and a few others would miss them, feel their absence beyond political reasons.

Once that torcher was over, the Priest waved for her to be the first to pay her respects. She let go of Reva's hand and walked up to the empty casket.

"I love you," She whispered as tears rolled down her face. She bit her lip trying to keep from sobbing.

She stayed there for a few more moments imagining her parent's faces and walked back to Reva, who hugged her. Then the line formed, and one by one people went up and some whispered something. Others were crying, and some looked then walked away. Rani didn't know who she hated more, the criers or the silent ones. All of them sounded like a good answer.

Iris, Reva, and Clariss waited till the end to get in line.

When Reva stepped up to the caskets, she whispered something and sorrow shined in her eyes but she didn't cry.

Rani realized that this was hard for her too. Not only did she have to watch Rani go through this but she lost people that were like family to her too.

When Reva walked back down, Rani could have sworn lightning was flashing in her eyes and anger. Reva was more... angry than she was sad. She knew how she felt. The anger that had swarmed her thought the last few weeks threatened to use her power to wipe out all of Marmoris.

Reva grabbed her hand as she sat down, and Rani wondered if it was as much for Reva as it was for her benefit.

A few guards stood around her parent's empty caskets and lifted them. The crowd followed silently to the royal graveyard at the back of the gardens. Then they lowered them into the ground and began to bury them.

Rani had to say goodbye, she had a kingdom that needed her. So as the fresh dirt leveled with the hard earth around them. She sent a silent prayer to Phoebe the goddess of the moon and said goodbye.



Easton tried not to wait for Reva. She said she would come and she wasn't one to lie. He was so damn nervous though.

The people of Lumos had finished launching their lanterns in honor of the king and queen. The sky was filled with them slowly floating away or burning up.

She shouldn't be too long now, he wondered how she was feeling. The king and queen had been like family to her, especially after her mother's death. But knowing her she wouldn't tell him how bad it hurt until she was ready to face that pain. Reva liked to bottle up her feelings.

He was thinking about their kiss earlier that day when a soft knock came from the door. He was sitting on the couch but his mom popped out of nowhere and got to the door first.

She opened the door and said, "Oh you must be Reva, come in. Come in." He was at the door the next second.

"Hello Reva," he purred.

"How don't you even start Easton," she said reading the thoughts behind his eyes. She was in a simple pretty black dress. She must have not bothered to change after the funeral. She looked okay, a little sad but fine.

He shrugged and gave her a playful smirk. And extended his hand to guide her in. She took it but glared at him a bit.

He would never get tired of her shocking electric blue eyes. They were lined with purple and when she was mad, he could see electricity flowing through them. The koal that lined them only made the blues and purples pop more.

Her chocolate hair was half up half down today, and he found himself wanting to touch her curls.

When they got to the kitchen his half-siblings came running down. Reva instantly smiled at his brother and sister who were playing with toy swords.

"Both of you watch it before you break something." He said. Hazel instantly looked to Reva and practically screamed in delight.

"You must be Reva. Easton told us you're super cool and can beat him in a sword fight. Is that true?" she said her word running to gather in her excitement. Reva looked at him, smirking.

"So that's why you won't spar with me, you already accepted your defeat," she said.

"Well, I have been hearing stories at the dock lately. Involving two she-devils, one with electric eyes."

Reva beamed at that, "yes it was rather fun making all the visiting guards fear me. Most of them are too afraid to even look at me now."

"Wow, you're so cool," Isaiah said. Reva winked at him.

"These are my siblings, Hazel," he said, gesturing to his little sister. "And Isaiah. And this is My mother."

Reva smiled at them all. "You have a lovely home Mrs. Besnik."

"Oh, please call me Alicia". His mother said. Easton, come help me set the table. You two, be nice."

"We will." The Twins chimed in unison.

"Follow us, we'll show you around," Hazel said, grabbing Reva's hand. They head toward the living room.

When they were laughing out of earshot, His mother said, "you didn't tell me she was that gorgeous. How the hell did you manage to find A girlfriend like that."

"Mom," he cried.

She started humming and carrying food to the table. He rolled his eyes and followed with the plates and silverware.

After they were done he went to go save Reva from his eleven-year-old siblings. Reva, it seemed, did not need saving.

"No, you have to put your back foot like this," she demonstrated to Hazel as he leaned against the door frame, "Then you just." She spun around.

"Wow, who taught you that?" Hazel asked.

"I've been studying at a studio in the city since I was nine," Reva replied.

"But that's girl stuff, what about sword fighting tips," Isaiah said.

"You know, Isaiah, dancing helps with sword fighting. It's one of the reasons I'm so good."

"What are the other reasons?" Isaiah asked not convinced about the dancing.

"Practice, determination, and a good teacher. But I have a question for you two."

"What?" They said together.

"Since your twins, can you read each other's minds?" The twins grinned at each other.

"We have no clue what you're talking about," they said in perfect unison.

"Oh, I like you two," Reva laughed.

"It's time for dinner you three. Easton said from the doorway." He smiled as Reva jumped a little.

"Seriously. How did you do that, even my winds didn't pick you up."

Easton shrugged and then laughed as Reva pressed her lips together and glared. Easton stuck out his tongue, she returned the motion.

"What taking so long!" His mother called from the kitchen. When they were all seated around the rectangle wooden table in the kitchen Easton asked Reva.

"So how did it go." He watched as Reva's shoulder dropped a bit.

"Like I expected it to be, a bunch of," she paused, glancing at the twins, "crap," she corrected herself.

"How so?" he asked.

"Because all it did was make me and Rani angrier. At the viper's fake words and tears, I swear Rani was about to explode with moon fire."

"Vipers?" His mother asked.

"That's what she calls the king's court," he answered for her. "How is Rani."

"I don't know, sad and angry, are a good guess."

"And you?" He asked. She glared.

"I'd rather talk about something else tonight if you don't mind."

"We could talk about Kalopsia," Hazel said, "I want to go there so bad." Reva smiled at her and said.

"It just so happens that I know the princess of Kalopsia."

"Really? What's she like?" Hazel beamed.

"You know I promised to give her a tour of the city tomorrow, She's quite interested in meeting Easton." She glanced at him and his mother. "If it's okay with you, I could bring her by. She's a really sweet person. She's a lot nicer than Rani and me." She directed the last part at him. Knowing the thought that would likely go through his head after his father's death.

He looked at his mom who gave a nod.

"If you think she's okay, then I see no problem with it." He told Reva.

"YES! YES! YES!" Hazel squealed.

Reva smiled at him. They continued talking about verse subjects straying far from the funeral. His mother questioned them endlessly about their relationship and exactly who Reva was.

After dinner, Easton found himself doing dishes with Reva. Who despite his mother's protest insisted she helped.

"I'm sorry, about before. I didn't mean to pry." Easton said.

"Don't be," She looked at him, "I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just, I don't even know what I'm feeling."

"You want to talk about it. It might help." He offered.

Reva dried that last dish and put it in the cabinet.

"Does this place has a roof," she asked.

Easton smiled and grabbed her hand, "follow me." He said, leading her to the stairs.



Reva's breath caught as the cool air met her, and she saw the last of the floating lanterns burning in the distance. Easton led her to the edge where they both climbed up letting their feet hang off the building.

Easton's house was beautiful in her opinion, small and nothing like the castle, but Reva like that. It was made out of pale brown rock, like most of the houses in the lower parts of Lumos. It was adorned with hanging plants, bringing it to life, and the inside was cozy and simple.

"So what do you wanna talk about," Easton asked.

"I don't know where to start."

"Tell me about your day, all of it."

"Well, I kissed this really cute guy."

"I hope you mean me." Reva rolled her eyes as Easton chuckled.

"Start with after our date," he rephrased.

So she did, she told him about Iris and the guard. About Rani and Clarissa's teasing. He had cracked up about that, making her punch him playfully in the arm. They talked about the funeral and Rani locking herself in her room after. And her mixed feelings and everything that Iris had said the other day in court.

Easton listened to all of it. Asking questions when he was confused and advised when she asked. Or simply gifting her his attention when she didn't.

"Yeah, my mind is nowhere near that full and complicated." He said after she had finished.

"Oh, I know," She teased. He rolled his eyes, then frowned.

"It sounds like you need a break."

"Sadly I can't leave Rani, especially with the vipers."

"Well, there's no court or meeting until after the coronation right."

"Well no, but it would be seen as rude to leave, when we have foreign guests."Then bring Iris, say it's a diplomatic vacation. That you want to straighten ties between Marmoris and the future queen of Kalopsia." She thought about it.

"You do have a brain," she said.

"Despite popular belief, yes I do," they both chuckled.

"But where would we go on this diplomatic vacation."

"I know a cool spot in Grimwolf Forest."

"Camping?" She let out a huff of laughter. "I'd love to see what Rani thinks about camping."

"Then ask her and Iris, and we can bring Eric and Clarissa as are guards." He made air quotations around the word guards. We can take my boat."

Reva laughed, "So that's why you want to go, you can show off your boat."

"You know I don't let just anyone on my boat, but for you."

He leaned in a little, a silent invitation. She closed the space between them and they kissed fully, claiming each other's mouths.

She pulled away, "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon," then she twisted and slid down a pipe to the streets.

"You could have used the front door you know!" He called.

"What's the fun in that!" She waved and set off down the streets smoothing out her dress.



Rani had been crying since the service. She tried not to. But she couldn't stop. She tried to distract herself with her favorite book, when that didn't work she tried painting. That didn't help either. She ended up taking a long hot bath and then climbed into bed wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt. Eventually, she fell into a light sleep.

She dreamed of wild ocean waves and dark shapes flying toward her. She heard the clashing of swords and cries of fear. Her parents were standing in front of her, staring at the massive dark army.

She called for them, but only moon fire came out. The ship tore apart and her parents fell into the black depths below. She saw their face sinking further from her. She was screaming for them, but silver moon fire engulfed her in frozen flames.

"Rani! RANI!" Someone yelled. Through the silver, gray and, white flames. "RANI!" They cried again.

She jerked up, Her head was spinning and Silver flames were dancing around her. Her entire room was covered in Ice.

Reva was holding her face, eyes wide with fear, not from her display of powers but for her. Fear that she couldn't pull her back.

"Rani!" She said.

"I'm. I'm okay." Rani answered her, shaking. It was freezing, she could see Reva's breath as they sat. Reva stroked her back, soothing her. "I'm Okay," She repeated, more to herself than Reva.

She tasted metallic and knew Reva was using the heat from her lightning to warm them. Slowly the Ice melted and warmth returned.

"Since when can you do that," Rani asked.

"I have been practicing, you know."

They sat in silence. After a few minutes, when Rani's heart had slowed to a normal pace, Reva spoke again.

"First, are you sure you're okay? You won't slip into the power again?"

"Yeah, I'm. I'm sure."

Reva surveyed her, whatever she found made her nod, "Second, What the rutting hell was that."

Rani looked at her, fear still clouded her eyes.

"I've been having these dreams. About my parents."

"Rani, why didn't you tell me." Reva looked devastated.

"I didn't want you to worry."

"I always worry. Rani, please tell me when somethings hurting you."

"Oh like you always do." Rani snapped.

Reva held her stare. No Reva had always been the one that held her strongest emotions inside. To take them out a look at them slowly, to understand them. Rani knew why. Reva felt so much that sometimes she couldn't tell what she was feeling. And if she didn't always keep a tight leash on it, then the more dangerous thoughts would come out.

People often said Reva didn't have a filter, they were dead wrong. They didn't want to know what she left unsaid.

Rani sighed and told her about the dreams. Reva listens to it all.

"So that's why you asked Iris about the evil spirits," Reva said.

She nodded.

"Tomorrow, I'm giving Iris a tour, but the next day we're going on a short vacation. Then we'll get through your coronation and then you and I, we'll find some answers."

"We can't just leave."

"We can, Easton and I have a plan, leave it to me. Okay." Reva called for a maid, to get her new sheets. She had ruined her other ones.

Reva waited until the maids were done, and thanked them by name. Then she followed Rani to the bed and tucked her in.

"Get some sleep, okay, and I'm a hallway away if you need anything."

Rani nodded then turned away from her. She heard Reva quietly shut the door and then the tears started again until she fell asleep.